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Hi Guys,


What I am doing is making a backup of a folder by zipping it on a server which is outside of web root, downloading a local copy to a web accessible place and then uploading the zip file back to the non web folder. I am using phpseclib's sftp to achieve this.


The error I have is that when the file is uploaded to the non web area, the file is 0 bytes and cannot be used, the copy stored on the web accesible area is fine?


The code I am using:



	$worldname = $_GET['backup']; //checks to see if upload

	if(!is_dir("backups")) //create backup directory if not exist
		mkdir("backups", 0777);

	mkdir("backups/".$worldname, 0777); //make filename directory

	$main_dest = "backups/".$worldname.""; //set backup destination
	$delpath = "backups/"; //path which will be deleted later

	$sftp = new Net_SFTP($host);
	$sftp->login($root_user, $root_pass);  //login to sftp
	$get = "/root/minecraft/".$worldname."/"; //get correct directory for backup

	get_folder($sftp, $get, $main_dest ); //execute command

	Zip('backups/'.$worldname.'','backups/'.$worldname.''.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip'); //make zip of folder

	$sftp->put('/root/minecraft/backups/'.$worldname.''.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip','backups/'.$worldname.' '.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip',NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE); //put zip file from web folder to root/backup folder
	rrmdir($delpath); //delete old folder (function below)
	//unlink('backups/'.$worldname.''.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip'); deletes web copy

	header('Location: index.php');


The line which is causing the issue is:


$sftp->put('/root/minecraft/backups/'.$worldname.''.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip','backups/'.$worldname.' '.date("dmy-H:i").'.zip',NET_SFTP_LOCAL_FILE);


The function is basically $remotefile, $data, $mode


Can anyone take a guess at what is causing the issue? PHP max upload size is 200mb, the files are around 5mb, the timeout is 360 seconds?





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