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I am wanting to echo one of these 4 statements depending on the 'status' value. Currently it is showing the status value on the 2nd line but not the statement below..


<strong>Status: </strong><?php more_fields('status') ?>

<?php if (more_fields('status')=="Red") echo "Your account is currently undergoing judgement";
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Green") echo "Your account is currently Live"; 
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Yellow") echo "Your account is currently undergoing site visits";
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Blue") echo "Your account is currently undergoing insolvency/liquidation";?>




any help appreciated.


Thanks, Jake

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I have a drop down field from a wordpress plugin (morefields) and can select 1 of 4 colours. Red, Blue, Green, Red.


The code in the 2nd line shows the selected value as above (1 of the 4 colours)


This is part of a wordpress loop if that helps.. Shown below..


if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
  $user_id = get_current_user_id();
  query_posts( "author=$user_id&posts_per_page=10" );?>

     <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

<strong>Status: </strong><?php more_fields('status') ?>

<?php if (more_fields('status')=="Red") echo "Your account is currently undergoing judgement";
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Green") echo "Your account is currently Live"; 
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Yellow") echo "Your account is currently undergoing site visits";
elseif (more_fields('status')=="Blue") echo "Your account is currently undergoing insolvency/liquidation";?>



  <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>

    <?php endwhile; else: ?>

        <p><?php _e('You Currently Have No Debtors'); ?></p>

    <?php endif; ?>



I think the problem might be that more_fields() is echo'ing the status instead of returning it. So you'll probably want to modify it to be able to return a value. If you find the function definition I can help with that.


Alternatively, you can use output buffering as a sort-of hack, but I'd recommend the other option.

$status = ob_get_clean();

case 'Red'    : echo "Your account is currently undergoing judgement"; break;		
case 'Green'  : echo "Your account is currently Live"; break;
case 'Yellow' : echo "Your account is currently undergoing site visits"; break;
case 'Blue'   : echo "Your account is currently undergoing insolvency/liquidation"; break;



Nice one! that is now working. Is there any reason this hack is not recommended? as I dont want to waste your time if this is a viable solution


The functions I have found are below..



function more_fields($key, $before = '', $after = '', $content_filter = false) {
$value = get_meta($key);
if (!$value) return false;
echo $before;
if ($content_filter) echo apply_filters('the_content', $value);
else echo $value;
echo $after;
return true;

**  get_box (  )
function get_box  ($name, $args = array()) {
global $more_fields;

    global $post;
    $html = '';
    $nl = "\n";

// Get our fields
$more_fields = $more_fields->get_objects(array('_plugin_saved', '_plugin'));

// Parse args
$defaults = array('format' => 'ul', 'div' => '', 'show' => '', 'title' => '');
$args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);

if (!is_array($more_fields)) return '<!-- No More Fields are defined -->';
if (!array_key_exists($name, $more_fields)) return "<!-- The box name '$name' does not exist! -->";

// Make sure we've got someting to display
$something = false;
foreach ((array) $more_fields[$name]['field'] as $field) 
	if (get_post_meta($post->ID, $field['key'], true)) $something = true;
if (!$something) return "<!-- Nothing to display for '$name' -->";

// Iterate through our meta fields and generat some html
for ($i=0; $i < count($more_fields[$name]['field']); $i++) {
	$key = $more_fields[$name]['field'][$i]['key'];
	$title = $more_fields[$name]['field'][$i]['title'];		

	// Set up the list
	if ($i == 0) {
		if ($args['div']) $html .= '<div id="' . $args['div'] .'">' . $nl;
		if ($args['format']) {
			$caption = ($args['title']) ? ($args['title']) : $name;
			$html .= '<h3 class="meta_widget_header">' . $caption . '</h3>' . $nl;
			$html .= '<' . $args['format'] . '>' . $nl;
	// Does this field qualify for being shown?
	$show = false;
	if (is_array($args['show'])) {
		for ($k = 0; $k < count($args['show']); $k++) 
			if ($args['show'][$k] == $key)
				$show =  true;
	} else if (!$args['show'] || ($args['show'] == $key)) $show = true;

	$value = get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, true);

	if ($show && $value) {

		// Amost the same as 'the_content' filter
		$value = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />", $value);
		$value = wptexturize($value);
		$value = convert_chars($value);

		$style_li = ' class="meta_' . $key . '_ul"';
		$style_dt = ' class="meta_' . $key . '_dt"';
		$style_dd = ' class="meta_' . $key . '_dd"';
		if ($args['format'] == 'ul') $html .= "<li ${style_li}>" . $value . '</li>' . $nl;
		else if ($args['format'] == 'dl') $html .= "<dt ${style_dt}>" . $title . "</dt><dd ${style_dd}>" . $value . '</dd>' . $nl;
		else if ($args['format'] == 'p') $html .= $value . $nl;
		else $html .= $value . $nl;
	// Close the list and the optional div
	if ($i == count($more_fields[$name]['field']) - 1) {
		if ($args['format']) $html .= '</' . $args['format'] . '>' . $nl;
		if ($args['div']) $html .= '</div>' . $nl;
    echo $html;

**   get_meta ( )
function get_meta ($meta, $id = '') {	
global $post;
if ($id) $meta = get_post_meta($id, $meta, true);
else {
	$id = (get_the_id()) ? get_the_id() : $post->ID;
	$meta = get_post_meta($id, $meta, true);
return $meta;
function meta ($meta, $id = '') { echo get_meta($meta, $id); }

**		more_fields_img()
function more_fields_img($meta, $before = '', $after = '', $options = array()) {

$defaults = array('height' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'size' => '', 'crop' => false);	
$options = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );

if ( ! ( $id = get_meta($meta) ) ) return false;

// If the image size does not exist, make it
if ( !$options['size'] && ($options['height'] || $options['width'] ) ) {
	$size = 'mf_h' . $options['height'] . '_w' . $options['width'];
	add_image_size( $size, $options['width'], $options['height'], $options['resize'] );
	$file = wp_get_attachment_url($id);
	$file = str_replace(get_option('siteurl'), ABSPATH, $file);
	$a = image_make_intermediate_size( $file, $options['width'], $options['height'], $options['crop']);
	$as = explode('/', $file);
	$original_file = $as[count($as) - 1];				
	// $b = 	image_get_intermediate_size($id, $size); //{
	$new_file = $a['file'];

// Churn out some HTML
$attr = array('class' => 'mf_image attachment-' . $id, 'id' => 'attachment-' . $id);
$b = wp_get_attachment_image($id, $size, false, $attr);
if ($new_file) $b = str_replace($original_file, $new_file, $b);
echo $before. $b . $after;

return true;


**    more_fields_template_action ()
**    Remplate action to get content of a box.
function more_fields_template_action ($title, $options = array()) {
get_box($title, $options);

add_action('more_fields', 'more_fields_template_action', 10, 2);

// I'm duplicating this function here - it's in the admin object too. 
function mf_get_boxes() {
global $more_fields_boxes, $more_fields;

$more_fields = $more_fields->get_data() ; //get_option('more_fields_boxes');

if (!is_array($more_fields)) $more_fields = array();
if (!is_array($more_fields_boxes)) $more_fields_boxes = array();

foreach (array_keys($more_fields_boxes) as $key)
	$more_fields[$key] = $more_fields_boxes[$key];
	return $more_fields;


Thanks again

Generally you don't want to echo things from a function. As you can see, doing so limits what you can do with it.


It looks like modifying that function might mess up things elsewhere. You could add another function to return the output using the hack above. It's not perfect but at least it's less code every time you want to do that.


function return_more_fields($key, $before = '', $after = '', $content_filter = false)
if (more_fields($key, $before, $after, $content_filter) === false) {
	return false;

return ob_get_clean();

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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