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Restricting files, folders etc


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I was wondering if anyone can potentially help me on this one. I'm not so hot with htaccess/apache so any help would be hugely appreciated!



So i'm serving a selection of files from my website, but want them restricted so that no one can go to the file and download it.

I've currently got that working via this code:


SetEnvIf Referer mywebsite\.com localreferer
SetEnvIf Referer sub.mywebsite\.com localreferertwo
SetEnvIf Referer subtwo.mywebsite\.com localrefererthree

<FilesMatch \.(eot|woff|ttf|svg)$>
Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=localreferer
Allow from env=localreferertwo
Allow from env=localrefererthree


This currently works, and going to the location of an eot, woff etc is presented with a 403 forbidden warning, yet when my website (or sub domains etc) calls the files, it all displays them correctly etc. Hoorah!


However, when I call these files from another server, it allows the files to be displayed. How can I prevent this from happening?

I would of course like to be able to maybe make an exception for one or two websites, but generally I don't want others being able to use my files.


I thought I may be able to do this via hotlink prevention, however this resulted in problems displaying it on my own site for some reason.


If anyone can help that'd be great.




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