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Required photo 'OR' another field in form


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I have a form with fields which must be required such as name, address, town, city etc.

I then need to have a photo, a memory field and a data protection tick box, for which at least one must be selected.

I tried this but it only works for the memory field and the data protection. If a user only chooses to insert a photo the error still occurs.

//error checking here

if(!$_REQUEST['name']){$_REQUEST[errors]['Name']='<div class="errors">Please enter your Name</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['address1']){$_REQUEST[errors]['Address']='<div class="errors">Please enter your Address</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['town']){$_REQUEST[errors]['Town']='<div class="errors">Please enter your Town</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['city']){$_REQUEST[errors]['City']='<div class="errors">Please enter your City</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['postcode']){$_REQUEST[errors]['Postcode']='<div class="errors">Please enter your Postcode</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['country']){$_REQUEST[errors]['Country']='<div class="errors">Please enter your Country</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['license']){$_REQUEST[errors]['License']='<div class="errors">Please agree to grant a license for the use of your text/photo</div>';}
if(!$_REQUEST['photo']!="" && !$_REQUEST['memory']!="" && !$_REQUEST['datap']!=""){$_REQUEST[errors]['Optional']='<div class="errors">Please either enter a photo, memory or agree to the Data Protection Act</div>';}
if(validateemail($_REQUEST['email'])===false){$_REQUEST[errors]['Email']='<div class="errors">Please enter a valid Email address</div>';}

I think it might have something to do with the [quote]if(!$_REQUEST['photo']!="" [/quote]

I tried using [quote]if(!$_FILES['photo']!="" [/quote] but the rror doesnt come up at all then.

Any ideas??

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It doesnt matter about the datap now, thats not required its just the photo and memory.

i tried this:

[quote]if(!$_REQUEST['memory'] || !$_FILES['photo']){$_REQUEST[errors]['gukhk']='<div class="errors">Please enter either a photo or a memory</div>';}[/quote]

And that works, so if memory is only inserted thats fine, however if just a photo is inserted, it still throw the error message.

Any idea?

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I have got it working for photo now by doing:

[quote]if($_FILES['photo']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK){$_REQUEST[errors]['Optional']='<div class="errors">Please enter either a photo or a memory</div>';}[/quote]

However, i need to put the or memory bit in somewhere.

I tried

[quote]if($_FILES['photo']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK || !$_REQUEST['memory']{$_REQUEST[errors]['Optional']='<div class="errors">Please enter either a photo or a memory</div>';}[/quote]

But then neither would work

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[quote author=fiddy link=topic=113709.msg462332#msg462332 date=1162550426]
Can you pls try this:

(if($_REQUEST['photo']=="" && $_REQUEST['memory']=="" && $_REQUEST['datap']==""){)

That works for the memory part but not for the photo!

Have a look at my above post, thats how you get the photo part working but i cant put them together now ha

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