newphpcoder Posted April 10, 2012 Share Posted April 10, 2012 Hi.. Sorry, if I need to repost my problem in while loop. cause until now I can't resolve my problem in saving all data from while loop. I have this code StockRequisition.php where FORM was displayed. <?php error_reporting(0); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); $sr_date =date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $sql = "SELECT sr_number FROM stock_requisition ORDER BY sr_date DESC LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); if (!$result) { echo 'failed'; die(); } $total = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($total <= 0) { $currentSRNum = 1; $currentYear = (int)(date('y')); $currentMonth = (int)(date('m')); $currentDay = (int)(date('d')); $currentSRYMD = substr($row['sr_number'], 0, 6); $currentYMD = date("ymd"); if ($currentYMD > $currentSRYMD) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { $currentSRNum += 1; } } else { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Stock Number iteration.... $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,3)); $currentSRYear = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],2,2)); $currentSRMonth = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],0,2)); $currentSRNum = (int)(substr($row['sr_number'],6,4)); $currentYear = (int)(date('y')); $currentMonth = (int)(date('m')); $currentDay = (int)(date('d')); $currentSRYMD = substr($row['sr_number'], 0, 6); $currentYMD = date("ymd"); if ($currentYMD > $currentSRYMD) { $currentSRNum = 1; } else { $currentSRNum += 1; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $yearMonth = date('ymd'); $currentSR = $currentYMD . sprintf("%04d", $currentSRNum); ?> <html> <title>Stock Requisition</title> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="kanban.css"> <script type="text/javascript"> function save_sr(){ var sr_date = document.getElementById("sr_date").value; var sr_number = document.getElementById("sr_number").value; var Items1 = document.getElementById("Items1").value; var SubItems = document.getElementById("SubItems").value; var ItemCode = document.getElementById("ItemCode").value; var DemandedQty = document.getElementById("DemandedQty").value; var UoM = document.getElementById("UoM").value; var Class = document.getElementById("Class").value; var Description = document.getElementById("Description").value; var BINLocation = document.getElementById("BINLocation").value; var RequestedBy = document.getElementById("RequestedBy").value; var ApprovedBy = document.getElementById("ApprovedBy").value; var ReceivedBy = document.getElementById("ReceivedBy").value; var IssuedBy = document.getElementById("IssuedBy").value; document.stock_requisition.action="StockRequisitionSave.php?sr_date="+sr_date+"&sr_number="+sr_number+"&Items1="+Items1+ "&SubItems="+SubItems+"&ItemCode="+ItemCode+"&DemandedQty="+DemandedQty+"&UoM="+UoM+"&Class="+Class+"&Description="+ Description+"&BINLocation="+BINLocation+"&RequestedBy="+RequestedBy+"&ApprovedBy="+ApprovedBy+"&ReceivedBy="+ReceivedBy+ "&IssuedBy="+IssuedBy; document.stock_requisition.submit(); alert("Stock Requisition data save."); window.location = "StockRequisition.php"; } </script> </head> <body> <form name="stock_requisition" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <div id="ddcolortabs"> <ul> <li> <a href="ParameterSettings.php" title="Parameter Settings"><span>Parameter Settings</span></a></li> <li style="margin-left: 1px"><a href="kanban_report.php" title="WIP Report"><span>Wip Report</span></a></li> <li><a href="fsn.php" title="Finished Stock Note"><span>WMS FG</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="WMS RM"><span>WMS RM</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="ddcolortabs1"> <ul> <li><a href="ReceivingMaterials.php" title="Receiving Materials"><span>Receiving Materials</span></a></li> <li><a href="Shelving.php" title="Shelving"><span>Shelving</span></a></li> <li id="current"><a href="StockRequisition.php" title="Stock Requisition"><span>Stock Requisition</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="SR_date"> <label>Date :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_date" value="<?php echo $sr_date; ?>" size="16" readonly="readonly" style="border: none;"> </div> <div id="SR_number"> <label>SR# :</label> <input type="text" name="sr_number" value="<?php echo $currentSR; ?>" size="10" readonly="readonly" style="font-weight: bold; border: none;"> <br/> </div> <div> <table> <thead> <th>Items</th> <th>Sub Items</th> <th>Item Code</th> <th>Demanded Qty</th> <th>UoM</th> <th>Class</th> <th>Description</th> <th>BIN Location</th> </thead> <?php $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT Items FROM bom_subitems ORDER BY Items"; $res_bom = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_bom)){ $Items = $row['Items']; echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;font-weight: bold;'> <input type='name' value='$Items' name='Items' id='Items' readonly = 'readonly' style = 'border:none;width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='5'></td> </tr>"; $sql = "SELECT Items, SubItems, ItemCode, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation FROM bom_subitems WHERE Items = '$Items' ORDER BY Items"or die(mysql_error()); $res_sub = mysql_query($sql, $con); while($row_sub = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_sub)){ $Items1 = $row_sub['Items']; $SubItems = $row_sub['SubItems']; $ItemCode = $row_sub['ItemCode']; $UoM = $row_sub['UoM']; $Class = $row_sub['Class']; $Description = $row_sub['Description']; $BINLocation = $row_sub['BINLocation']; echo "<tr> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='hidden' value='$Items1' id='Items1' name='Items1'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='SubItems' value='$SubItems' id='SubItems' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='ItemCode' value='$ItemCode' id='ItemCode' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'><center><input type='text' name='DemandedQty' id='DemandedQty' value='' size='7'></center></td> <td style='border: none;' size='3'> <input type='text' name='UoM' value='$UoM' id='UoM' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='3'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Class' value='$Class' id='Class' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='Description' value='$Description' id='Description' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> <td style='border: none;'> <input type='text' name='BINLocation' value='$BINLocation' id='BINLocation' readonly='readonly' style='border:none; width:auto;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 1em;' size='10'></td> </tr>"; } } ?> </table> </div> <?php $RequestedBy = array('AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC', 'DDD'); $ApprovedBy = array('EEE', 'FFF', 'GGG', 'HHH'); $ReceivedBy = array('III', 'JJJ', 'KKK', 'LLL'); $IssuedBy = array('MMM', 'NNN', 'OOO', 'PPP'); ?> <div id='Requested_By'> <label>Requested By:</label> <select name="RequestedBy"> <option value="Select">Select</option> <option value="AAA" <?php if($_POST['RequestedBy'] == 'AAA') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>AAA</option> <option value="BBB" <?php if($_POST['RequestedBy'] == 'BBB') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>BBB</option> <option value="CCC" <?php if($_POST['RequestedBy'] == 'CCC') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>CCC</option> <option value="DDD" <?php if($_POST['RequestedBy'] == 'DDD') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>DDD</option> </select> </div> <div id='Approved_By'> <label>Approved By:</label> <select name="ApprovedBy"> <option name='Select'>Select</option> <option value="EEE" <?php if($_POST['ApprovedBy'] == 'EEE') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>EEE</option> <option value="FFF" <?php if($_POST['ApprovedBy'] == 'FFF') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>FFF</option> <option value="GGG" <?php if($_POST['ApprovedBy'] == 'GGG') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>GGG</option> <option value="HHH" <?php if($_POST['ApprovedBy'] == 'HHH') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>HHH</option> </select> </div> <div id='Received_By'> <label>Issued By:</label> <select name="IssuedBy"> <option name='Select'>Select</option> <option value="III" <?php if($_POST['ReceivedBy'] == 'III') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>III</option> <option value="JJJ" <?php if($_POST['ReceivedBy'] == 'JJJ') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>JJJ</option> <option value="KKK" <?php if($_POST['ReceivedBy'] == 'KKK') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>KKK</option> <option value="LLL" <?php if($_POST['ReceivedBy'] == 'LLL') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>LLL</option> </select> </div> <div id='Issued_By'> <label>Received By:</label> <select name="ReceivedBy"> <option name='Select'>Select</option> <option value="MMM" <?php if($_POST['IssuedBy'] == 'MMM') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>MMM</option> <option value="NNN" <?php if($_POST['IssuedBy'] == 'NNN') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>NNN</option> <option value="OOO" <?php if($_POST['IssuedBy'] == 'OOO') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>OOO</option> <option value="PPP" <?php if($_POST['IssuedBy'] == 'PPP') echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>PPP</option> </select> </div> <div id="save_btn"> <input type="button" name="button" value="save" onClick="save_sr()"> </div> </form> </body> </html> and here is StockRequisitionSave.php code for saving data to database : <?php error_reporting(0); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Singapore"); //set the time zone $con = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root',''); if (!$con) { echo 'failed'; die(); } mysql_select_db("mes", $con); $sr_date = $_POST['sr_date']; $sr_number = $_POST['sr_number']; $Items1 = $_POST['Items1']; $SubItems = $_POST['SubItems']; $ItemCode = $_POST['ItemCode']; $DemandedQty = $_POST['DemandedQty']; $UoM = $_POST['UoM']; $Class = $_POST['Class']; $Description = $_POST['Description']; $BINLocation = $_POST['BINLocation']; $RequestedBy = $_POST['RequestedBy']; $ApprovedBy = $_POST['ApprovedBy']; $ReceivedBy = $_POST['ReceivedBy']; $IssuedBy = $_POST['IssuedBy']; $sql = "INSERT INTO stock_requisition (sr_date, sr_number, Items, SubItems, ItemCode, DemandedQty, UoM, Class, Description, BINLocation, RequestedBy, ApprovedBy, ReceivedBy, IssuedBy) VALUES ('$sr_date', '$sr_number', '$Items1', '$SubItems', '$ItemCode', '$DemandedQty', '$UoM', '$Class', '$Description', '$BINLocation', '$RequestedBy', '$ApprovedBy', '$ReceivedBy', '$IssuedBy') "; $result = mysql_query($sql, $con); ?> the problem is only the last data was save. I will attach my form. I hope somebody can help me.. I really don't know how can I save all data from form into my database. Thank you so much for your understanding and help. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
caliux Posted April 10, 2012 Share Posted April 10, 2012 In your JS is the problem because,there you get jus the last data.Try to code again the JS and HTML,with multiple id`s Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PFMaBiSmAd Posted April 10, 2012 Share Posted April 10, 2012 1) As previously stated in one of your threads, you need to remove the javascript form submission code. Do NOT try to use javascript to do this until you have enough experience and understand what it is you are doing. Your current page is submitting the form data twice. The javascript is submitting data using the GET method and the browser is submitting the data using the POST method. 2) Also as previously stated in one of your threads, you must use arrays for the form fields so that you can submit the multiple sets of data. Your existing form reuses the same field names and only the last set of data will be submitted. You must use arrays so that each set of data will be submitted. 3) After you get the form to correctly submit the expected sets of data as arrays, then you can write or find php code that loops over that data to process it. I recommend adding the following line of code to your form processing page so that you can see exactly what data is being submitted - echo '<pre>',print_r($_POST,true),'</pre>'; 4) You are also executing a select query inside of a loop using the result of another select query on the same table. That can all be replaced with one query and then loop over the result set from the one query. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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