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A little DOM problem


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Hi programmers, web developers,

Not really sure if this shud be here but you may be able to help.  I have a home.php script that build my main page like so :
    function displayHome()
    $content = $_REQUEST['content'];

    if($content == "")
$content = "admin";


<table width=100%>
<tr width=100% class="canvas">
<a class="butText" href="home.php?content=client">Client</a>
<a class="butText" href="home.php?content=sale">Sale</a>
<a class="butText" href="home.php?content=admin">Admin</a>
<a class="butText" href="home.php?content=report">Report</a>
<a class="butText" href="home.php?content=rma">RMA</a>
<table width=100% valign="left"><tr>
<td rowspan="2" width=60%>
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . "/$content.inc");
echo "</td><td width=40%>";
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . "/inform.php");
echo "</td></tr><tr><td>";
include(TEMPLATE_DIR . "/prodDisp.php");
echo "</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'>";
  require_once(TEMPLATE_DIR . '/footer.php');
echo "</td></tr></table>";

And within my HEADER I have a little AJAX magic it includes two JavaScript files that I know it's finding as it sort of works.

Basically it is a dynamic Drop down list that works like Google Suggest except for Companies in the database.  So it captures the key click and sends it to a .php file in the same directory which queries the database and sends back the result.

I edited this file so that it didn't wait for a keyclick but used static data within the file and ran it from it's directory to see if it was working and it did.  So changed it back.

If I run the .html file itself it works fine, but if I run it throught my php script it doesn't bring up any data.  All directories remain the same.

Here's the html :
<td width=20%><input type="text" id="company" name="company" value="" onkeyup="ajax_showOptions(this,'getCountriesByLetters',event)"></td>
Here's the .php :
if(isset($_GET['getCountriesByLetters']) && isset($_GET['letters']))
$letters = $_GET['letters'];
$letters = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9 ]/si","",$letters);
$res = mssql_query("select custId, company from customers where company like '" . $letters . "%'") or die("Stupid database");
//echo "1###select custId, company from customers where company like '" . $letters . "%'|";
while($inf = mssql_fetch_array($res))
echo $inf["custId"] . "###" . $inf["company"] . "|";

Any Ideas?
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Ok sussed this one, where my javascript code had originally asked for the php file it now started its root from the php that created the page, for anyone else out there bamboozled by this little puzzle ;)

However now I get the Data into my Input box, what do I need to put on my button to send that data to php. Like my <a href> buttons do in the original post and also bring up the customers form with the data already filled in?

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