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I want to control a variable (decide whether to track click if coming from a specific site oppose to hitting the final site (destination) directly.

For example:


www.portal.com - this will be a management site that will redirect viewers to the the final destination based on variable info - for exmample $a=123 or $a= 567 - which would come in as www.portal.com?a=123 or www.portal.com?a=567


Note: 123 would redirect to www.abc.com?a=123 and/or 567 would redirect to www.xyz.com?a=567 with said variable(s).



My question is this: What is the best method to authenticate (both on) www.abc.com and/or www.xyz.com that the referred viewer came from www.portal.com?

I know about the super globals (HTTP_REFERER) but want to know if there are other (more) secure method to manage this interaction between external domains /websites?


Any insight on this appreciated - thx!


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Yeah, that's the issue - passing data cross (external) domains. I know it can be done with $_SESSIONS but that's overboard for what I want to accomplish - it's not sensitive information so no problem using $_GET (appending to string to pass along).


My only requirement is that I want to acknowledge - from the receiving domains - that the redirect came from that one specific source (www.portal.com) and no other referral or the data capture won't be logged. Reason: this way, I can keep "direct" views from being logged as a hit <they have to originate or coming from www.portal.com>.


It looks like "HTTP_REFERER" the option - I will just match on that link.

The only way it would work with a session/token system would be if the two domains had access to the shared database/filesystem, and the token was passed in the URL.




Generally, sessions use cookies which can not cross domains.


HTTP_REFERER is the easiest way. Otherwise, you'd need a database both domains have access to, and generate/pass/confirm a token.

I think I may have a way - using Sessions.

Here's my thinking:


PHP makes a name/value pair available in a constant named SID if a cookie value for a session ID cannot be found. To that, I think I may be able to do something like this:


<a href="www.abc.com?<?php echo SID; ?>">Testing</a>


which should reach the browser as:


<a href="www.abc.com?html?PHPSESSIS=xxxxxxxxxxxxxwhich will be the encrypted session xxxxxx">Testing</a>


Note: I just have to ensure session_start() defined on the receiving page and this would then be recognized.

Of course, I'll set this as a automatic (timer) redirect but explaining in this format for discussion.


I will try this and advise - thx!


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