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Hi I am currently making a site where users can upload second hand books for sale, I have everything working as i wish apart from i am having trouble creating a account page where users can review the books they have posted.


so far i use the following code to bring view a the data associated with an uploaded book based on its id


  public static function getById( $id ) {
    $conn = new PDO( DB_DSN, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD );
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM books WHERE id = :id";
    $st = $conn->prepare( $sql );
    $st->bindValue( ":id", $id, PDO::PARAM_INT );
    $row = $st->fetch();
    $conn = null;
    if ( $row ) return new Book( $row );


I think i can use a similar function for my user account however, each book entered by a user has their member id attached to it, which is gained from there id in the members table which in turn is stored in $_SESSION['id']. My question is, is there a way to rework the code above to have something like select * where member_id = $_SESSION['id']. I have tried a few things and get stuck manly due to the fact i dont know what to replace the current :id with.


Thanks in advance, i hope i explained it well enough for you lot to understand.



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This is a function i use to select books based on the categoryid. category has its own table and the id is a foreign key in the books table


  public static function getList( $numRows=1000000, $categoryId=null, $order="id DESC" ) {
    $conn = new PDO( DB_DSN, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD );
	$categoryClause = $categoryId ? "WHERE categoryId = :categoryId" : "";
            FROM books $categoryClause
           ORDER BY " . mysql_escape_string($order) . " LIMIT :numRows";

    $st = $conn->prepare( $sql );
    $st->bindValue( ":numRows", $numRows, PDO::PARAM_INT );
    if ( $categoryId ) $st->bindValue( ":categoryId", $categoryId, PDO::PARAM_INT );
    $list = array();

    while ( $row = $st->fetch() ) {
      $book = new Book( $row );
      $list[] = $book;

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