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Hi i have php script which i have been running on on my web server which is dreamhost which is working fine...


but here's  the twist i have just set-up a xampp server apache 2.2 on my windows 7 machine my website is running fine expect for the openssl encrypt script which is filing to encrypt


here's a sample of my code.


$MY_KEY_FILE = "c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\my-prvkey.pem";


# public certificate file to use

$MY_CERT_FILE = "c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\my-pubcert.pem";


# Paypal's public certificate

$PAYPAL_CERT_FILE = "c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\paypal_cert_pem.txt";


# path to the openssl binary

$OPENSSL = "c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\openssl.exe";




$form = array('cmd' => '_xclick',

        'business' => 'removed business name for security ',

        'cert_id' => 'removed cert id for security',

        'lc' => 'AU',

        'custom' => ''.$id.'',

        'invoice' => removed business name for security',

        'currency_code' => 'AUD',

        'no_shipping' => '1',

        'item_name' => 'removed business name for security',

        'item_number' => '1',

'amount' => $total




$encrypted = paypal_encrypt($form);



function paypal_encrypt($hash)


//Sample PayPal Button Encryption: Copyright 2006-2010 StellarWebSolutions.com

//Not for resale - license agreement at


global $MY_KEY_FILE;

global $MY_CERT_FILE;


global $OPENSSL;



if (!file_exists($MY_KEY_FILE)) {

echo "ERROR: MY_KEY_FILE $MY_KEY_FILE not found\n";


if (!file_exists($MY_CERT_FILE)) {

echo "ERROR: MY_CERT_FILE $MY_CERT_FILE not found\n";


if (!file_exists($PAYPAL_CERT_FILE)) {





//Assign Build Notation for PayPal Support

$hash['bn']= 'StellarWebSolutions.PHP_EWP2';


$data = "";

foreach ($hash as $key => $value) {

if ($value != "") {

//echo "Adding to blob: $key=$value\n";

$data .= "$key=$value\n";



// here's where i believe the problem is when creating and signing the my_cert_file i had to specify where the openssl.cnf file was do i need to do same here..

-config c:\\xampp\\apache\\bin\\openssl.cnf



$openssl_cmd = "($OPENSSL smime -sign -signer $MY_CERT_FILE -inkey $MY_KEY_FILE " .

"-outform der -nodetach -binary <<_EOF_\n$data\n_EOF_\n) | " .

"$OPENSSL smime -encrypt -des3 -binary -outform pem $PAYPAL_CERT_FILE";


exec($openssl_cmd, $output, $error);


if (!$error) {

return implode("\n",$output);

} else {

return "ERROR: encryption failed";




echo $output;





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