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Based on almost everything I have been told on here about HTML, CSS, web design, web layout, accessibility, and so on I would say that most people on here know very little about those topics.  That is abundantly clear.


No, what is abundantly clear is that you are making assumptions about a lot of people around here whom you know next to nothing about.  How do I know this?  Because I do know most of the regulars here, either personally, professionally, or both.  For years.  I can't speak for the random one-post-wonders though, so if those are the people you are referring to, then by all means, keep on with your assumptions about them, if that's what "works" for you. 



I meant to say that anyone who says you should rely on color or JavaScript to communicate important content/errors doesn't know anything about Web Standards or Accessibility.  (Any of the gurus I know in those areas would fall over laughing.)


And I did not disagree with you on that count.  In fact, I made it a point to explain that I did agree with you on that, but also pointed out that you are perfectly able to follow the advise given and still consider web standards and accesibility issues. 


I said "probably" because I don't want to speak for them, but I have known them long enough and already know what they would say to basically speak for them.


Now you're just playing word games.  Be straight forward.  Either you know their opinions or not.  You are entitled to your opinions but you can't expect me to listen to them when you're just making assumptions about what you think other people will say.


But I'm not here to debate that.  I know the right way to do those things.  How others choose to do them is up to them.


Then why did you even bring it up and ask for advice on the matter?  Are you just trolling? Because I can't think of any other reason why you would ask something if you already know how to do it.


It also means I was hungry for supper and didn't choose the best words...


I'm not trying to sound patronizing, but this is the internet, you type things out.  This isn't face-time where you just blurt things out because you're distracted and then be like "well shit.." I'm not asking you to be perfect with your words, but I do expect you to be accountable for them.  If what you say is true, then fine, but know that you got your responses based on your own faulty wordings.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.


I would never come to PHPFreaks for help with Web Design, UI, UX, Accessibility, Front-End Web Development (what I call a "Web Developer") and so on.


Just like I would never ask the experts I know in those areas about PHP, OOP, MySQL, Apache, etc.




Because different types of people excel in different areas.


One of the smartest people I know with CSS couldn't code a Hello World program in PHP.


And the reverse is true as well.


In general, fair enough, but again I must point out if this were really true, you wouldn't have asked for the latter.  So either this statement is untrue, or you're trolling.  Do you have a 3rd reason?  Does this fall under the "I was hungry, didn't speak what I meant" excuse?


The bigger point is, I stated that disagreed with some suggestions made earlier because I know from experience, from web standards, and from a lot of gurus I know that those are not the best choices.


Which items were not the best choices?  Are you still going on about using a particular color (red)?  Because if so, you entirely missed the point.  They were examples to convey principles.  I even pointed it out as such in my original post...for instance, I would never put css markup in-line like that.  It was an example, get over it.


But voicing my views politely is my right...


Yes, yes you do.  Nobody has said otherwise.  And I have rights to voice my opinions, too.  And my opinion is that you don't understand half the advice given to you, made assumptions about the other half, and for some reason are trying to argue about it even though you yourself acknowledge these are all opinions, and I myself have repeatedly acknowledged that you can do whatever you want and if it works, it works. 


The way I see it, you keep asking for advice on stuff you claim you already know the answer to.  Cite questionable sources (sorry, saying "I think a bunch of people would agree with me" is questionable), tell us we don't know anything about said subject matter as if you actually know us... at this point in time, I'm inclined to agree with xyph that you really are trying to pick a fight here. 


And this isn't the first time you've been through this song and dance with people around here, have you?  Yes, I've seen your previous threads, and I have tried real hard to defend your rights around here.  You do everything you've done here...you start off asking some questions, then write the answers off as if you already knew they were wrong, point at vague evidence about why it is wrong, and then get all pissy when they lash out at you in frustration.  But I have nonetheless repeatedly defended you over it, because yes, you are entitled to your opinions.  And you are entitled to being a dumbass who simultaneously calls someone an expert and asks for help, and yet dismisses them as being clueless.  It is your right to be that person who asks for help and refuses to listen. 


You don't know.  Everything you know is your opinions and what you think "others" would say.  You have shown me nothing more.  You may look like an expert to your "non-techie" clients as you put it, but that don't fly around here.  We don't expect you to bow down to us like we're gods.  What we do expect is for you to not yank our chains like you know wtf you're talking about when you know damn well you don't.  You don't bullshit the mechanic about how you think a car should run, and you don't bullshit the professional web developers about how things should be done on the web.  The fact that you think it is even possible to know jack shit about one piece and be expert on another proves what a noob you are.  And it is fine to be a noob.  What is not fine is the attitude. 


Ditch it or GTFO.  And if we are as worthless as you think we are, then you aren't going to miss out on anything.






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