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Php Search Files Script Help (Code Canyon)


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I am using Code Canyon's Php Search Files site script - its a search engine for static sites.


I have a small problem which I hope some of you can help me with.


If I put the search form in my header.php file, by default when the search query runs it diverts to another page on its own to display the results. I need to build the search results into my existing main content section on my site. I can do this by adding a php include of search.php and that works great (results wise).


The trouble is, I need the search bar to be in my header file, up at the top right of the page. I need the results to generate in the content window (like it does with an include in the main content area).


Completely stumped.


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It's a little difficult to do anything without seeing any code for this.


In the search form, make the action="" so it stays on the same page.

For your search form there is a POST or GET value, whichever it may use...do a code similar to this in your content area to display it.


Change the values to your own values.

if(isset($_POST['search']) && $_POST['search'] != ''){
} else {
//or include a normal content file
echo "show content";

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Thanks for your reply.


Everything is powered by search.php. This is how the code looks:





* Upload this file (search.php) and the folder (phpsearch_files) to your website.


$website_search_dynamic = new website_search_dynamic();
$search_term = trim($_REQUEST['search']);
if(strlen($search_term) <= 0){
	$website_search_dynamic -> error($website_search_dynamic->label("Please enter a search query."),true);
}else if(strlen($search_term) < $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_MIN_CHARS']){
	$website_search_dynamic -> error($website_search_dynamic->label("Sorry, you must enter at least %d characters in your search query",$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_MIN_CHARS']),true);
$website_search_dynamic -> search($search_term);
echo $website_search_dynamic -> render();

class website_search_dynamic{
private $_errors;
private $_labels;
public 	$results;
private $_search_term;
private $_original_search_term;
public 	$base_uri;
private $_search_priority_change;
public 	$searching; // are we searching or not
private $_can_pdf;
private $_search_depth;
private $ch;
private $_crawled_urls;
public $current_host; // used in scraping to determine the current host we're searching
public $current_path; // used in scraping to determine the current path on the host we're searching.
public $valid_hosts;
private $_content_hash; // used to remove duplicate content pages from the results.
public $hit_urls;
 * Constructor. Init's everything to the default values and finds the base url for search links.
public function __construct(){
	$this->start_time = microtime(true);
	$this->_labels = array();
	$this->_errors = array();
	$this->results = array();
	$this->_can_pdf = true;
	$this->_search_depth = 0; 
	$this->valid_hosts = array();
	$this->_content_hash = array();
	$this->url_args = '';
		$this->url_args = 'iframe=true&';
	@exec('pdftotext -v',$pdftotext,$return);

	//if($return == 1 || $return == 127){
		// no pdftotext support
		//$this->_can_pdf = false;

	$folder = trim(dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']),'/');
	$this->base_uri = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . (strlen($folder) ? $folder . '/' : '');
	$this->_search_priority_change = 0;

	// start curl up.
	// if no curl, hit an error.
		$this->error('CURL is not installed on this hosting account. Please contact your hosting provider and ask for it to be enabled.',true);
		$this->ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        @curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PHP Website Search)");
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
 * Preparing for muli-lingual version. good old sprintf and an array
 * @param string $word
 * @return string
public function label($word){
	$argv = func_get_args();
	// see if the first one is a lang label
		$argv[0] = $this->_labels[$word];
	return call_user_func_array('sprintf',$argv); 
 * Record an error, fatal or just informative
 * @param string $message
 * @param bool $fatal
public function error($message,$fatal=false){
	$this->_errors[] = array($message,$fatal);
 * Just checks if there's a fatal error or not
 * @return unknown
private function _fatal_error(){
	foreach($this->_errors as $error){
		if($error[1])return true;
	return false;
 * Starts the ball rolling on a search for a particular keyword.
 * @param string $search_term
public function search($search_term){
	if($this->_fatal_error())return; // dont search on error.
	// pass this off to our recursive private methods that get a list of all files and search each one.
	$this->searching = true;
	// do different types of searches, search for the entire string on it's own eg "testing a search"
	// then search for each string on it's own eg: "testing" "search" and join the results together.
	$this->_original_search_term = $search_term;
	$search_term = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ',$search_term);
	$splits = array($search_term=>true);
	$foo = explode(" ",$search_term);
		for($x=(count($foo)); $x > max(0,count($foo)-3); $x--){
			// when x is 1 we're adding all individual words.
				$this_foo = array_slice($foo,$start_word,count($foo));
				if(count($this_foo) < $x)continue;
				$this_search = '';
				while($y>0 && $this_foo){
					$this_search .= array_shift($this_foo) . ' ';
				$this_search = trim($this_search);
				if(strlen($this_search) >= $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_MIN_CHARS']){
					$splits [$this_search] = true;
	foreach($splits as $search_term => $tf){
		if(!$last_length)$last_length = count(explode(" ",$last_length));
		$this->_search_term = $search_term;
		$this->_search_file_list(); // search list of files for results.
		$this->_custom_search(); // do any callback functions.
		if($last_length != count(explode(" ",$search_term))){
			// if we're searching on less words than previous search (ie: more generic search) reduce priority of these results a little.
			$last_length = count(explode(" ",$search_term));
			$this->_search_priority_change -= 0.1;
 * Does the nasty work of hunting the specified websites for a list of html files.
 * We build up 3 member arrays:
 *  this->_html_files for all the plain text searchable URL's out there
 *  this->_file_files for all the non-searchable files we match file names on
 *  this->_pdf_files for all the pdf files we can convert into text for searching (only on compatible hosting accounts)
private function _build_file_list(){
	$this->_html_folders = array();
	$cache_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER']."search_data";
	$this->_crawled_urls = array();
	$this->_html_files = array();
	$this->_file_files = array();
	$this->_pdf_files = array();
	$cached = false;
	if(!isset($_REQUEST['skip_cache']) && is_file($cache_file) && filemtime($cache_file)>strtotime("-".$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_LENGTH']." days")){
		$foo = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
			$this->_crawled_urls = $foo[0];
			$this->_html_files = $foo[1];
			$this->_file_files = $foo[2];
			$this->_pdf_files = $foo[3];
			foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_WEBSITES'] as $website_url){
				// first build a list of valid hosts to scrape.
					$parts = parse_url($website_url);
					$this->valid_hosts[$parts['host']] = true;
			foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_WEBSITES'] as $website_url){
				// do a curl request on this url, and recursively search
				// each link on the page (up to the specified depth) 
				// check url is valid first
						echo '<ul class="search_debug">';
						echo '</ul>';
		// cache these



public function valid_url($url){
	$url = trim($url);
	$url = str_replace(' ','%20',$url);
		return filter_var($url,FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);
		// hacky fallback if filter_var doesn't exist. ie: older php5 installs.
		$pattern = "/\b(??:https?):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i";
		return preg_match($pattern,$url);

private function _crawl_url($url,$depth=0,$current_host='',$current_path = ''){
		echo '<li>';
		echo " - try: $url <br>";
	$url = trim($url);
	$url = preg_replace('/#.*$/','',$url);
	if(!$url || preg_match('#^mailto:#i',$url) || preg_match('#^javascript:#i',$url)){
		//$this->error('Link not valid: '.$url);
			echo "Skipping URL '$url' <br>";
		return false;
		$url = 'http://' . 
		$current_host . 
		(($url[0] == '/') ? '' : $current_path) .
	if($depth > $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_DEPTH']){
		//$this->error('TOO DEEP: '.$url);
			//echo "Skipping URL too deep ($depth) '$url' <br>";
		return false;
	$parts = parse_url($url);
	$valid_host = false;
	foreach($this->valid_hosts as $host => $tf){
			$valid_host = true;
		// stay on the same host.
		//$this->error('Host not valid: '.$url);
			echo "Host not valid: ($depth) '$url' <br>";
		return false;

			echo "URL not valid: ($depth) '$url' <br>";
		$this->error('URL not valid: '.$url);
		return false;
	// pull out the path for relative urls:
	$current_host = strtolower($parts['host']);
	$current_path = (isset($parts['path'])) ? str_replace('//','/',$parts['path']) : '/';
	if($current_path[strlen($current_path)-1] != '/'){
		$current_path = dirname($current_path) . '/';
	// quick hack to do a realpath() on the url. ie: resolve the "/../" links.
		$url = preg_replace('#/[^/]+/\.\./?#', '/', $url);
	$url = str_replace('/..','',$url); // could this be bad? hmm. nah.
	$url = preg_replace('#([^:])//#','$1/',$url); // could this be bad? hmm. nah.
	if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "Crawling URL at depth $depth '$url' <br>";
	$url_lower = strtolower($url);
	// we skip this url if we've already crawled it, and all its children links.
	// if this url has child links, and it was crawled at the search depth, and we're at a lower depth than before, then we continue on crawling this page cos we may have missed some files. 
		// if we've crawled this url before, and it doesn't have children.
		(isset($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && is_array($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && !$this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]['children'])
		// if we've crawled this url before, and we crawled it at a limit less than the global limit (means we've crawled this urls chidlrenalready )
		(isset($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && is_array($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && $this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]['depth'] < $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_DEPTH'])
		// if we've crawled this url before, and it does have children, but we're already at the limit, so no point crawling the children
		(isset($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && is_array($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && $this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]['children'] && $depth >= $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_DEPTH'])
		//(isset($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && is_array($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && $this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]['depth'] < $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_DEPTH']))
		// or its the oldschool cached method, we just skip the url.
		isset($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) && !is_array($this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]) 
		if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "Already crawled '$url_lower' <br>";
		return true;

	$this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower] = array(
		'depth' => $depth,
		'children' => 0,

	// if this url is an invalid one, just return.
	foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_ALL_IGNORE'] as $regex){
			if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "Ignoring URL '$url' <br>";
			//$this->error('IGNORE: '.$url);
			return false;
	// find out the extension / meta type of this page, to see if we either:
	//  - download this file as html for indexing
	//  - save a link to this file 
	//  - download the pdf for text processing.
	$file_regexes = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_FILES_INCLUDE'];
	foreach($file_regexes as $regex){
			$this->_file_files[$url] = $url;
			// todo: HEAD this url to see if it exists? nah.
			// dont continue processing once we've found a file download link.
			// only continue processing if this is a pdf, and we can pdf.
			if($this->_can_pdf && preg_match('#\.pdf$#i',$url)){

				// no pdf support or no pdf found this time.
				if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "NO PDF SUPPORT FOR '$url' <br>";
				return true;
	// we cache this url data to make futher calls quicker.
	$url_data = false;
	$cache_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER'].md5($url);
	// see if we have a valid cache file for this url.
	if(is_file($cache_file) && (($this->hit_urls > 7) || filemtime($cache_file)>strtotime("-".$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_LENGTH']." days"))){
		// read that file out, json'd, and use it to search
		$url_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
		if($url_data['url'] != $url){
			// weird if this happens, but just to be safe.
			$url_data = false;
		// create a new cache for this URL
		$url_data = array(
			'url' => $url,
		//head call for content type:
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); // header will be at output
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'HEAD');
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
		ob_start(); // hack for curl issue on head requests.
		$data = curl_exec($this->ch);
		$data2 = ob_get_clean();
		if(!$data && $data2)$data = $data2; // sometimes head request prints data instead of returning. odd. this fixes.
		//echo "<pre>$data</pre>";flush();
			if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "Unable to get DATA FOR '$url' <br>";
			return false;
		    $this->error('Curl error: ' . curl_error($this->ch));
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET'); // reset
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false);
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // reset
		// find the last content type
		$final_url = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);
			// for any redirects that hpapen.
			// todo - check we havent' been redirected to another website.
			$final_url = $url;
		$url_data['final_url'] = $final_url;

		// now check content type.
		$url_data['content_type'] = false;
			$url_data['content_type'] = current($matches[1]);

		// if we get to here then we can grab the page content, and index it!
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url_data['final_url']);
		$url_data['data'] = curl_exec($this->ch);
		$content_hash = md5($url_data['data']);
			// we have crawled an identical page before.. skip this one from results.
			return false;
		$this->_content_hash[$content_hash] = true;

		$this->hit_urls ++;

		$url_data['content_hash'] = $content_hash;
		$url_data['size'] = curl_getinfo($this->ch, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD);

		$url_data['html'] = false;
		$url_data['pdf'] = false;

		// different content type processing.

		foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_INCLUDE'] as $html_include){
			// match teh content type againts indexable content types:
				$url_data['html'] = true;
				$url_data['title'] = $matches[1];
			foreach($matches[1] as $meta_match){
				$meta_sort = array();
				foreach($meta_matches[1] as $key=>$val){
					$meta_sort[strtolower($val)] = $meta_matches[3][$key];
				if(isset($meta_sort['name']) && isset($meta_sort['content'])){
					$url_data[strtolower($meta_sort['name'])] = $meta_sort['content'];
			// alt tags? meh maybe. 

			// find all links on a page.
				$url_data['links'] = array_unique($matches[2]);

			// remove contents of javascript and css blocks, and tags, left with searchable text:
			$url_data['data'] = preg_replace('#<script[^>]*>.*</script>#ismU','',$url_data['data']);
			$url_data['data'] = preg_replace('#<style[^>]*>.*</style>#ismU','',$url_data['data']);
			$url_data['data'] = preg_replace("/\s+/",' ',strip_tags($url_data['data']));

		if($this->_can_pdf && !$url_data['html']){
			foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PDF_INCLUDE'] as $html_include){
				// match the content type againts indexable PDF content types:
					$url_data['pdf'] = true;
					// convert that pdf content to text for indexing..
					$pdf_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER'].'temppdf_'.md5($url).'.pdf';
					$pdf_text_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER'].'temppdf_'.md5($url).'.txt';
					$command = 'pdftotext -nopgbrk -layout "'.$pdf_file.'" '.$pdf_text_file;
					if($return == 1 || $return == 127 || !is_file($pdf_text_file)){
						// failed to convert pdf - we hope... ? 
						$url_data['data'] = false;
					}else if(is_file($pdf_text_file)){
						// pdf converted to text, read it back into our cachable array..
						$url_data['data'] = file_get_contents($pdf_text_file);

		// valid url data
			$this->_content_hash[$url_data['content_hash']] = true;

	//ob_start();print_r($url_data);echo "<pre>".htmlspecialchars(ob_get_clean())."</pre>";

	foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_INCLUDE'] as $html_include){
		// match teh content type againts indexable content types:
			$this->_html_files[$url] = $url;
		foreach($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PDF_INCLUDE'] as $html_include){
			// match the content type againts indexable PDF content types:
				$this->_pdf_files[$url] = $url;

	// find links if we're in a html file
		echo " for url (".$url_data['html'].") '$url' links: ".count($url_data['links']). '<br>';
		$this->_crawled_urls[$url_lower]['children'] = count($url_data['links']);
	if($url_data['html'] && isset($url_data['links']) && is_array($url_data['links'])){
		if($depth < $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_HTML_DEPTH']){
			foreach($url_data['links'] as $link){
					echo '<ul class="search_debug">';
					echo '</ul>';
		echo '</li>';

 * Simple function to turn a directory into an array.
 * Just recursivelent iterates through available directories and appends them to an array.
 * @param string $directory
 * @param bool $recursive
 * @param bool $include_folders
 * @return array 
private function _directory_to_array($directory, $recursive, $include_folders = false) {
	$array_items = array();
	if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
		while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
			if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
				if (is_dir($directory. "/" . $file)) {
					if($recursive) {
						$array_items = array_merge($array_items, $this->_directory_to_array($directory. "/" . $file, $recursive));
						$file = $directory . "/" . $file;
						$array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
				} else {
					$file = $directory . "/" . $file;
					$array_items[] = preg_replace("/\/\//si", "/", $file);
	return $array_items;
 * Now that the file list is generated, this actually does the grunt and iterates
 *  over the file list to find any matching files.
private function _search_file_list(){
	// search all the html files, grab the meta tags, alt tags, and the stripped html version. store in cache with an md5sum so we know if it changes.
	// saves re-processing the file each time if it doesn't change often.

	foreach($this->_html_files as $url){
		$cache_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER'].md5($url);
		// see if we have a valid cache file for this url.
			$url_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
		// now we have the file data, search to see if its a match.
	$search_term = preg_quote($this->_search_term,'/');
	foreach($this->_file_files as $url){
		if(!$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_COMBINE'] && isset($this->results[$url]))continue;
		$this_result = false;
			$this_result = array(
				"title" => basename($url),
				"importance" => 0.7, // 1 will push result to the top.
				"summary" => 'Downloadable File', // change for JPEG or diff file types maybe?
	// this loop will only fire if $this->_can_pdf is true. ie: array will be empty
	foreach($this->_pdf_files as $url){
		$cache_file = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CACHE_FOLDER'].md5($url);
		// see if we have a valid cache file for this url.
			$url_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
		// now we have the file data, search to see if its a match.
 * Used for searching array representation of a file using regex.
 * Returns a "result" array with the info to display in a search result.
 * @param array $file_data
 * @param string $url
 * @return array
private function _search_file_data($file_data,$url=false){
	$search_term = preg_quote($this->_search_term,'/');
	if(!$url)$url = $file_data['url'];
	$this_result = array(
		'importance' => 0,

	// TODO - what if they match more than one of the below?
	// eg: a title, and a body. give more importance?? 
	// set this as a flag so we can easily change later on
	$combine_result_scores = $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_COMBINE'];

	// hacky loop so we can break on combine results. 
	// bad dave bad! oh well it was a quick adon at the end.
		//echo "CHecking $search_term against ".$file_data['title']."<br>";
		if(isset($file_data['title']) && preg_match('/'.$search_term.'/i',$file_data['title'])){
			// matches the page title, priority 1!
			$this_result["importance"] += 1; // 1 will push result to the top.
			$this_result["summary"] = (isset($file_data['description']))?$file_data['description']:''; // meta description if it exists.
				// matches the page title, priority 0.8!
				$this_result["importance"] += 0.8; // 1 will push result to the top.
				$this_result["summary"] = (isset($file_data['description']))?$file_data['description']:''; // meta description if it exists.
			$this_result["importance"] += 0.5; // 1 will push result to the top.
			$this_result["summary"] = (isset($file_data['description']))?$file_data['description']:''; // meta description if it exists.
				$this_result["importance"] += 0.5; // 1 will push result to the top.
				$this_result["summary"] = (isset($file_data['keywords']))?$file_data['keywords']:''; // meta description if it exists.
				$this_result["importance"] += 0.4 + (count($matches[0]) * 0.2); 
				$this_result["summary"] = (isset($file_data['data']))?$file_data['data']:''; // meta description if it exists.

	if($this_result && $this_result["importance"]){
		return $this->_build_result($this_result,$file_data,$url);
	return false;
 * Builds up a result array for displaying results on the page.
 * Includes things like the item title, search ranking, link etc..
 * @param array $this_result - results passed in from external search result, we basically just sanatise and return this array.
 * @param array $file_data - array representation of the item we are searching.
 * @param string $url - front end url of the item we are searching
 * @return array
private function _build_result($this_result,$file_data,$url){

	if(_SEARCH_DEBUG)echo "Match on $url for ".$this->_search_term . "<br>";

	if(!isset($this_result['importance']))$this_result['importance'] = 0;
		// set the first result if it doesn't exist.
		$this->results[$url] = $this_result;
		// really shouldn't be here if search_combine isn't set anyways. as only 1 result per url will be returned.but just to be safe.
		// already exists. increment importance
		$this->results[$url]['importance'] += $this_result['importance'];
	// decrement the search priority on secondary searches.
	if(isset($this->results[$url]['importance']) && $this->_search_priority_change != 0 && !isset($this->results[$url]['importance_change'])){
		$this->results[$url]['importance'] += $this->_search_priority_change;
		$this->results[$url]['importance_change'] = true; // so we only decrement the importance once
		$file_data['title'] = basename($url);
	// this sanitisation should really be done once during the highlight step.
	// this is an area we could improve speed later:
	if(!isset($this->results[$url]['title']))$this->results[$url]['title'] = $file_data['title']; // main title to display, keyword wil be highlighted automatically.
	if(!isset($this->results[$url]['url']))$this->results[$url]['url'] = $url; // url that is used in link
	if(!isset($this->results[$url]['url_display']))$this->results[$url]['url_display'] = $url; // url that is displayed to the user
	if(!isset($this->results[$url]['depth']))$this->results[$url]['depth'] = $this->_search_depth; // url that is displayed to the user
		// keep a record of every matching search term on this result. so we can highlight them later.
		$this->results[$url]['search_term'] = array(); 
	$this->results[$url]['search_term'] [] = $this->_search_term; 
	if((!isset($this->results[$url]['summary']) || !$this->results[$url]['summary'])&&$file_data['data']){
	$this->results[$url]['imp'] = $this->_search_priority_change;

	return true;
 * Calls any user defined functions to (eg:) search a mysql database for results to include with our own html results.
private function _custom_search(){
	$callbacks = explode(',',$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_CALLBACKS']);
	foreach($callbacks as $callback){
		$callback = trim($callback);
		if($callback && function_exists($callback)){
			$user_results = call_user_func($callback,$this->_search_term,$this->_search_depth);
			if($user_results && is_array($user_results)){
				foreach($user_results as $key => &$result){
					if(!$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_COMBINE'] && isset($this->results[$key]))continue;
 * Highlights any matching text in the search results, and
 *  trim's it in a pretty fucking fancy way to show only a summary of the matching text.
 * Yew
private function _highlight_results(){

	foreach($this->results as $url => &$this_result){
		if(!$this_result['url_display'] && $this_result['url']){
			$this_result['url_display'] = $this_result['url'];
		foreach($this_result['search_term'] as $search_term){
			$search_term = preg_quote($search_term,'/');
			// highlight the term within this search result.
			foreach(array('title','summary','url_display') as $highlight_item){
				if($this_result[$highlight_item] && preg_match('/'.$search_term.'/i',$this_result[$highlight_item])){
					if($highlight_item != 'url_display' && strlen($this_result[$highlight_item]) > $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SUMMARY_LENGTH']){
						$boobs = ceil(($GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SUMMARY_LENGTH']-strlen($this->_search_term))/2);
						// want to even out the strings a bit so if highlighted term is at end of string, put more characters infront.
						$before_limit = $after_limit = ($boobs - 2);
						if(strlen($matches[1])>=$before_limit && strlen($matches[3])>=$after_limit){
							// leave limit alone.
						}else if(strlen($matches[1])<$before_limit){
							$after_limit += $before_limit - strlen($matches[1]);
							$before_limit = strlen($matches[1]);
						}else if(strlen($matches[3])<$after_limit){
							$before_limit += $after_limit - strlen($matches[3]);
							$after_limit = strlen($matches[3]);
						$this_result[$highlight_item] = (strlen($matches[1])>$before_limit) ? '...'.substr($matches[1],-$before_limit) : $matches[1];
						$this_result[$highlight_item] .= $matches[2];
						$this_result[$highlight_item] .= (strlen($matches[3])>$after_limit) ? substr($matches[3],0,$after_limit).'...' : $matches[3];

					// bad now that we're in a loop. it's cutting the <span> part in half sometimes.. do highlight step after string cutting complete.
					//$this_result[$highlight_item] = preg_replace('/'.$search_term.'/i','<span style="background-color:#FFFA97">$0</span>',$this_result[$highlight_item]);
				}else if(strlen($this_result[$highlight_item]) > $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SUMMARY_LENGTH']){
					$this_result[$highlight_item] = substr($this_result[$highlight_item],0,$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SUMMARY_LENGTH']).'...';
		// now that all the strings are the right length, we go through and lightlight
		foreach($this_result['search_term'] as $search_term){
			$search_term = preg_quote($search_term,'/');
			// highlight the term within this search result.
			foreach(array('title','summary','url_display') as $highlight_item){
				$this_result[$highlight_item] = preg_replace('/'.$search_term.'/i','<span style="background-color:#FFFA97">$0</span>',$this_result[$highlight_item]);
 * Sorts the results based on 'importance'
 * Also highlights any matching text in the search results, and
 *  trim's it in a pretty fucking fancy way to show only a summary of the matching text.
 * Yew
private function _sort_results(){
 * Just a uasort function for above.
private function _sort_importance($a,$b){
	return $a['importance']<=$b['importance'];
 * Renders the output of search results to the screen.
public function render(){
	// render results to the screen.
	<div class="phpsearch_wrapper">

		<form action="?<?php echo $this->url_args;?>" method="get">
		<input type="text" name="search" class="phpsearch_input" placeholder="Search Here" size="35" autocomplete="off" value="<?php echo (isset($_REQUEST['search']))?htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['search']):'';?>"> 
		<input type="submit" name="go" value="<?php echo $this->label('Search Site');?>" class="phpsearch_button">	
		// render errors first:
		echo '<div class="phpsearch_error">';
		echo '<ul>';
		foreach($this->_errors as $error){
			echo '<li>' . $error[0] . '</li>';
		echo '</ul>';
		echo '</div>';
	if($this->searching && !$this->_fatal_error()){
		// just cos i dont like calling count() all the time
		$number_results = count($this->results);
		// work out total number of pages.
		$total_pages 	= ceil($number_results / $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE']);
		// work out what page we're looking at, and stop people making it < > the page limit
		$current_page 	= (isset($_REQUEST['pg'])&&(int)$_REQUEST['pg'])?(int)$_REQUEST['pg']:0; // start at 0 
		if($current_page < 0 || $current_page >= $total_pages)$current_page = 0;
		// some more uber awesomeness to find out the results start and end count:
		$results_start 	= ($current_page * $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE']) + 1;
		$results_end 	= min(($current_page * $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE']) + $GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE'],$number_results);
		// slice the results up to only have the ones from thsi page.
		$page_results = array_slice($this->results,$current_page*$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE'],$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_PER_PAGE'],true);
		<div class="phpsearch_header">
			<?php if($number_results){ 
				echo $this->label('Results <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> of <b>%s</b> for search <b>%s</b>.',$results_start,$results_end,$number_results,htmlspecialchars($this->_original_search_term));
				echo ' ';
				echo $this->label('(<b>%01.2f</b> seconds)',max(microtime(true)-$this->start_time,0.01));
			} ?>
		<div class="phpsearch_results">
			<?php if(!count($page_results)){ 
				echo $this->label('Your search for <b>%s</b> did not match any documents.',htmlspecialchars($this->_original_search_term));
				<ul class="phpsearch_list">
				foreach($page_results as $key => $result){

						<div class="phpsearch_list_item">
							<h3><a href="<?php echo $result['url'];?>"<?php if(!$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SHOW_BOX'])echo ' target="_blank"';?>><?php echo $result['title'];?></a></h3>
							<p><?php echo $result['summary'];?></p>
							<span class="phpsearch_importance"><?php echo $this->label('Importance: %s',$result['importance']);?></span>
							<div class="phpsearch_link"><a href="<?php echo $result['url'];?>"<?php if(!$GLOBALS['_SEARCH_SHOW_BOX'])echo ' target="_blank"';?>><?php echo $result['url_display'];?></a></div>

				<?php } ?>
			<?php } ?>
		<div class="phpsearch_pagination">
			<?php if($current_page > 0){ ?>
			<a href="?<?php echo $this->url_args;?>search=<?php echo urlencode($this->_original_search_term);?>&pg=<?php echo $current_page-1;?>" class="phpsearch_bn">← <?php echo $this->label('Previous');?></a>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php for($x=0;$x<$total_pages;$x++){ ?>
			<a href="?<?php echo $this->url_args;?>search=<?php echo urlencode($this->_original_search_term);?>&pg=<?php echo $x;?>" class="phpsearch_pg"><?php echo $x+1;?></a>
			<?php } ?>
			<?php if($current_page < ($total_pages-1)){ ?>
			<a href="?<?php echo $this->url_args;?>search=<?php echo urlencode($this->_original_search_term);?>&pg=<?php echo $current_page+1;?>" class="phpsearch_bn"><?php echo $this->label('Next');?> →</a>
			<?php } ?>





Any help at all would be super appreciated.



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Basically what I wrote earlier, but they are using $_REQUEST instead, it's better to specify it, but we'll go with what they already use.


if(isset($_REQUEST['search']) && $_REQUEST['search'] != ''){
} else {
//or include a normal content file
echo "show content";

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Awesome! Thanks! That works well.


However, I get the search box above my results (as well as in the top right header section).


Including search.php will add the search box...whenever the results come they simply go under the search box and it remains.


Could I turn this box off via CSS perhaps?

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