flashbangpro Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Hello I am making a game trading web application for class. Here are the requirements: You must be able to register and log in, you must be able to list games you have to trade and games you want, you must be able to search users that want games you have and users that have games you want, you must be able to accept and make trades, on trade finalization screen you must be able to rate user 1-5, view the users shipping address, and leave a comment on the users page. You do not have to be able to view other users pages, but on your home page you must be able to view your average rating. I am the most advanced programmer in my group so this has been a little tough. I have a login page and a registration page, I have a user home page, a add games page, a view feedback/ratings page, and a my games page where you can delete games. What I'm stuck on is the page that allows you to search users by games they want and games you want, and the trade finalization page. On the search page I would like to combine the functionality of searching for users with games you want and games they want with the ability to make a trade offer. The way we have it drawn up is using radio buttons to select either show people with games I want and show people wanting my games. When one is selected it will populate a list of usersnames in a drop down menu that fit whichever choice was made. We drew up four list boxes that populate lists when we select a user name, one box populates the games they have, one populates the games they want, one populates the games I have and one populates games I want. We want to be able to select game titles and move them to a list box of games I want and another to a list box of games willing to trade, lastly a submit offer button. We are debating on if this is the best set up given the requirements needing to be met. I think there is more here than what we need, we have 1 week to do this and I am doing all the programming so I am looking for the easiest way to search users that want games I have/have games I want and display the results giving me the option to select games to trade and make an offer. We are also arguing on if we have to use JavaScript to do this or if it can all be done within php. The trade finalization page would have a drop down menu where you select the user name of completed trades and upon selection lists will be populated of games they gave, games I gave and the address to send the game. It will also have a form where we can rate the user and leave a comment. This page I need help with cause again we disagree on having to use JavaScript or not. We are using phpMyAdmin and the db tables we have are: tblgame - list of games I have added tblgamestatuscode - gives game a code that determines if it is wanted, to trade, or traded tblmember - member registration tblplatform - platform the game is on (Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation2, Playstation3, PC, and Wii) tbltransaction - date traded and a status change code tbltransactiondetail - gameID and trans ID tbltransactionparty - memberID, transID, rating, comments, status change accepted We are also using adodb. Please help if you can. I will gladly give more information if needed. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kays Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 My advice (and I'm being brutally honest): don't go on and on about your project. Most people don't care about all the details of your project and your team chemistry. Maybe if this is an English class and or a place to demo to everyone what your project is. But sadly, it's not. Just be explicit in what you want and keep it very simple. Do not digress. This is the place where you should just "get to the point!" With that said, let's first try to tackle the searching problem. Everything else should be clear after that is solved. 1. How is data being entered in? Is the user entering the name of a game into a text input field? 2. What is the relationship between tblgame, tblmember, tblgamestatuscode, and tblplatform? Are they related to one another? If not, you may need some helper tables or some reorganization. 3. JavaScript is not terribly out of the question. You can use it for AJAX or DataTables. But it certainly can be done with just PHP. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/#findComment-1347612 Share on other sites More sharing options...
flashbangpro Posted June 7, 2012 Author Share Posted June 7, 2012 Here is the coding I have so far on the potential trades page. First set of coding is a file that contains all my php functions and is included in all my php pages, second file is my php page that is not working correctly. Functions Coding <?php session_start(); $memberID = (isset($_SESSION['memberID']) ? $_SESSION['memberID'] : ''); $fName = (isset($_SESSION['fName']) ? $_SESSION['fName'] : ''); function logout(){ global $memberID; global $fName; $memberID = ''; $fName = ''; session_destroy(); session_start(); } function ensureLoggedIn(){ global $memberID; if($memberID == ''){ header("Location: logout.php"); } } function loginCheck($email, $password){ //Returns true if successful login, otherwise returns false. //Sets global variables about user if successful login. global $memberID; global $fName; //Clear all session vars; start new session. session_start(); $memberID = ''; $fName = ''; $encryptedPassword = ''; $encryptedPassword = crypt($password); $sql = "select ID, fName from tblmember where email = '$email' and (password = '$password' or password = '$encryptedPassword')"; $rs = getRecordset($sql, false); //2nd arg false to cause false to be returned if rs empty. if($rs === false){ return false; } $memberID = $rs->fields[0]; $fName = $rs->fields[1]; $_SESSION['memberID'] = $memberID; $_SESSION['fName'] = $fName; return true; } function registerNewMember($fN, $lN, $email, $pw, $street1, $street2, $city, $state, $country, $zip, $screenName){ //Returns true/false based on success. //Encrypt the password. $pw = crypt($pw); $sql = <<<STRSQL INSERT INTO tblmember(fName, lName, email, password, street1, street2, city, state, country, zip, screenName) VALUES('$fN', '$lN', '$email', '$pw', '$street1', '$street2', '$city', '$state', '$country', '$zip', '$screenName') STRSQL; return runActionQuery($sql); } function updateRegistrationData($fN, $lN, $email, $pw, $street1, $street2, $city, $state, $country, $zip, $screenName){ //Returns true/false based on success. global $memberID; //Encrypt the password. $pw = crypt($pw); $sql = <<<STRSQL UPDATE tblmember SET fName='$fN', lName='$lN', email='$email', password='$pw', street1='$street1', street2='$street2', city='$city', state='$state', country='$country', zip='$zip', screenName='$screenName' WHERE ID = $memberID STRSQL; return runActionQuery($sql); } function getMyGamesList($htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 15, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ //Returns a string containing an html select tag (listbox) of the games listing for the current user. //Pass in $htmlID so that tag is built with html id for css etc. global $memberID; //Recall, we must not show traded games in the games list. $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform', s.statusCode 'Status' from tblgame g inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) inner join tblGameStatusCode s on(s.ID = g.gameStatusCode) where g.memberID = $memberID and s.ID <> 3 STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function addGame_InsertGameRecord($gameTitle, $platformID, $gameStatusCode){ global $memberID; $platformID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($platformID); $gameStatusCode = getIDValIfNotNumeric($gameStatusCode); $sql = <<<STRSQL INSERT INTO tblgame(gameTitle, platformID, memberID, gameStatusCode) VALUES('$gameTitle', $platformID, $memberID, $gameStatusCode) STRSQL; $boolSuccess = runActionQuery($sql); if($boolSuccess){ return("'$gameTitle' successfully added."); }else{ return("Failed to add '$gameTitle'."); } } function addGame_GetPlatformDropDown($htmlID){ $sql = <<<STRSQL select ID, platformName from tblPlatform order by platformName STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1); } function addGame_GetGameStatusCodeDropDown($htmlID){ $sql = <<<STRSQL select ID, statusCode from tblGameStatusCode where ID <> 3 order by statusCode STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1); } function deleteGame($gameID){ global $memberID; $gameID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($gameID); $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from tblGame where ID = $gameID and memberID = $memberID STRSQL; return runActionQuery($sql); } function myCompletedTrades_TransactionsDropDown($transID, $htmlID, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ //Returns a string containing an html select tag (drop down) (ID | TradeDate | TradedWith) for the current user. //Pass in $htmlID so that tag is built with html id for css etc. global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select t.ID, DATE_FORMAT(t.dateFinalized,'%c/%e/%Y') "Trade Date", m.screenName "Traded With" from tblTransaction t inner join tblTransactionParty tp1 on(t.ID = tp1.transID) inner join tblTransactionParty tp2 on(t.ID = tp2.transID) inner join tblMember m on(m.ID = tp2.memberID) where tp1.memberID = $memberID and tp2.memberID <> $memberID and t.dateFinalized is not null order by t.dateFinalized STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1, $displayDelimiter, $transID); } function myCompletedTrades_GamesIGaveListBox($transID, $htmlID, $visibleItemsCount = 8, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle, p.platformName from tblTransactionDetail td inner join tblGame g on(g.ID = td.gameID) inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where td.transID = $transID and g.memberID = $memberID STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function myCompletedTrades_GamesIGotListBox($transID, $htmlID, $visibleItemsCount = 8, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle, p.platformName from tblTransactionDetail td inner join tblGame g on(g.ID = td.gameID) inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where td.transID = $transID and g.memberID <> $memberID STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function myCompletedTrades_sendGamesToAddressText($transID){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select concat(m.fName, " ", m.LName, "\n", m.street1, "\n", ifnull(m.street2, ""), "\n", m.city, ", ", m.state, " ", m.zip, "\n", m.country) "sendToAddress" from tblTransactionParty tp inner join tblMember m on(m.ID = tp.memberID) where tp.transID = $transID and tp.memberID <> $memberID STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return $rs->fields[0]; } function myCompletedTrades_ratingOfMemberDropDown($transID){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $rating = ''; $sql = <<<STRSQL select tp.rating from tblTransactionParty tp where tp.transID = $transID and tp.memberID <> $memberID STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs !== false && $rs->EOF == false){ $rating = $rs->fields[0]; } switch($rating){ case 'low': $selLow = 'selected'; $selAvg = ''; $selHigh = ''; break; case 'average': $selLow = ''; $selAvg = 'selected'; $selHigh = ''; break; case 'high': $selLow = ''; $selAvg = ''; $selHigh = 'selected'; break; default: $selLow = ''; $selAvg = ''; $selHigh = ''; break; } $strDropDown = <<<STRDROP <select> <option value="low" selected="$selLow">low</option> <option value="average" selected="$selAvg">average</option> <option value="high" selected="$selHigh">high</option> </select> STRDROP; return $strDropDown; } function myCompletedTrades_commentOnMemberTradedWith($transID){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select tp.comment from tblTransactionParty tp where tp.transID = $transID and tp.memberID <> $memberID STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } if(is_null($rs->fields[0]) == false){ return $rs->fields[0]; }else{ return ''; } } function myCompletedTrades_saveRatingAndComment($transID, $rating, $comment){ global $memberID; $transID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($transID); $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransactionParty set rating = '$rating', comment = '$comment' where transID = $transID and memberID <> $memberID STRSQL; return runActionQuery($sql); } function viewMyFeedbackRatingsComments($htmlID, $visibleItemsCount = 20, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select DATE_FORMAT(t.dateFinalized,'%c/%e/%Y') "Transaction Date", tp.rating "Rating", tp.comment "Comment" from tblTransaction t inner join tblTransactionParty tp on(tp.transID = t.ID) where t.dateFinalized is not null and tp.memberID = $memberID order by t.dateFinalized STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_ScreenNamesDropDown_ShowAll($htmlID, $selectedMemberID = -1){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select b.screenName from tblMember b where b.ID <> $memberID order by b.screenName STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1, '', $selectedMemberID); } function potentialTrades_ScreenNamesDropDown_ShowPeopleWithGamesIWant($htmlID, $selectedMemberID = -1){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select m.screenName from tblGame avail inner join tblGame want on(want.platformID = avail.platformID and upper(want.gameTitle) = upper(avail.gameTitle)) inner join tblMember m on(m.ID = avail.memberID) where avail.gameStatusCode = 1 and want.gameStatusCode = 2 and avail.memberID <> $memberID and want.memberID = $memberID order by m.screenName STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1, '', $selectedMemberID); } function potentialTrades_ScreenNamesDropDown_ShowPeopleWantingMyGames($htmlID, $selectedMemberID = -1){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select m.screenName from tblGame avail inner join tblGame want on(want.platformID = avail.platformID and upper(want.gameTitle) = upper(avail.gameTitle)) inner join tblMember m on(m.ID = want.memberID) where avail.gameStatusCode = 1 and want.gameStatusCode = 2 and avail.memberID = $memberID and want.memberID <> $memberID order by m.screenName STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1, '', $selectedMemberID); } function potentialTrades_ScreenNamesDropDown_ShowPeopleIAmNegotiatingWith($htmlID, $selectedMemberID = -1){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select m.screenName from tblTransaction t inner join tblTransactionParty tp1 on(tp1.transID = t.ID) inner join tblTransactionParty tp2 on(tp2.transID = t.ID) inner join tblMember m on(m.ID = tp1.memberID) where t.dateFinalized is null and tp1.memberID <> $memberID and tp2.memberID = $memberID order by m.screenName STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, 1, '', $selectedMemberID); } function potentialTrades_GamesTheyWantListBox($selectedMemberID, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblgame g inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where g.memberID = $selectedMemberID and g.gameStatusCode = 2 STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_GamesIWantListBox($htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblgame g inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where g.memberID = $memberID and g.gameStatusCode = 2 STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_GamesIHaveListBox($htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblgame g inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where g.memberID = $memberID and g.gameStatusCode = 1 STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_GamesTheyHaveListBox($selectedMemberID, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblgame g inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) where g.memberID = $selectedMemberID and g.gameStatusCode = 1 STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_GamesIWillGiveListBox($selectedMemberID, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblTransactionParty tp1 inner join tblTransactionParty tp2 on(tp2.transID = tp1.transID and tp2.memberID <> tp1.memberID) innter join tblTransactionDetail td on(td.transID = tp1.transID) inner join tblgame g(on g.ID = td.gameID) inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) inner join tblTransaction t on(t.ID = tp1.transID) where tp1.memberID = $memberID and tp2.memberID = $selectedMemberID and g.gameStatusCode = 1 and t.dateFinalized is null STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function potentialTrades_GamesIWillGetListBox($selectedMemberID, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount = 10, $displayDelimiter = '-'){ global $memberID; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); $sql = <<<STRSQL select g.ID, g.gameTitle 'Game Title', p.platformName 'Platform' from tblTransactionParty tp1 inner join tblTransactionParty tp2 on(tp2.transID = tp1.transID and tp2.memberID <> tp1.memberID) innter join tblTransactionDetail td on(td.transID = tp1.transID) inner join tblgame g(on g.ID = td.gameID) inner join tblPlatform p on(p.ID = g.platformID) inner join tblTransaction t on(t.ID = tp1.transID) where tp1.memberID = $selectedMemberID and tp2.memberID = $memberID and g.gameStatusCode = 1 and t.dateFinalized is null STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false){ return ''; } return htmlSelectTagFromRecordset($rs, $htmlID, $visibleListItemsCount, $displayDelimiter); } function unfinalizedTransIDFromMemberID($selectedMemberID){ global $memberID; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); if($selectedMemberID == -1){ return -1; } $sql = <<<STRSQL select t.ID from tblTransactionParty tp1 inner join tblTransactionParty tp2 on(tp2.transID = tp1.transID and tp2.memberID <> tp1.memberID) inner join tblTransaction t on(t.ID = tp1.transID) where tp1.memberID = $selectedMemberID and tp2.memberID = $memberID and t.dateFinalized is null STRSQL; $rs = getRecordset($sql); if($rs === false || $rs->EOF == true){ return -1; } //We have a record. return $rs->fields[0]; } function potentialTrades_MakeOffer($selectedMemberID, $pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded){ global $memberID; $transID = -1; $sql = ''; $boolSuccess = true; $boolIsNewTrans = false; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); if($selectedMemberID == -1){ return 'Member not selected for making an offer.'; } //Trim away any leading or trailing pipe character(s). $pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded = trim($pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded,'|'); if($pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded == ''){ return 'No games have been specified to be made a part of the trade.'; } $transID = unfinalizedTransIDFromMemberID($selectedMemberID); if($transID == -1){ $boolIsNewTrans = true; }else{ $boolIsNewTrans = false; } beginTransaction(); //------- //Work with tblTransaction... switch($boolIsNewTrans){ case true: //No unfinalized transaction yet exists between logged in member and specified member. //Create new transaction record and get the ID of the newly created record. $sql = <<<STRSQL insert into tblTransaction(dateFinalized, changeCount) VALUES(null, 1) STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //Get ID of newly inserted record. $transID = lastInsertedID(); break; case false: //We have record of an unfinalized transaction in progress. Update the change count. $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransaction set changeCount = changeCount + 1 where ID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); break; } //------- //------- //Work with tblTransactionParty... switch($boolIsNewTrans){ case true: //Since new, add two records to tblTransactionParty; changeCountAccepted = 1 for logged in member, 0 for other member... //----For logged-in member: $sql = <<<STRSQL insert tblTransactionParty(transID, memberID, changeCountAccepted) values($transID, $memberID, 1) STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //---- //----For selected member: $sql = <<<STRSQL insert tblTransactionParty(transID, memberID, changeCountAccepted) values($transID, $selectedMemberID, 0) STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //---- break; case false: //Since existing, update tblTransactionParty just for the logged in member, setting changeCountAccepted to changeCount of trans. //---- $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransactionParty tp inner join tblTransaction t(on t.ID = tp.transID) set tp.changeCountAccepted = t.changeCount where t.ID = $transID and tp.memberID = $memberID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //---- break; } //------- //------- //Work with tblTransactionDetail... switch($boolIsNewTrans){ case true: //do nothing at this time; only need to do inserts which is done below. break; case false: //if existing, delete all records in tblTransactionDetail for current trans. //---- $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from tblTransactionDetail where transID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //---- break; } //Now add records to tblTransactionDetail using var $pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded $arrGameID = explode('|', $pipeDelimGameIDsToBeTraded); foreach($arrGameID as $gameID){ $sql = <<<STRSQL insert into tblTransactionDetail(transID, gameID) values($transID, $gameID) STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); } //------- commitTransaction(); if($boolSuccess == true){ return 'Offer successfully made.'; }else{ return 'There was an error in the database work required for making the offer.'; } } function potentialTrades_RejectAndEndNegotiations($selectedMemberID){ global $memberID; $transID = -1; $sql = ''; $boolSuccess = true; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); if($selectedMemberID == -1){ return 'Member not selected.'; } $transID = unfinalizedTransIDFromMemberID($selectedMemberID); if($transID == -1){ return 'There is no transaction being negotiated with the selected member.'; } beginTransaction(); //------- //Work with tblTransactionDetail... $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from tblTransactionDetail where transID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- //------- //Work with tblTransactionParty... $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from tblTransactionParty where transID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- //------- //Work with tblTransaction... $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from tblTransaction where ID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- commitTransaction(); if($boolSuccess == true){ return 'Negotiations successfully ended with the selected member.'; }else{ return 'There was an error in the database work required for ending the negotiations.'; } } function potentialTrades_AcceptOffer($selectedMemberID){ global $memberID; $transID = -1; $sql = ''; $boolSuccess = true; $rowCount = 0; $selectedMemberID = getIDValIfNotNumeric($selectedMemberID); if($selectedMemberID == -1){ return 'Member not selected for accepting an offer.'; } $transID = unfinalizedTransIDFromMemberID($selectedMemberID); if($transID == -1){ return 'There is no transaction being negotiated with the selected member.'; } //------- //Check that changeCountAccepted of the other party is equal to changeCount of trans (which tells us // that the other party was the last to make an offer). If it's not, notify cannot accept and get out. $sql = <<<STRSQL select count(tp.ID) from tblTransactionParty tp inner join tblTransaction t on(t.ID = tp.transID) where tp.transID = $transID and tp.memberID = $selectedMemberID and tp.changeCountAccepted = t.changeCount STRSQL; $rowCount = rowCountFromSelectCountSQL($sql); if($rowCount == 0){ //This means that the other party was not the last to make an offer; logged in user therefore //has no standing offer to accept. return 'The selected member was not the last one to make an offer; there is no standing offer for you to accept from this member; at this time, you can only make a revised offer.'; } //------- //------- //Get the count of games in the detail of this trans that are no longer marked as being available for trade // because they may have since been traded in a finalized transaction with a different member. $sql = <<<STRSQL delete from td using tblTransactionDetail td inner join tblGame g on(g.ID = td.gameID) where td.transID = $transID and g.gameStatusCode <> 1 STRSQL; $rowCount = -1; $boolSuccess = runActionQuery($sql, $rowCount); if($boolSuccess === false){ return 'There was an error verifying that all games associated with the transaction are still available; cannot accept transaction at this time.'; } if($rowCount > 0){ //There were games in the transaction which were no longer available and were deleted from the detail. //Increment trans changeCount to reflect this change so that the current user will be forced to make an offer. $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransaction set changeCount = ChangeCount + 1 where ID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = runActionQuery($sql); return 'There were games in this transaction which are no longer available; please refresh your view of this transaction and make a new offer or end negotiations.'; } //------- //------- //We could also check the pipe delim list of gameIDs that the logged in user is looking at and ensure //the exactly match all the game ID in the trans detail. If differs, would notify and get out. //But also, the interface should disable the Accept offer button if the user has modified the games in the trade. //------- //Prior to this point we have done validation to ensure the transaction can be accepted. beginTransaction(); $boolSuccess = true; //------- //Work with tblTransactionParty... //Update tblTransactionParty for the logged in member, setting changeCountAccepted to changeCount of trans. $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransactionParty tp inner join tblTransaction t(on t.ID = tp.transID) set tp.changeCountAccepted = t.changeCount where t.ID = $transID and tp.memberID = $memberID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- //------- //Work with tblGame... //Mark all games involved in the transaction as traded. $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblGame g inner join tblTransactionDetail td on(g.ID = td.gameID) set g.gameStatusCode = 3 where td.transID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- //------- //Work with tblTransaction... //Value column dateFinalized with the current date. $sql = <<<STRSQL update tblTransaction set dateFinalized = getdate() where ID = $transID STRSQL; $boolSuccess = $boolSuccess && runActionQuery($sql); //------- commitTransaction(); if($boolSuccess == true){ return 'Offer successfully accepted. After you receive your games from the other party, please leave a rating and comments on your trade experience with them.'; }else{ return 'There was an error in the database work required for accepting the offer.'; } } My Potential Trades Page: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <?php require_once('..\phpLib\dbConn.php'); require_once('..\phpLib\gamesTraderSQL.php'); ?> <html> <title>New To Me Games</title> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <link href="../_css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript"> { document.getElementById('divOutput').innerHTML = window.location.search; } // Technique 1 function placeInHidden(delim, selStr, hidStr) { var selObj = document.getElementById(selStr); var hideObj = document.getElementById(hidStr); hideObj.value = ''; for (var i=0; i<selObj.options.length; i++) { hideObj.value = hideObj.value == '' ? selObj.options[i].value : hideObj.value + delim + selObj.options[i].value; } } // Technique 2 function selectAllOptions(selStr) { var selObj = document.getElementById(selStr); for (var i=0; i<selObj.options.length; i++) { selObj.options[i].selected = true; } } //--> </script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <header> <a href="#"><img src="../_images/logo.png" alt="Insert Logo Here" name="Insert_logo" width="960" height="150" id="Insert_logo" style="background: #C6D580; display:block;" /></a> </header> <div class="sidebar1"> <nav> <ul> <li><a href="home.php" title="">HOME</a></li> </ul> </nav> <!-- end .sidebar1 --></div> <article class="content"> <h1>Potential Trades</h1> <section> <h2>Search For Games To Trade </h2> <div> </div> </p> <form name="form1" method="get" action=""> <p> <label> <input type="submit" name="Update" value="Update"> Users With Games I Want </label> <br> <label> <input type="submit" name="Update" value="Update"> Users That Want My Games</label> <br> </p> <p> <select name="Screen Name" size="1"></select> </p> </form> <div> <form name="form2" method="post" action=""> <label for="theyWant">Games They Want</label> <textarea name="theyWant" id="theyWant" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="myGames">Games I Have</label> <textarea name="myGames" id="myGames" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="wantedGames"><br> Games I Want</label> <textarea name="wantedGames" id="wantedGames" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="thierGmaes">Games They Have</label> <textarea name="thierGmaes" id="thierGmaes" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> </form> </div> <p> <table width="598" border="0"> <tr> <td> Games I Will Give<br /> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" onsubmit="placeInHidden('.', 'sel3', 'hide2');"> <select id="sel3" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <option value="optDVal1">optDText1</option> <option value="optDVal2">optDText2</option> <option value="optDVal3">optDText3</option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="hide2Name" id="hide2" /> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </td> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <form> <input type="button" value="-->" onclick="moveOptions(document.getElementById('sel3'), document.getElementById('sel4'));" /><br /> <input type="button" value="<--" onclick="moveOptions(document.getElementById('sel4'), document.getElementById('sel3'));" /> </form> </td> <td> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post" onsubmit="selectAllOptions('sel4');"> Games I Will Get<br /> <select name="selPHP[]" id="sel4" multiple="multiple" size="5"> <option value="optCVal1">optCText1</option> <option value="optCVal2">optCText2</option> <option value="optCVal3">optCText3</option> </select> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </p> </section> <!-- end .content --></article> <footer> <p> </p> </footer> <!-- end .container --></div> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/#findComment-1351790 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skewled Posted June 7, 2012 Share Posted June 7, 2012 My advice (and I'm being brutally honest): don't go on and on about your project. Most people don't care about all the details of your project and your team chemistry. Maybe if this is an English class and or a place to demo to everyone what your project is. But sadly, it's not. Just be explicit in what you want and keep it very simple. Do not digress. This is the place where you should just "get to the point!" With that said, let's first try to tackle the searching problem. Everything else should be clear after that is solved. 1. How is data being entered in? Is the user entering the name of a game into a text input field? 2. What is the relationship between tblgame, tblmember, tblgamestatuscode, and tblplatform? Are they related to one another? If not, you may need some helper tables or some reorganization. 3. JavaScript is not terribly out of the question. You can use it for AJAX or DataTables. But it certainly can be done with just PHP. Kay - That's the best non-bashing post I've seen in a good while! OP - what is not working in the 2nd code that you posted? Can you be more specific with the errors your receiving? The more you limit down to what is causing your issue the better you can be helped. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/#findComment-1351798 Share on other sites More sharing options...
flashbangpro Posted June 7, 2012 Author Share Posted June 7, 2012 When I click the update button to It should populate a list of games I want that users have or a list of games I have that users want. But when I click it nothing is populated. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/#findComment-1351802 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skewled Posted June 7, 2012 Share Posted June 7, 2012 The form has no action set and won't do anything... <form name="form2" method="post" action=""> <label for="theyWant">Games They Want</label> <textarea name="theyWant" id="theyWant" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="myGames">Games I Have</label> <textarea name="myGames" id="myGames" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="wantedGames"><br> Games I Want</label> <textarea name="wantedGames" id="wantedGames" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <label for="thierGmaes">Games They Have</label> <textarea name="thierGmaes" id="thierGmaes" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> <textarea name="textarea" id="textarea" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea> </form> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/262891-game-trading-application/#findComment-1351808 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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