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Default email attachment


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I have a form where a user enters their name, address, postcode etc.

I also have a field where a user can upload an image (This is optional)

These details are then emailed to the intended recipient.

If they choose not to upload an image I need to be able to still send an image. For example, a default image so that every user has an image attached to their email.

Is this possible and if so how?

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Changed subject of this thread so it makes more sense

Anyone got any ideas?

Ive got this at the minute which sends the email:

[quote]//send email

$subject = "Readers Archive";
$message = 'Name: ' .$name."\n". 'Email: '.$email."\n". 'Address: '.$address."\n". 'Town: '.$town."\n". 'City: '.$city."\n".'Postcode: '.$postcode."\n".'Country: '.$country."\n". 'Memory: '.$memory."\n".  'Photo: '.$photo;
$m = new CMIMEMail("dconnor@******.com", "liverpool@test.com", $subject);
             if( $photo) {

?> [/quote]

Im guessing maybe an else statement after [quote]if( $photo) {


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I guess what you need to do is something like this-


$m->attachfile_raw("Path to default image here");


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thats what i was thinking something like that but it doesnt work.

The attachfile_raw function is:

[quote]function  attachfile_raw( $fname, $mailFileName, $content_type ) {
if($f=@fopen($fname,"r")) {

Therefore, I need the file directory, the name of the image and the content type.

I tried this

            if( $photo) {
                //die('Photo: '.$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads'.$sFileName);
              else {

?> [/quote]

Not too sure on the content type but this function works if there is an image selected so any idea??

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This is what I have now:

[quote]$m = new CMIMEMail("dconnor@......", "liverpool@test.com", $subject);
            if( $photo != '') {
            elseif( $photo == '') {

The [quote]$m->attachfile_raw($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$sFileName,$photo,$_FILES['photo']['type']);[/quote]

and the [quote]$m->attachfile_raw($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'."pixel.jpg","pixel.jpg",$_FILES['photo']['type']);[/quote]

both work because I have tested them both.

So it must be something to do with the if else statements maybe??

The first bit works fine, if a photo is selected attach it, but when there is no photo then the pixel.jpg is not attached. (This line definitely works though because i swapped it with the one above and it attached the pixel.jpg when a photo was selected.

Please this is driving me mad

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