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PHP VCF file doesnt work on android phone


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i have a page where user can download vcf file to the phone or PC




after downloading Vcard it is working fine on PC and blackberry but when user download Vcad on android and save it to contact he san see unknown entry to phone book with no information.


PHP code


class vcard {
  var $log;
  var $data;  //array of this vcard's contact data
  var $filename; //filename for download file naming
  var $revision_date;
  var $card;
  The class constructor. You can set some defaults here if desired.
  function vcard() {
    $this->log = "New vcard() called<br />";
    $this->data = array(
    return true;

  build() method checks all the values, builds appropriate defaults for
  missing values, generates the vcard data string.
  function build() {
    $this->log .= "vcard build() called<br />";
    For many of the values, if they are not passed in, we set defaults or
    build them based on other values.
    if (!$this->class) { $this->class = "PUBLIC"; }
    if (!$this->data['display_name']) {
      $this->data['display_name'] = trim($this->data['first_name']." ".$this->data['last_name']);
    if (!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['last_name']; }
    if (!$this->data['sort_string']) { $this->data['sort_string'] = $this->data['company']; }
    if (!$this->data['timezone']) { $this->data['timezone'] = date("O"); }
    if (!$this->revision_date) { $this->revision_date = date('Y-m-dTH:i:s')."Z"; }
  	$this->card = "BEGIN:VCARD\r\n";
    $this->card .= "VERSION:3.0\r\n";
$this->card .= "FN:".$this->data['display_name']."\r\n";
    $this->card .= "N:"
$this->card .= "PROFILE:VCARD"."\r\n";
if ($this->data['work_po_box']
    || $this->data['work_extended_address']
    || $this->data['work_address']
    || $this->data['work_city']
    || $this->data['work_state']
    || $this->data['work_postal_code']
    || $this->data['work_country']) {
      $this->card .= "ADR:"
if ($this->data['email1']) { $this->card .= "EMAIL;TYPE=WORK:".$this->data['email1']."\r\n"; }

  	if ($this->data['company']) { $this->card .= "ORG:".$this->data['company']."\r\n"; }
if ($this->data['title']) { $this->card .= "TITLE:".$this->data['title']; }
  	$this->card .= "\r\n";
if ($this->data['url']) { $this->card .= "URL:".$this->data['url']."\r\n"; }
  	if ($this->data['office_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;TYPE=WORK:".$this->data['office_tel']."\r\n"; }
    if ($this->data['cell_tel']) { $this->card .= "TEL;TYPE=CELL:".$this->data['cell_tel']."\r\n"; }

  	//$this->card .= "REV:".$this->revision_date."\r\n";
    $this->card .= "END:VCARD\r\n";
  download() method streams the vcard to the browser client.
  function download() {
    $this->log .= "vcard download() called<br />";
    if (!$this->card) { $this->build(); }
    if (!$this->filename) { $this->filename = trim($this->data['display_name']); }
    $this->filename = str_replace(" ", "", $this->filename);
  	header("Content-type: text/x-vcard");
  	header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$this->filename.".vcf;");
  	echo $this->card;
    return true;




<Files ~ "\.vcf$">
ForceType text/x-vcard



can anyone please help what i am doing wrong?

thanks in advance for your time and help.




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