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Hi all!


So, I have a website for a database which contains biological data (proteins). In this website, there is a text search page,

where the user can specify one or more search terms in order to get data from the database. The user can enter up to 5 search terms in each of the

available text boxes, as shown below


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Text search</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="css/images/fav.ico">
<link rel ="stylesheet" href ="css/style.css">
<script type="text/javascript">
function setReadOnly(obj)
if(obj.value == "specific")
	document.forms[0].mytext.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
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	document.forms[0].mytext.style.backgroundColor = "#eeeeee";
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	document.forms[0].mytext.value = "50.00";

function addLoadEvent(func) {
  var oldonload = window.onload;
  if (typeof window.onload != 'function') {
    window.onload = func;
  } else {
    window.onload = function() {

function prepareInputsForHints() {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){
	// test to see if the hint span exists first
	if (inputs[i].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]) {
		// the span exists!  on focus, show the hint
		inputs[i].onfocus = function () {
			this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "inline";
		// when the cursor moves away from the field, hide the hint
		inputs[i].onblur = function () {
			this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "none";
// repeat the same tests as above for selects
var selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
for (var k=0; k<selects.length; k++){
	if (selects[k].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]) {
		selects[k].onfocus = function () {
			this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "inline";
		selects[k].onblur = function () {
			this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].style.display = "none";

<div align="center"> 
<table class="whole">
  			<td> <?php include 'css/header.html';?> </td>
		<td> <?php include 'css/navbar.php';?> </td>
         	<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="retrieve_text.php">  
		 		<div align="center">
			 	<p class="headcell"><br/>Text search</p>

						Protein Name/Description
						<input type="text" name="prot_name" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. ompa_ecoli, transmembrane, porin, adhesion<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						Gene name
						<input type="text" name="prot_gene" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. ompA, porB, oprF, PMSV_1498<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						Organism name
						<input type="text" name="org_name" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. Escherichia coli, Vibrio sp. (strain Ex25)<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						Organism taxonomy
						<input type="text" name="taxid" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. 595536, 1051646<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						<input type="text" name="crossref" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. F2HUT9, PF01389, IPR006665, 1A0S<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						Literature references (PMID)
						<input type="text" name="pmid" size="35" />
						<span class="hint">e.g. 9294435, 17114266, 8759855<span class="hint-pointer"> </span>

						Signal peptide information
						<select name="signal">
							<option value="ALL" selected>All available</option>
							<option value="Experimentally verified">Experimentally verified</option>
							<option value="Experimentally verified [by similarity]">Experimentally verified [by similarity]</option>
							<option value="Prediction methods">SignalP 4.0</option>
							<option value="No information">No information</option>

						Perform search in
						<select name="family">
							<option value="0" selected>All families</option>
			 					$query = "SELECT families.families_id, families.families_name FROM families";
								$result = mysql_query($query) or die("<br><br><br>Please contact the administrator of the website.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></td></div></tr>");

								while ($line = mysql_fetch_row($result))
								{echo "<option value=".$line[0].">".$line[1]."</option>\n";} 
						Combine search criteria using	
						<input type="radio" name="operator" value="combined" checked /> AND
					      	   <input type="radio" name="operator" value="separate" /> OR

						Incude protein fragments in the results	
						<input type="checkbox" class="check" name="fragment" checked />
						<input type="hidden" name="order" value="id" />

		     		<input type="submit" value="Perform search">
				<input type="reset" value="Clear fields">
   		 	<td height="40" class="note"><u><b><i>Note</i></b></u> : </b>
		You can specify up to 5 search terms in each text field, provided that they are separated by a comma.</td>


The retrieve_text.php page gets the data submitted by the user and fetches the results. Also, if the user clicks on 1 or more of the

checkboxes next to each record, the respective entries are downloaded as raw format archives.

However, because in some cases there were more than 200 results

I decided to implement pagination... I searched around and asked for help, and managed to get it as far as you see below.


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>Text search results</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="css/images/fav.ico">
<link rel ="stylesheet" href ="css/style.css">
<div align="center"> 
<table class="whole">
<!-- arxikos pinakas -->
  			<td> <?php include 'css/header.html';?> </td>
		<td> <?php include 'css/navbar.php';?> </td>
         		<div align="center">
         		<table class="included">

print "POST_ARRAY:";print_r($_POST);print "<br><br>";
print "SESSION_CHOICE_ARRAY:";print_r($_SESSION['choice']);print "<br><br>";

			/*<--- Download raw entries in zip form BEGIN--->*/
	       		if ($_POST['submit'] == 'Retrieve')
				        $add = rand();
					foreach ( $ids_selected as $entry_selected)
						$file_fasta = 'FASTA_FILES/'.$entry_selected.'.fasta'; 
						$file_fasta_all = "TEMP_FTP_FILES/".$add.".fasta";
					        $create_fasta = `cat $file_fasta >>$file_fasta_all`;chmod($file_fasta_all,0777);
					$zip_fasta=`gzip $file_fasta_all`;
					$file_xml_all = "TEMP_FTP_FILES/".$add.".xml";
					$start_xml='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>'."\n"."<Entries>\n";
					$fh = fopen($file_xml_all, 'w');
					foreach ( $ids_selected as $entry_selected)
					        $file_xml = 'XML_DOWN_FILES/'.$entry_selected.'.xml';                               
					        $holdcontents = file_get_contents($file_xml);
						$fh2 = fopen($file_xml_all, 'a');
					$end_xml = "</Entries>\n";
					$zip_xml=`gzip $file_xml_all`;
					foreach ( $ids_selected as $entry_selected)
						$file_flat = 'FLAT_FILES/'.$entry_selected.'.flat';
					        $file_flat_all = "TEMP_FTP_FILES/".$add.".flat";
					        $create_flat = `cat $file_flat>>$file_flat_all`; chmod($file_flat_all,0777);
					$zip_flat=`gzip $file_flat_all`;	
					if(file_exists($final_fasta) && file_exists($final_flat) && file_exists($final_xml))
						echo "<tr><td class=\"headcell\">Download selected entries</td></tr>\n";
						echo "<tr><td class=\"searches_cell\"><br>Select one of the following formats:</td></tr>\n"; 
					 	echo "<tr><br><td>";
					        echo "<ul>".
					             "<li><a href=\"".$final_fasta."\">FASTA format</a></li>".
					             "<li><a href=\"".$final_flat."\">Text format</a></li>". 
					             "<li><a href=\"".$final_xml."\">XML format</a></li>".
			     		echo 	"<div align=\"center\"><table>".
			         		"<tr><td><div align=\"center\">".
			         		"You selected ".$counter." entries for download, which is more than the allowed limit of 1000. <br>For large barch searches, please download and search the total database files from the <a target=_blank href = \"download.php\">download</a> page. ".
			         		"<p>Go <a href=\"javascript: window.history.go(-1);\">back</a> to selection list</p>"; exit;                
				echo "<p>Go <a href=\"javascript: window.history.go(-1);\">back</a> to selection list</p>"; 
			/*<--- Download raw entries in zip form END --->*/

				function cleanQuery($string)
				  if (get_magic_quotes_gpc())  // prevents duplicate backslashes
				  { $string = stripslashes($string); }

				  $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string); 
				  $trimmed = trim($string);
				  return $final;


    				if (isset($_REQUEST['prot_name'])) 					{$name = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['prot_name']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['prot_gene'])) 					{$gene = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['prot_gene']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['org_name']))  					{$organism = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['org_name']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['taxid']))     					{$taxonomy = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['taxid']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['crossref']))  					{$references = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['crossref']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['pmid']))  						{$references_pmid = cleanQuery($_REQUEST['pmid']);} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['operator']))  					{$combination = $_REQUEST['operator'];}  
			if (isset($_REQUEST['fragment']))  					{$frag='Y';} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['family']))    					{$family = $_REQUEST['family'];} 
			if (isset($_REQUEST['signal']))    					{$signal = $_REQUEST['signal'];} 

	        	if ( !$name && !$gene && !$organism && !$taxonomy && !$references && !$references_pmid && $family==0 && $signal=="ALL") 
	            	echo 	"<div align=\"center\"><table>".
	                 	"<tr><td><div align=\"center\">".
	                 	"<br><br><br><br>No values in the text fields specified. ".
	                 	"Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></td></div></tr>"; exit;                
	                	$wclause = array();

					if(strstr($name, ',', true))
						$array_name = explode(",", $name);
						$count_name = count ($array_name);

						if ($count_name>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_name as $value_name) { $value_name=trim($value_name); $all_name = $all_name."protein.protein_name LIKE '%".$value_name."%' OR "; }
						$final_name_addition = substr($all_name, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_name_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_name LIKE '%".$name."%' "; }

					if(strstr($gene, ',', true))
						$array_genes = explode(",", $gene);
						$count_genes = count ($array_genes);

						if ($count_genes>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_genes as $value_genes) { $value_genes=trim($value_genes); $all_genes = $all_genes."protein.protein_gene LIKE '%".$value_genes."%' OR "; }
						$final_genes_addition = substr($all_genes, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_genes_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_gene LIKE '%".$gene."%' "; }

					if(strstr($organism, ',', true))
						$array_organism = explode(",", $organism);
						$count_organism = count ($array_organism);

						if ($count_organism>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_organism as $value_organism) { $value_organism=trim($value_organism); $all_organism = $all_organism."protein.protein_organism LIKE '%".$value_organism."%' OR "; }
						$final_organism_addition = substr($all_organism, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_organism_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_organism LIKE '%".$organism."%' "; }
					if(strstr($taxonomy, ',', true))
						$array_taxonomy = explode(",", $taxonomy);
						$count_taxonomy = count ($array_taxonomy);

						if ($count_taxonomy>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_taxonomy as $value_taxonomy) { $value_taxonomy=trim($value_taxonomy); $all_taxonomy = $all_taxonomy."protein.protein_ncbi ='".$value_taxonomy."' OR "; }
						$final_taxonomy_addition = substr($all_taxonomy, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_taxonomy_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_ncbi ='".$taxonomy."' "; }

					if(strstr($references, ',', true))
						$array_references = explode(",", $references);
						$count_references = count ($array_references);

						if ($count_references>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_references as $value_references) { $value_references=trim($value_references); $all_references = $all_references."reference.reference_code ='".$value_references."' OR "; }
						$final_references_addition = substr($all_references, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_references_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="reference.reference_code ='".$references."' "; }
					if(strstr($references_pmid, ',', true))
						$array_references_pmid = explode(",", $references_pmid);
						$count_references_pmid = count ($array_references_pmid);

						if ($count_references_pmid>5) {print "<br><br><br><br>You specified more than 5 terms in one or more text fields. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page and review your submission.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>";}
						foreach ($array_references_pmid as $value_references_pmid) { $value_references_pmid=trim($value_references_pmid); $all_references_pmid = $all_references_pmid."families.families_pubmed LIKE '%".$value_references_pmid."%' OR "; }
						$final_references_pmid_addition = substr($all_references_pmid, 0, -4);   // remove the ' OR ' in the end

						$wclause[]= $final_references_pmid_addition;

					{ $wclause[]="families.families_pubmed LIKE '%".$references_pmid."%' "; }
	                	if($family>0)   	{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_families_id ='".$family."' "; }	

				if($signal!="ALL" && $signal!="")  	{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_sp_quality ='".$signal."' "; }

				if($frag == "N") 	{ $wclause[]="protein.protein_isfragment ='".$frag."' "; } 
			        	case "combined":
			                $wclause_sql = implode(" AND ", $wclause); break;
			                case "separate":
			                $wclause_sql = implode(" OR ", $wclause); break;

				//$query_total = "SELECT DISTINCT protein.protein_id, protein.protein_name, ".
				//		"protein.protein_seq_len, protein.protein_organism, protein_ncbi FROM protein ".
					//		"LEFT JOIN protein_reference ON protein_reference.prot_ref_protein_id = protein.protein_id ".
				//		"LEFT JOIN reference ON reference.reference_id = protein_reference.prot_ref_reference_id ".
				//		"LEFT JOIN families ON protein.protein_families_id = families.families_id ".
 			     	//		"WHERE ".$_POST['sql'];

				$query_total = 	"SELECT DISTINCT protein.protein_id, protein.protein_name, ".
						"protein.protein_seq_len, protein.protein_organism, protein_ncbi FROM protein ".
							"LEFT JOIN protein_reference ON protein_reference.prot_ref_protein_id = protein.protein_id ".
						"LEFT JOIN reference ON reference.reference_id = protein_reference.prot_ref_reference_id ".
						"LEFT JOIN families ON protein.protein_families_id = families.families_id ".
 			     			"WHERE ".$wclause_sql;
				print "QUERY: $query_total<br>";

				$text_result = mysql_query($query_total) or die("<br><br><br><br>Non-acceptable query. Please go <a href = \"text_search.php\">back</a> to text search page.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></td></div></tr>"); 
				$number_results = mysql_num_rows($text_result);

				if ($number_results==0)
				{ echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\"><br><br><br><br><i>No records matching your query were found<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></i></td></tr>\n"; }

					// number of rows to show per page
					$rowsperpage = 25;
					// find out total pages
					$totalpages = ceil($number_results / $rowsperpage);

					// get the current page or set a default
					if (isset($_GET['currentpage']) && is_numeric($_GET['currentpage'])) {
						// cast var as int
						$newpage = (int)$_GET['currentpage'];
					} else {
						// default page num
						$newpage = 1;
					} // end if

					// modify the requested page based on any pagination form buttons, set/clear any remembered session checkbox data
					$page = isset($_POST['page']) ? trim($_POST['page']) : false;
						// values of <<, <, x, >, or >>
							case '<< First':
								$newpage = 1;
							case '< Previous':
							case 'Next >':
							case 'Last >>':
								$newpage = $totalpages;
								// not one of the symbols, should be a number
								$page = intval($page);
								if($page > 0){
									$newpage = $page;
						// set or clear the state of the check boxes in $_SESSION['choice']
						// $_SESSION['ids'] = array of ids on the page that submitted
						foreach($_SESSION['ids'] as $key){
								$_SESSION['choice'][$key] = 1;
							} elseif (isset($_SESSION['choice'][$key])) {
						header("location: {$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?currentpage=$newpage"); // clear post data

					// if current page is greater than total pages...
					if ($newpage > $totalpages) {
						// set current page to last page
						$newpage = $totalpages;
					} // end if
					// if current page is less than first page...
					if ($newpage < 1) {
						// set current page to first page
						$newpage = 1;
					} // end if

					/******  build the pagination links ******/
					// range of num links to show
					$range = 3;
					$links = '';
					// if not on page 1, don't show back links
					if ($newpage > 1) {
						// show << link to go back to page 1
						$links .= "<input type='submit' name='page' value='<< First'>";
						// show < link to go back 1 page
						$links .= "<input type='submit' name='page' value='< Previous'>";
					} // end if

					// loop to show links to range of pages around current page
					for ($x = ($newpage - $range); $x < (($newpage + $range) + 1); $x++) {
						// if it's a valid page number...
						if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $totalpages)) {
							// if we're on current page...
							if ($x == $newpage) {
								// 'highlight' it but don't make a link
								$links .= " [<b>$x</b>] ";
								// if not current page...
							} else {
								$links .= "<input type='submit' name='page' value='$x'>";
							} // end else
						} // end if
					} // end for

					// if not on last page, show forward and last page links
					if ($newpage != $totalpages) {
						// echo forward link for next page
						$links .= "<input type='submit' name='page' value='Next >'>";
						// echo forward link for lastpage
						$links .= "<input type='submit' name='page' value='Last >>'>";
					} // end if
					/****** end build pagination links ******/

					/****** get the actual database content for the requested page ******/
					// the offset of the list, based on current page
					$offset = ($newpage - 1) * $rowsperpage;

					$query_limited = $query_total." LIMIT $offset, $rowsperpage";
					$result_limited = mysql_query($query_limited);

					echo "<form name=\"srs_form\" action='?currentpage=$newpage' method='post'>";

					echo 	"<tr><td class=\"headcell\" colspan=\"6\">Text search results</td></tr><tr><td><br></td></tr>\n";  
					echo 	"<tr>\n";
					echo	"<td width=\"10%\" class=\"browse_cell\">Select entries</td>".
						"<td width=\"15%\" class=\"browse_cell\">View Entry</td>".
					        "<td width=\"30%\" class=\"browse_cell\">Description</td>".
					        "<td width=\"33%\" class=\"browse_cell\">Organism</td><td width=\"12%\" class=\"browse_cell\">Length</td>";
					echo 	"</tr>\n";

					$ids_this_page = array(); // a list of the checkbox id's on this page
					while ($list = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_limited)) 
						echo "<tr>\n";
					        if ($counter % 2) {$colour_class="browse_cell_change1";}
					        else    	  {$colour_class="browse_cell_change2";}
					        $code = $list['protein_id'];
					        $name_cell = $list['protein_name'];
					        $length_cell = $list['protein_seq_len'];
					        $organism_cell = $list['protein_organism'];
						$taxonomy_cell = $list['protein_ncbi'];

						$checked = isset($_SESSION['choice'][$list['protein_id']]) ? " checked='checked'" : '';
						$ids_this_page[] = $list['protein_id'];
						echo "<td width=\"10%\" class=".$colour_class."><input type='checkbox' name='choice[{$list['protein_id']}]' value=".$list['protein_id']."><br />";
						 echo "<td width=\"15%\"  class=".$colour_class."_left><a href=\"entry.php?code=".$code."\">DBID: ".$code."</a>";
					        echo "<td width=\"30%\" class=".$colour_class."_left>".$name_cell."</td>\n";
					        echo "<td width=\"33%\" class=".$colour_class."_left><a href=\"retrieve_text.php?taxid=".$taxonomy_cell."\">".$organism_cell."</a>";
					        echo "<td width=\"12%\" class=".$colour_class.">".$length_cell."</td>\n";
					        echo "</tr>\n";
					$_SESSION['ids'] = $ids_this_page;

					echo "<tr><td><br><input type = \"submit\" value = \"Retrieve\"></td>";
	 				echo "<td colspan='4'><br>".$links."<br/></td></tr>"; 

					echo "<tr><td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sql\" value=\"".$wclause_sql."\"></td></tr>";
					echo "</form>";


My problem is that, although the state of the selected entries is maintained as the user browses from page to page, this is NOT the

case for the $wclause_sql part, which is actually the "WHERE" clause of the sql query. So I can only see the first page, and not the others...


I used sessions in order to keep track which records are selected by the user, so as when the user finally hits 'Retrieve'

he can get all the desired entries, but I cannot transfer the $wclause and therefore, in all other pages except page 1, the SQL query is empty, thus no

entries are shown.


What am I missing here?

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