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Oh no I can build the API - Im just curious how you guys might suggest I do the "global unique ID" like they have.


I was thinking like a master and central object table that then through PHP would reference to a page, event, photo, etc table. Was hoping you guys might have some better ways of doing it.



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I already did, in your other thread on the topic. 


To reiterate: use a RESTful API architecture, where the URI identifies the resource:


www.domain.com/user/1 = User #1

www.domain.com/image/1 = Image #1


There's no ambiguity in that.  URIs were designed to represent resources, why reinvent the wheel when the current solution is so simple?

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It sucks because:


1. It adds unnecessary overhead both on INSERT and on SELECT,

2. It circumvents a useful, elegant, meaningful HTTP architecture to unnecessarily abstract "objects".

3. It introduces API interface ambiguity,

4. It requires use of a BIGINT unique id for all "objects", and

5. It adds a lot of work to developing your API


All the above, and doesn't offer a single quantifiable advantage.


Just cause FB does it doesn't mean it's right.  They're trying to design an API that idiots can use... not exactly the best premise for good design.

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That's my point in interface ambiguity. 


Not knowing what you're asking for is a BAD thing in application development.


Let's say I ask for all photos for facebook.com/12345 - great... that may work for all their "objects". 


But what happens when I ask for "first_name" and 12345 turns out to be an event?  Events don't HAVE a first_name


Point is, if you use an explicit HTTP interface, the uri defines what TYPE of object you're asking for AS WELL AS its identity.


So I can say www.yourdomain.com/user/12345 and KNOW what I can do with that resource.


I have nothing else to add to this discussion.  If I haven't convinced you yet, I wish you the best of luck in your career.

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