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Installation misconfiguration?

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Hello all!


This is my first post. :D 


It has been a while since I've worked with PHP, so bear with me.  I installed WAMP on my computer recently.  Today, I typed this code in a file (named info.php) to see whether PHP was working properly on my computer:


<?php phpinfo(); ?>


However, my browser (Chrome) displays this as plain text.  I've tried it in other browsers, too, but got the same result.  I have also tried restarting my WAMPserver, but still got nothing.


Any idea what's going on?


I've looked through several forums already, and there were all sorts of ideas, such as altering php.ini files, or adding paths in different places...again, I'm relatively new to this, so if one of these is the solution, it will have to be explained to me thoroughly.  ;)


Thanks in advance for your help and patience!

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Php is a (web) server side scripting language. In order for the web server to invoke php, you must make a http request to the web server.


file:///C:/wamp/www/info.php is a file system path and simply tells the browser to open the file. No web server is involved.

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