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Earlier I reported on this forum for help in creating a rss reader

Of course I have successfully solved with the help of people from the forum

Now I would like to go one step further

and now the problem


There are several types of rss news. For Example:

1. Some types such as this one contains a part <content:encoded> that is in itself


2. Some types, such as this does not include <content:encoded> the part that is in itself




this is error when i try to load RSS soruce from number 2

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed in C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyPHP-5.3.9\www\reader.php on line 37


this is line:

36 $result = $item->xpath('content:encoded');

37 preg_match('/<img[^>]+>/', $result[0], $match);

38 $item->image = $match[0];



Here is the entire code:

//assigning a rss path  to variable 
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement( 'Link to RSS news' , null, true);

//Reading RSS elements, and add values ​​to the variable
//hiar is problem about different versions of RSS source
foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item){

		$result = $item->xpath('content:encoded');
		preg_match('/<img[^>]+>/', $result[0], $match);
		$item->image = $match[0];

		$naslov 	= mysql_real_escape_string($item->title);
		$link 		= mysql_real_escape_string($item->link);

		$opis 		= mysql_real_escape_string($item->description);
		$slika 		= mysql_real_escape_string($item->image);			
		$datum 		= date('Y-m-d H:m:s');

		$image_object = preg_match_all('/src="(.*?)"/', $result[0], $matches);
		$image = str_replace( '"','',$matches[0][0]);
		$imagee = str_replace( 'src=','',$matches[0][0]);
		echo "$imagee<br><hr>";

                        //check whether the image is content:encoded area
                        //if image not egsist incontent:encode part, search in the description
		if($imagee == ""){			 
			$description 		= $item->description;

			$descritpion_strip	= strip_tags($description);
			$description_trim 	= trim($descritpion_strip);						

			$image_object = preg_match_all('/src="(.*?)"/', $description, $matches);
			$image = str_replace( '"','',$matches[0][0]);
			$image2 = str_replace( 'src=','',$image);	

			echo $image2;			 


If they somehow managed to distinguish version of RSS news, and I will be able to get around this error


how to achieve it?



Hiar is result of work with rss news for now.


Thanks for helping to achieve this  8)

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