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Browser Crashes on simple script. [solved]


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I am trying to check if any variables from a form are empty. No validation required at this stage.

The last variable to go through the function causes a browser crash in IE and FF.
//unset to be sure

function checker($field) {
    $result = 'Please fill in all fields!';

$achtung2 = checker($cashp);
$achtung2 = checker($Depo);
$achtung2 = checker($FirstName);
$achtung2 = checker($LastName);
$achtung2 = checker($CustomerEmail); // crashes on this last one, regardless of if I switch the above statements around in order.

//if all data is there, pop the box
  //does stuff if there is not $achtung2 set
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in FF I get a total crash and feedback agent starts as page explodes into a milliontiny pieces (not literaly).

In IE I get a javascript error but I have rewritten it now to work.

Still don't get why it was breaking before. But Ta for looking.
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I ended up replacing it with this, works now  :-\

$achtung2 = 'Please fill in all fields';
$achtung2 = 'Please fill in all fields';
$achtung2 = 'Please fill in all fields';
$achtung2 = 'Please fill in all fields';
$achtung2 = 'Please fill in all fields';

//if all data is there, pop the box
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That's very odd.. because php is executed on the server, not in the browser.  The browser cannot crash in php code.  But the output displayed by a php script can cause a browser crash.  It's likely that the javascript caused the crash, as javascript is run in the browser.
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