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Updating database records with PHP


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I need some advice on how would be best to achieve the below:


I have a list of database entries. Each entry is a row in the database, and has an entry_id assigned to it. I am loading each entry into a unordered list item and using jQuery ui to drag and drop their order. In the database I have a column in the same table as the entries, named sort_order. I need to update the sort_order column.


I think the best way would be to submit a form which would send the entry_id and sort_order to a php script that then updates the database for each row.


The problem is I am not sure how I should send the data for multiple rows at once, and then not sure how to enter the sort_order for each row separately.


I would be very grateful if someone can give me some advice on this.


Thank you


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Thanks Barand.


I see, so each list item will have a form input which has something like:


<input type="text" name="sort_order[$entry_id]" value="$sort_order" />


My next question would be, is there a way to assign an order. So the first li item is 1, then the next is 2, and so on?


Thank you

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Thanks Barand.


Now that I have the details, and am posting to php script, I have opened a connection to the database, but am not entirely sure how to post the array information.


Could you possibly give me an example?


Thank you

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simple example


if (isset($_POST['sort_order'])) 
    foreach ($_POST['sort_order'] as $id => $sortorder)
            $id = intval($id);
            $sortorder = intval($sortorder);

           // update record using $id and $sortorder here

<form method="post">
<li><input type="text" name="sort_order[1]" value="2" /></li>
<li><input type="text" name="sort_order[2]" value="3" /></li>
<li><input type="text" name="sort_order[3]" value="1" /></li>
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Submit">

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Thank you Barand.


I have been trying to get this to work all afternoon, but my lack of knowledge is showing.


For my foreach statment I am getting an error:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/chrisdav/public_html/template/process-sortable.php on line 12


foreach ($_GET['listItem'] as $sortorder => $id)
$id = intval($id);
    $sortorder = intval($sortorder);

mysql_query("UPDATE exp_channel_data SET field_id_90 = $sortorder WHERE entry_id = $id");


Can you see what I have done wrong, and possibly explain what it is to me?


Many thanks

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Input names had id as the index

<input type="text" name="sort_order[$entry_id]" value="$sort_order" />


When using foreach to traverse an array the syntax is

foreach (array as key => value)


therefore you need

foreach ($_GET['listItem'] as $id => $sortorder)


since the array key will be the id and the value will be the sortorder


Is your form method GET or POST?  If POST you need foreach($_POST['listitem'] ...

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