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SOAP Error: The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the


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Hey fellas!


i've tried everything! I'm using this WSDL : http://test.psdataservices.com/PSShipCarrierAPI/PSShipCarrier.svc?WSDL and am simply just trying to authenticate. I keep getting this error:


The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, 'http://tempuri.org/IPSShipCarrier/Authenticate'


Here is my code:

$options = array(
        "soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
        'exceptions'=>true );

    $client = new SoapClient( "http://test.psdataservices.com/PSShipCarrierAPI/PSShipCarrier.svc?WSDL", $options );

    $auth = array(
    $header = new SoapHeader('http://tempuri.org/IPSShipCarrier/Authenticate','Authenticate',$auth,false);


    $params = new StdClass;
    $params->Action = "http://tempuri.org/IPSShipCarrier/Authenticate";
    $params->SOAPAction = "http://tempuri.org/IPSShipCarrier/Authenticate";
    $params->UserName = "blahremoved";
    $params->Password = "blahremoved";
    $params->AuthToken = "blahremoved";


Thanks in advance!  Much appreciated.

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That looks like a bit of a mess.  You've provided the action and other variables in 3 different places.


The first step for soap debugging is to start out by seeing what the soap library is really sending.  For that you can use these:





Also you can remove your authentication info from $options, SoapClient is not interested in them.  The soap client options are listed here:




These should either be in the headers or passed to the client in $params, depending on what is expected.  Even then you can have other problems if the server is not written to expect php's soap library as a client.. and that's where you need to see the actual message to debug it.

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If that's a microsoft soap server I would be looking at the MSDN soap documentation.  AFAIK their soap servers expect the action in the headers.  Which you appear to be doing.. maybe try SoapAction instead of SOAPAction?

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