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Dynamic Table Inaccurate Results [Solved]


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Here is a tricky one. At least I think.

My script currently returns database search results. The information is displayed as a table with a thumbnail, item Name ect. Because this information is in a table; the results are stacked upon eachother vertically.

This is going to cause a problem for the user. I tried to come up with a loop dohickey that will display each table inside of a dynamic table so the results can be displayed within a cell. I gave it a shot and tried many variations of it but no luck.

where has my script gone wrong?
     noresults = mysql_num_rows($result);
     $columns =  3;
     $rows = $noresults / $columns;
     $rows = ceil($rows);
     $i = 0;

     print ('<table width="100%" border="1" id="content_list">');
           while($row %3[/code]
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if you want a table then Read the information Below.

Lets say you have a small MySQL Table, called users
With fields set as follows

id        int(50) primary, auto_increment
name    varchar(150)
email    varchar(150)
pwd    char(32)

Now you want to show the results for all this, except the pwd (password)

I would do the PHP code as follows

DBConnect(); //I have a function to connect to the DB, You should connect before running queries

$query1 = "SELECT * FROM users";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1);


if(mysql_num_rows($result1) != 0){

echo "<table>\n"
."<th>ID Number</th>\n"

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){
echo "<tr>\n"
echo "</table>\n";
echo "I am afraid no results have been found<br />\n";
echo "There has been an error, please try again later<br />\n";


With this information, you can work in your query and results

Any problems, let us know
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Thanks once again for the response. it's a way better approach to my problem.
I soppose I will be able to intergrate into my script but I'll need a bit more help
comprehending this script. I understand the:

<tr>  </tr>
<td> </td>
concept. of course it signififyies the opening and closing of a row and columns

but what is the function of:
<th> </th>
and the \n ???
note I am researching my question on google.
but nothing beats a personal break down from a php whiz.
thanks. hope someone can help.
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I gave the suggested script my best shot and Im getting mysql errors:
The script is no longer displaying results.
any suggestions?

if ($cat  != "nocat") {

$qry = "SELECT itemName,itemId,itemPrice,itemSmall FROM `products` WHERE itemCat='".$_POST['cat']."'";
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die(mysql_error());
$amount = mysql_num_rows($result);
echo "<br /><br />";}

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<table>\n"
."<th>Item Picture</th>\n"
."<th>Edit Link</th>\n"

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){
echo "<tr>\n"
."<td><center><img src=\"".$row['itemSmall']."\" /></center></td>\n"
."<td><a href=/*********.php?id=".$row['itemId']." />Edit This Item</td>\n"
echo "</table>\n";
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The last reply seems to be on the right track. however my search results aren't displaying properly. its only show one result.
lets say I search for items in the holiday catagory. I know for a fact I have 2 items where itemCat = "Holiday" but only one is showing. why would this happen?

the code:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<table border=3>\n"
."<th>Item Picture</th>\n"
."<th>ID #</th>\n"
."<th>Edit Link</th>\n"

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<tr>\n"
."<td><center><img src=\"".$row['itemSmall']."\" height=\"75\" width=\"75\"  /></center></td>\n"
."<td><a href=/shell/data/edit.php?id=".$row['itemId']." />Edit This Item</td>\n"

echo "</table>\n";

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The $result1 was a typeo. I've changed it to $result if you look at my last script posting you'll see the change. I didn't post the script right away. here it is again:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {   \\\ I somewhat understand the loop concept but, I don't understand the condition here.....

echo "<table border=3>\n"
."<th>Item Picture</th>\n"
."<th>ID #</th>\n"
."<th>Edit Link</th>\n"

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){           \\\ Nor here.
echo "<tr>\n"
."<td><center><img src=\"".$row['itemSmall']."\" height=\"75\" width=\"75\"  /></center></td>\n"
."<td><a href=/****/****/****.php?id=".$row['itemId']." />Edit This Item</td>\n"

echo "</table>\n";


Oh boy I am a forum regular now....ugh that happened quick.
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I dont understand why you have two whiles... Try this please:


echo "<table border=3>\n"
."<th>Item Picture</th>\n"
."<th>ID #</th>\n"
."<th>Edit Link</th>\n"

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>\n"
."<td><center><img src=\"".$row['itemSmall']."\" height=\"75\" width=\"75\"  /></center></td>\n"
."<td><a href=/shell/data/edit.php?id=".$row['itemId']." />Edit This Item</td>\n"

echo "</table>\n";


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You have 2 while loops?

your top one should be something like
if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 0){
Which means, IF the number of results from the query is NOT equal to 0 then continue.
Cos if there are no rows, then we dont want to show an empty table

The While loop
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)){
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1)){

basicly this gets the results from the query, and each row is placed in the car $row as a array
if u dont use a while loop, you will only get one row.

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