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Loop or something to put additional <div> wrap


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Hy guys. I would be very grateful if you can help me on this.


This is what I have:

function ansimuz_novicke_items($v){ 

// get config
$nPosts = $v['ansimuz_front_tab_number'];
$nPosts = ($nPosts == '') ? 4 : $nPosts;

$args = array(
	'post_type' => 'novicke',
	'numberposts' => $nPosts,
	'tax_query' => array(
				'taxonomy'  => 'tip_novicke',
				'field'     => 'slug',
				'terms'     => 'obvestilo-podpora-agentu',
				'operator'  => 'NOT IN'
           ) // end array

$myposts = get_posts($args);

global $post;
foreach($myposts as $post) :

<div class="one-fourth-novicke">
		<h6 class="line-divider-novicke"><?php the_title() ?></h6>
            <span class="sub">Objavljeno <?php the_time('j. F Y'); ?></span>
		<p><?php the_content() ?></p>

<?php endforeach; ?>



And I need to modify it so that it will stack posts in packs of 4 wrapped inside the <div></div>

For an instant:














and so on.


Do you have any suggestion how to do that?


Thank you in advance :)!

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I see some problems in that code:


It is generally not advised to use "global". Since you are defining $post in the foreach loop, it really makes no sense why you are setting it as global. The only thing I can assume is that the other functions that are called [the_title(), the_time() and the_content()] are using the current value of $post. But, that's a pretty poor implementation. You should instead pass the appropriate value of the $post array within those functions. E.g. the_title($post['some_index'])

Also, why do you have a three-dimensional array, $args, where the 2nd level only contains only element - another array. Seems you shoudl only need a two dimensional array.


As to your problem, I would use array_chuck to split the $myposts array into the sections matching the number you want. Then do a nested foreach loop. The outer loop is for each group of four and the inner loop is for the individual records.

    $post_data = array_chunk($myposts, 4);
    foreach($post_data as $myposts)
        echo "<div class='one-fourth-novicke'>\n";
        foreach($myposts as $post)
            echo "    <h6 class='line-divider-novicke'>" . the_title() . "</h6>\n";
            echo "    <span class='sub'>Objavljeno " . the_time('j. F Y') . "</span>\n";
            echo "    <p>" . the_content() . "</p>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";

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Hy Psycho! Thank you for your time and constructive critics and a lot of help!


To be honest I'm really bad with php... more of a VBA guy :).


Your code did most of the trick. I modified it a little in to:

function ansimuz_novicke_items($v){ 

// get config
$nPosts = $v['ansimuz_front_tab_number'];
$nPosts = ($nPosts == '') ? 4 : $nPosts;

$args = array(
	'post_type' => 'novicke',
	'numberposts' => $nPosts,
	'tax_query' => array(
				'taxonomy'  => 'tip_novicke',
				'field'     => 'slug',
				'terms'     => 'obvestilo-podpora-agentu',
				'operator'  => 'NOT IN'
           ) // end array

$myposts = get_posts($args);

$post_data = array_chunk($myposts, 4);
foreach($post_data as $myposts)
	echo "<div>\n";
		global $post;
		foreach($myposts as $post)
			echo "<div class='one-fourth-novicke'>\n";
			echo "<h6 class='line-divider-novicke'>" . the_title() . "</h6>\n";
			echo "<span class='sub'>Objavljeno " . the_time('j. F Y') . "</span>\n";
			echo "<p>" . the_content() . "</p>\n";
			echo "</div>\n";
	echo "</div>\n";


I tried without global $post; but then wordpress sends some strange resoults. I don't know why... possibly there are some more issues with this same global $post; sintax in some other part of my code and so I get wrong resoults. Strangely I get correct the_content() but for the the_title() and the_time() I get only time and title from the latest post available... But I will not take any more time of yours on this. Must first examine whole code for global $post; issues...


What I would LIKE TO ASK YOU is this:

When I run this code the content of function does not get where it should. It gets before the html tags.


For an instance, this line:

echo "<span class='sub'>Objavljeno " . the_time('j. F Y') . "</span>\n";

Produces this results:



9. Junij 2012    "

<span class="sub">Objavljeno </span>


In this exact order. But it should be like:

<span class="sub">Objavljeno 9. Junij 2012</span>


Do you have any idea what could be wrong?

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OK, class dismissed :)!


Solution is to use , instead of . with functions. So correct code is:

				echo "<div class='one-fourth-novicke'>\n";
			echo "<h6 class='line-divider-novicke'>" ,the_title(), "</h6>\n";
			echo "<span class='sub'>Objavljeno " ,the_time('j. F Y'), "</span>\n";
			echo "<p>" ,the_content(), "</p>\n";
			echo "</div>\n";


Thank you Psycho for your help and guidance!

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Solution is to use , instead of . with functions.


Ok, the problem is that those functions are echoing content to the page rather than returning a value. You should typically not build functions that output content and instead they should return the content. That a general programming standard - not a PHP thing. Using periods, as I did in an echo concatenates strings and would have worked if the functions were returning a value. The reasons the commas work is that the echo statement is executing on each value independently. But, it is not doing what you think it is doing - even if it is working


For example, this line:

echo "<span class='sub'>Objavljeno " ,the_time('j. F Y'), "</span>\n";


The echo is first outputting "<span class='sub'>Objavljeno "

Then it executes the_time('j. F Y') and tries to echo the result. But, the function is actually echoing something and the result is a null string - so the echo is doing nothing on that.

Lastly the echo is outputting "</span>\n"


not to be too critical, but that is really sloppy, IMHO. But getting it working is the first battle.


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