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decreasing scan time


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I have this script and its working fine, but there is one thing i would like to change.
When the server wich i am scanning is not online (shutted down completely) it takes 30 seconds until it shows the offline status.
I would like to decrease this to 2 to 5 seconds and let the script the server is down.

Can anyone tell me what i have to do, please a bit specific because i have poor knowledgde.


$s_port  = 12203;              // Serverport 
$s_ip    = "";  // Server-IP 
$timeout = 2;
$s_con  = fsockopen("udp://".$s_ip, $s_port,$errno, $errstr, $timeout); 

// $s_con == false if fsockopen failed 
die(msg_server('Unable to connect with fsockopen [1];; '.$errstr)); 

// fwrite return false on write error, else it return how many bytes written 
if(fwrite($s_con, "ÿÿÿÿ". chr (0x02). "getstatus". chr (0x00))===FALSE)
die(msg_server('Unable to write to $_con [1]')); 

// fread return false on read error, else it return the read string 
if(($ffb = fread($s_con,4))===FALSE)     
    die(msg_server('Unable to read from $_con after write. [1]')); 

// stream_get_meta_data is same as socket_get_status 
$meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($s_con); 

die(msg_server('server DOWN')); 

$beginnen = fread($s_con, $meta_data['unread_bytes']); 


$data = explode("\n", $beginnen); 

// Serverinfo 

$s_con = fsockopen("udp://".$s_ip, $s_port,$errno, $errstr, $timeout); 

die(msg_server('Unable to connect with fsockopen [2];; '.$errstr)); 

if(fwrite($s_con, "ÿÿÿÿ". chr (0x02). "getstatus". chr (0x00))===FALSE)
die(msg_server('Unable to write to $_con [2]')); 

// bytes lezen en verbindingsopbouw 
if(($ffb = fread($s_con,4))===FALSE)
die(msg_server('Unable to read from $_con after write. [2]')); 

$meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($s_con); 

if($meta_data["unread_bytes"] == 0)     
die(msg_server('No data, sorry. ('.$ffb.')')); 

$beginnen = fread($s_con, $meta_data['unread_bytes']); 


msg_server('server ACTIVE');   

function msg_server($server_status,$errmsg=''){     
echo "
<div class='scanner' id='hoofd'>
  <div class='picture'><img src='sc-moh.gif' alt='1' /></div>
  <div class='status'>$server_status</div>

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