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Paging Issue with mySQL


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Hi There,


I apologize for this as I'm not a "Expert" in PHP/MYSQL i have a general basic understanding and can do certain things however. I am new to "paging" systems and am looking for help with the following code.


The Paging system all works good and well however when I click "Page 2" it shows no results, so I'm assuming it's lost the Database somewhere along the lines.


Basically, at this stage someone will "Search" for something it will go to domain.com?page=search&number=1 which will display the first 5 entries of the search they should be able to click next which go to domain.com?page=search&number=2 which will display the next 5 however as soon as you click "next page" it will show an empty page... any idea as to why? I will provide the code below.




$page = $_GET['page'];
if ($page == "search") {

$pages=$_GET['number']; //Get the current page


$qresult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM products");  // Let's get the query

$nrResults=mysql_num_rows($qresult); // Count the results

if (($nrResults%$limit)<>0) {

$pmax=floor($nrResults/$limit)+1;  // Divide to total result by the number of query you want

// to display per page($limit) and create a Max page
} else {


echo "Detected Search continuing";

// If SEARCH Then 
$var = $_POST['q'] ; // get the query for the search engine (if applicable)
$trimmed = trim($var); //trim whitespace from the stored variablE
$wsearch = $_POST['type'];

if ($wsearch == "Books") {

if ($trimmed == "") {
echo "<p>Please enter something to search</p>";

echo $trimmed;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `name` LIKE '%$trimmed%' ORDER BY `id` LIMIT ".(($_GET["number"]-1)*$limit).", $limit") or die(mysql_error());
$count = mysql_numrows($result);

if ($numrows == 0 ) { echo "<p style='font-weight: bold'>Sorry, no results were found for your search term $trimmed</p>"; exit; }
// get results
if($numrows > 1){ $return = "results";}
else{ $return = "result"; }

// display what the person searched for
echo "<p>Your search for " . $var . "&quot returned $numrows $return.</p>";
// begin to show results set
$count = 1 + $s ;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$name = $row['name'];
$desc = $row['description'];
$bookcover = $row['bookcover'];
$price = $row['price'];
$idx = $row['id'];
$insidebook = $row['insidebook'];
$category = $row['category'];
$count++ ;



// Just the table where I display the information.....

<?	 } // END LOOP 
<div class="navigation">
if($pages > 1) {
$prevp="<a href='http://mysite.com.au/books.php?page=search&number=".($pages-1)."' title='Previous Page'>Previous Page</a>"; } else {echo "";}   
echo $prevp;
while ($pid<=$pmax) {
$paging= "<a href='http://mysite.com.au/books.php?page=search&number=$pid' title='Page $pid of $pmax'> $pid</a>";

$newpaging=str_replace("<a href='http://mysite.com.au/books.php?page=search&number=$pages' title='Page $pages of $pmax'> $pages</a>", "<span>$pages</span>", $paging);
echo $newpaging;
$pid++;  // create pages until reach the result
if($pages < $pmax) {
$nextp="<a href='http://mysite.com.au/books.php?page=search&number=".($pages+1)."' title='Next Page'>Next Page</a>"; } else {echo "";}   
echo $nextp;
echo  "<a href='http://mysite.com.au/books.php?page=search&number=$pmax' title='Last Page'>Last Page</a>";

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The issue seems to ly on the fact that as soon as I click "next page" or "page 2" it looses that data and I'm not sure as to why, it seems to "forget" that it's grabbed all the info from the MYSQL database already. I don't quite get it?

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Web servers are stateless. Other than an entry in the access log file, they don't know or care what happened before the current http request and they don't know or care what will happen after the current http request. Every page that is requested is completely separate from every other page request. All values, except session variables, that exist in the code on any page are destroyed when the code on that page finishes running.


The $_POST data (what was searched for) that was submitted to your page and the data from the database query no longer exist after the code on the page finishes running.


To pass the search term and type with the pagination links, you will need to build the pagination links with keys/values for the 'q' and 'type' in them, then use $_GET['q'] and $_GET['type'] to access the values.






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