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clearing chatbox & adding BBCode


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hi, i followed phpacademys login and register system from part one to part twenty two, after this i created a nice web design


and added a php chatbox now what i want to know is


i have a function called protect_page() that redirects guests to a error message and i have a


has_access() function which checks the users rank, this is all good but if i want multiple ranks eg 1, 2, 3, but 4 not to access it how would i do this i am currently doing this


if (has_access($session_user_id, 4) === true) {
       echo 'you do not have the rights to view this page';
} else {
      echo 'You have the rights';


i would like something like this


if (has_access($session_user_id < 3) === true) {



but this just wont work.


another issue i have i have a function called BBCode used in an echo as


$text = '
[center]center text[/center]
echo BBCode($text);


it converts the BBCode to html i would like to use it in this file, which will work with my chatbox


include 'core/init.php';

$text = $_POST['text'];

$fp = fopen("log.php", 'a');

fwrite($fp, '('.date('g:i A').') <b><a href="'. $user_data['username'] .'" target="_blank">'.$username.'</a></b>: '.stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($text)).'<br>


the BBCode function is

function BBCode ($string) {
$search = array(
$replace = array(
     '<img src="\\1">',
     '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',
     '<font size="\\1">\\2</font>',
     '<font family="\\1">\\2</font>',
     '<font color="\\1">\\2</font>',
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string);





one last thing i need, the chatbox i have sends the entered data with the php code i sent above, to log.php, i was wonderign if there was a faster way of clearing this chatbox then going into the file and removing all the content form it?

would it be possible to add a word to reset it like [reset] with a similar method to the bbcode or something along those lines



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Passing the user level to the has_access function should return a true or false, that is what you should check.  You cannot pass operators in the function arguments like that.  Being that we don't have access to the has_access() function, we cannot point you in the right direction.  However, for you second problem.


Replace your BBCode function with this snippet, and you can type [reset] and it will clear the file for you (it writes [reset] at the top of the file).

function resetLog() {
$logFilename = 'log.txt'; //filename.
file_put_contents($logFilename,'[reset]'); //open the file, overwrite the contents with the string [reset], close the file.
return true; //return true.

function BBCode ($string) {
//looking for the reset code
if(strpos($string,'[reset]') !== false) { //if string is found.
	resetLog(); //call the reset function.
	$string = str_replace('[reset]','',$string); //delete the string [reset] from the input.
$search = array(
$replace = array(
     '<img src="\\1">',
     '<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',
     '<font size="\\1">\\2</font>',
     '<font family="\\1">\\2</font>',
     '<font color="\\1">\\2</font>',
return preg_replace($search, $replace, $string);

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thanks the reset workes but the bbcode doesn't here is my has_access function


function has_access($user_id, $type) {
$user_id	= (int)$user_id;
$type 		= (int)$type;

return (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = $user_id AND `type` = $type"), 0) == 1) ? true : false;


the reset works fine but the actual BBCode function i have isn't working


here is my post.php file


include 'core/init.php';

$text = $_POST['text'];

$fp = fopen("log.php", 'a');
$input = '('.date('g:i A').') <b><a href="'. $user_data['username'] .'" target="_blank">'.$username.'</a></b>: '.$text.'<br>';

fwrite($fp, ' ' . BBCode($input) . '


i dont understand it, [reset] is in the BBCode bit and yet it works when the bbcode doesn't also it would be helpful if you could find a useful method for making [reset] only work for user access level 1

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The function works for me.


input: [b]Bold[/b]


[list][*]Ordered List[/list]
[size=3]Font Size 3[/size]
[color=green]Green Text[/color]
<br />
Output: <b>Bold</b>
<ol><li>Ordered List</li></ol>
<font size="3">Font Size 3</font>
<font color="green">Green Text</font>

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