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function => recursion problem *SOLVED ~ 10% sane-ness remaining lol*


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i have added print_r()'s and print() all over these functions, and i still dont understand why it is returning a wrong value...

    function stackResearchTree($researchroot, $game = GAMEID)
      * Starts off the research tree, setting the root research *
      * returns the stack of researches                        *
        $tree_stack = array($researchroot);  //sets up the stack, with the root research at the bottom
        return initTree($researchroot, $tree_stack);

    function initTree($research, $tree_stack, $depth = 1)
      * Keeps calling its self untill all reserch needed, are found *

      //find req1?
      $req1 = researchReq($research);

      if(!in_array($req1, $tree_stack) && $req1 > 0) //not currently in array
        array_push($tree_stack, "$req1");  //add req1 to the stack
        //call itself for req1 of req1
        initTree($req1, $tree_stack, $depth + 1);
      //else//if($req1 == 0) //has no requirement for req1
        //array_push($tree_stack, "$research");  //add req1 to the stack  (end of the branch for this part)
      //else, do nothing, its already there

      /* do again for req2 */

      //find req2?
      $req2 = researchReq($research, 2);

      if(!in_array($req2, $tree_stack) && $req2 > 0) //not currently in array
        array_push($tree_stack, "$req2");  //add req2 to the stack
        //call itself for req2 of req2
        initTree($req2, $tree_stack, $depth + 1);
      //else//if($req2 == 0) //has no requirement for req1
        //array_push($tree_stack, $research);  //add req1 to the stack  (end of the branch for this part)
      //else, do nothing, its already there

      if($depth != 1)  //still has more to loop
        $depth --;
        return $tree_stack;

    function researchReq($researchid, $req = 1, $game = GAMEID)
      * Finds the id of the requirement, where $req is either 1 or 2, as there  *
      * is only 2 research requirements                                        *

      $sql = "SELECT p".$req." FROM Research".gameTypeList("research", $game)." WHERE id='$researchid'";
      $query = mysql_query($sql, cdb(3))or bavaderror($sql);
      $row = mysql_fetch_row($query);
      return $row[0];

Basic understanding of this is, a research tree... only 2 nodes per parent (req1 and req2)
stackResearchTree() - starts off the tree, so basically the root
researchReq() - just finds out what the requirement is, (value of req1 or req2)
initTree() - Builds up a stack, adding a unique id as it travels thru it.

here are the results i get...
Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 )
Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 )
Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 [3] => 1 )
Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 [3] => 1 [4] => 3 )

And the final return (from all of it) is
[quote]Array ( [0] => 5 [1] => 2 [2] => 4 )[/quote]
which is missing 2 parts...

Is this because they are nested somehow? I can’t figure it out, as I’m returning the array, to use again to push a new value...
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[quote author=btherl link=topic=114207.msg464666#msg464666 date=1162951647]
Perhaps you should do

[code]$treestack = initTree($req1, $tree_stack, $depth + 1);[/code]

Or alternatively, you can pass $treestack by reference.
yes what luck eh... i solved it like a few minutes before you, after tearing my brain out all night...
yes i was returning ther stack, but when i was calling the function i wasnt assigning it to any thing.. eg.. the stack its self.. *doh*
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