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help preventing sql injection


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Hello.  I am trying to prevent sql injections on a site that I am creating.  I am just not sure if my approach is correct and completely secure.  I am looking for some pointers and insight.  If anyone could provide some tips and pointers where I might have some security holes, it would be greatly appreciated.




//contains all php work functions
//contains the link submition form
//will contain the html dynamic rollover menu

//do the sql query



//the html form

<form action = "validate.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="link"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"/>




   //open the session 	
   //establish a connection with the database.
   //get the base url by stripping slashes down to base web address.
   $urlExtensions = array (".com" => ".com", ".net" => ".net", ".org" => ".org", ".edu" => ".edu");	
   $count = substr_count_array($_POST['link'],$urlExtensions);
   if($count < 1)
    echo "Sorry, we are unable to identify this web address.  It appears you have forgotten to include the url extension:\n";
	echo "1.http://www.site.ext\n";
	echo "2.www.site.ext\n";
	echo "3.site.ext\n";





//function to do the selectQuery which will eventually be based off of the menu selection
function selectQuery()
$con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "","mysql");
$query = $con->query("select address from sites");

//$result = mysql_query($query);
$message = 'Invalid Query:' . mysql_error() . "\n";

while($row = $query->fetch_assoc()){
    $link = $row;
$site = substr($row['address'],7);

     echo "<a href={$link['address']}>$site</a>"."<br />\n";	

return $query;

//function to insert new links into the database
function insertQuery()
$con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "","mysql");
$insertQuery = $con->query("insert into sites(address)values(('".$_SESSION['newLink']."'))");

//$result = mysql_query($query);
$message = 'Invalid Query:' . mysql_error() . "\n";

return $insertQuery;

//function to get base url
function getBaseURL(){
/*If string contains http:// , trim it off.
  Next, remove slashes from web address to get base url.  Finally
  reatach the http:// in the front of the address
if(substr_count($_POST['link'],'http://') > 0){
   echo ("Contains http://");
     echo "Here count / is greater than 2";
         $_SESSION['link'] = trim($_POST['link'],"http://");
	 echo ($_SESSION['link']);
	 $_SESSION['explode'] = explode("/",$_SESSION['link']);
	 echo ($_SESSION['explode'][0]);
	 $_SESSION['newLink'] = ("http://" . $_SESSION['explode'][0]);
	 echo ("The new link is" . $_SESSION['newLink']);

/* If string does not contain http://, remove the slashes from the address
   Then re-attach the http:// to the front of the string 
else if((substr_count($_POST['link'],'http://') <= 0) && (substr_count($_POST['link'],'www.')>0)){
   echo ("Does not contain http://");
         $_SESSION['link'] = explode("/", $_POST['link']);
	 $_SESSION['newLink'] = ("http://" . $_SESSION['link'][0]);

/* If string does not contain http:// or www, remove the slashes and add
      both http:// and www. to the front of the web address 
else if((substr_count($_POST['link'],'http://')<=0) && (substr_count($_POST['link'],'www.') <=0)){
   $_SESSION['link'] = explode("/", $_POST['link']);
   $_SESSION['newLink'] = ("http://www." . $_SESSION['link'][0]);
return $_SESSION['newLink']; 
// function to search web address for the existance of an url extension
function substr_count_array( $haystack, $needle ) {
   $count = 0;
   foreach ($needle as $substring) {
      $count += substr_count( $haystack, $substring);
     return $count;

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1.Make sure all string data is escaped using the mysqli class, PDO, mysqli_real_escape_string, or mysql_real_escape_string.  Which ever database method you are using.

2.Make sure all integer, or float data is cast to the right data type with Converting to Integer, or Converting to Float.


You could also return the form if the integer data was not of ctype_digit, if you are not using 2 above.

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