azretl Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 Hi friends, In these lines I'm getting the following errors, If you help? ok I'll be happy. sozluk.php <? session_start(); ob_start(); include "inc/baglan.php"; if ($verified_user) { $sorgu1 = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE `nick` = '$verified_user'"; $sorgu2 = mysql_query($sorgu1); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); $tema=$kayit2["tema"]; if (!$tema) $tema = "default"; } else { $tema = "default"; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1254"> <SCRIPT src="images/top.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language=javascript src="images/sozluk.js"></SCRIPT> <LINK href="favicon.ico" rel="shortcut Icon"><LINK href="favicon.ico" rel=icon> <LINK href="images/sozluk.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet> <LINK href="images/<? echo $tema ?>.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet> </head> <body> <? $verified_user = $_SESSION['verified_user']; $verified_kat = $_SESSION['verified_kat']; $verified_durum = $_SESSION['durum']; $kat = $_SESSION['kat']; $user_ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'); $sorgu1 = "SELECT ip FROM ipban WHERE `ip` = '$user_ip'"; $sorgu2 = mysql_query($sorgu1); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); $ip=$kayit2["ip"]; if ($ip and $verified_user != "yalowa") header("Location: bakim.php"); $sorgu1 = "SELECT nick,durum FROM user WHERE `nick` = '$verified_user'"; $sorgu2 = mysql_query($sorgu1); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); $durum=$kayit2["durum"]; $nick=$kayit2["nick"]; if ($durum == "sus") header ("Location: logout.php"); $sorgu1 = "SELECT * FROM ayar"; $sorgu2 = mysql_query($sorgu1); mysql_num_rows($sorgu2); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); $site=$kayit2["site"]; $reg=$kayit2["reg"]; if ($site == "off" and $verified_kat == "admin" and $process != "top") { echo "<font color=red>Uyarı!: Site şuan kapalı konumda.</font>"; } if ($site == "tech" and $verified_kat == "admin" and $process != "top") { echo "<font color=red>Uyarı!: Site şuan bakım konumunda.</font>"; } if ($site == "off" and $verified_kat != "admin" and $process != "top") { include "kapali"; die; } if ($site == "tech" and $verified_kat != "admin" and $process != "top") { include "bakim.php"; die; } if ($verified_user) { // kontrol $son_zaman = time() - 1800; $sorgu = "DELETE FROM online WHERE islem_zamani < $son_zaman"; mysql_query($sorgu); $simdikizaman = time(); if ($verified_kat == "admin") { $gnick = "&$verified_user"; $sorgu = "UPDATE online SET islem_zamani=$simdikizaman WHERE nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else if ($verified_kat == "mod") { $gnick = "+$verified_user"; $sorgu = "UPDATE online SET islem_zamani=$simdikizaman WHERE nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else if ($verified_kat == "gammaz") { $gnick = "$verified_user*"; $sorgu = "UPDATE online SET islem_zamani=$simdikizaman WHERE nick='$gnick'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } else { $sorgu = "UPDATE online SET islem_zamani=$simdikizaman WHERE nick='$verified_user'"; mysql_query($sorgu); } } // kayitli online kont if ($process) { if ($process == "privmsg" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "cp" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "add" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "adm" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "msjoku" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "msjana" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "yenimsj" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "adm" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } if ($process == "onlines" and !$verified_user) { Header ("Location: logout.php"); die; } // echo $process; if (file_exists("inc/$process.php")) include "inc/$process.php"; else if (file_exists("adm/$process.php")) include "adm/$process.php"; else echo " <LINK href=\"images/$tema.css\" type=text/css rel=stylesheet> Bu b?l?m ge?ici olarak servis dışı."; if ($process == "word") { function mtime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $basla = mtime(); for ($i=0; $i < 10000; $i++){ } $bitir = mtime(); echo "<br><br><br><center><a href=sozluk.php?process=word&q=sayfa+uretim+suresi target=main><font size=1>sayfa ?retim s?resi</font></a>:<a class=link><font size=1>".round($bitir-$basla,5)."</font></a>"; echo " <hr> <font size=1>Lafmacun.Org S?zl?k<br> Copyright by 2006 (c) "; } } ob_end_flush(); ?> </body> </html> lines that failed $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); mysql_num_rows($sorgu2); $kayit2=mysql_fetch_array($sorgu2); always the same error in this line of your script starts with four errors Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jcbones Posted July 9, 2012 Share Posted July 9, 2012 When a query to MySQL fails, then MySQL throws an error, PHP's function mysql_query will return FALSE. The functions that rely on mysql_query() will then fail, because they are NOT designed to handle a FALSE resource. This is why I can be confident in telling you: your query is failing with an error. There are a couple of ways to handle this. 1. echo out your query, and run it in a database console, or software (phpMyAdmin). 2. code in a de-bugger that will show what the error is. Like: $sorgu2 = mysql_query($sorgu1) or trigger_error( $sorgu1 . ' has encountered an error. <br />' . mysql_error() ); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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