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Problem adding Captcha to script


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i was wondering if anyone can give me a hand adding this captcha script? i have tried everything i can think of with no luck at all. I think my problem has to do with the session where i already have one started  but i could be wrong, any help would be great thanks.


My code:

$email_to    = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['email_to']));
$today = date("M d, Y h:i A");
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
        if(!isset($_SESSION['csrf']) || $_SESSION['csrf'] !== $_POST['csrf'])
        $sql = "SELECT username FROM users
        WHERE mailaddress = '{$email_to}'";
        $result=mysql_query($sql, $conn)
        or die('Error in query:<br>'. $sql .'<br>'.mysql_error($conn).'<br>Time of Error: '.date("l F j, Y, G:i:s T"));
            $subject="mysite Username reminder.";
            $header="from: noreply@mysite.com";
            $messages= "Hey $username, \r\n";
            $messages.=" \r\n";
            $messages.="You recently request your mysite username on $today \r\n";
            $messages.=" \r\n";
            $messages.="Your username is: $username \r\n";
            $messages.=" \r\n";
            $messages.="You can sign in at: https://www.mysite.com \r\n";
            $messages.=" \r\n";
            $messages.="Your username was requested from the following ip address: $ip \r\n";
            $messages.=" \r\n";
            $messages.="Thanks, \r\n";
            $messages.="From mysite.com \r\n";
            $sentmail = mail($to,$subject,$messages,$header);
        else {
            $error_message = 'Sorry email address not found.';
            $error_message = 'Your username has been sent to your email address.';
        else {
            $error_message = 'username was not sent please try again.';
$key = sha1(microtime());
$_SESSION['csrf'] = $key;


Captcha code trying to add:

if (md5($_POST['csrf']) == $_SESSION['csrf']){
    $error_message = 'Captcha good.';
    } else {
    $error_message = 'Captcha wrong.';

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hi bleured27

thanks for the reply, i have search google and came up with a lot of scripts and have a captcha script. The code i posted (my captcha script) is the part im having problems adding to my script, i been watching tuts for 2 days and did learn a lot but still am having a problem with adding that bit of code.

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are you dutch because i Know dutch help for you

i translated it

it will be a math question example 1+1 = [      input box        ]



require_once 'Numeral.php'; 
$numcap = new Text_CAPTCHA_Numeral;

//your stuff
if (isset($_POST['captcha']) && isset($_SESSION['answer'])) { if ($_POST['captcha'] == $_SESSION['answer']) { } else { $vervuild = TRUE; $melding .= "plz try captcha again "; }

more tomorrow i go sleep

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