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Short Self-Introduction


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Good morning phpfreaks,


I came across this forums after trying to search for a solution to problem I had a few minutes ago and sure enough I found the answer to my problem. After browsing several threads I liked the board and decided to join it as I never know when I'll need help in the future nor when I can provide assistance  :D


A little bit about myself, I'm 18 years old recently graduated from High School and soon to start college in the US this coming september. I started learning PHP about 2 years ago when a friend of mine showed me something he had created. I was instantly attracted and decided to learn how to code in PHP w/ MySQL. Unfortunately I haven't had as much time as I wanted to dedicate to it, but I give it all I can. In terms of learning it, I believe in hands-on experience and learning so I keep trying new stuff and use the documentation to find new functions and things to do :) I realize I haven't advanced as much as I could have because I am not following a book, class or another thing but I believe I've already covered all the basics and a little bit more.


I hope I can learn a little bit more as time goes by.




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