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Instant messaging:Div taller than its parent div.....


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I will try to explain what i want,


On my website, i want to create an instant messaging. so when a user visit a member profil and this member he's online, the user can click on IM button and a div appear in a bottom right to enter a messager to send to this user.


When a user click on Instant messaging button, i want first a full width screen div with 75px height(it will be the main div that shows active IM), then, i want to show all current active IM. Then, if user click on an active IM div, this div grow maybay 400px height and 180px width, to let user type his message BUT i wnat that the main div stay at 75px height.....


Do you have a hint for me...

I use php / ajax to show div but i don't know how make a div bigger than its parent in height.....


Thanks a lot!


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my project is not online now...


ya i specify a width and height in css...


Also... i suppose that instant messaging are heavy for a server? i mean, every x second, i request is send do DB to see if a user didn't IM him?

is it heavy?


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so use jquery and the div with im messaging can be hidden or display none (prefered) till its on use .

and if you need you can change the other div the display none if you dont need him .

im sure with jquery you will get got resoults for your needs.




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