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Hello I am looking for help with the following function. What it does is get all the Wednesdays and Saturdays between 2 given dates. For that it works perfectly. I then use those dates with some more php to scrape a lottery site for the winning numbers and winning cash amounts. I am running into a problem when I use the function on a draw date. The lottery posts results after 11pm and if it is run before that time on the day of it returns the correct dates including the day of but the rest of my php errors because that lottery site is not updated. SO WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR is to run the function on the day of ONLY after 11pm



If the start date = Wednesday July 11th

And  today = Wednesday July 25th

And I run the function at 2pm in the afternoon I want the script to return the following


Array ( [0] => 11 Jul 2012 [1] => 14 Jul 2012 [2] => 18 Jul 2012 [3] => 21 Jul 2012 )


If I run it after 11pm I want the function to return the following


Array ( [0] => 11 Jul 2012 [1] => 14 Jul 2012 [2] => 18 Jul 2012 [3] => 21 Jul 2012 [4] => 25 Jul 2012 )


But any date before 11pm the day of return all Wednesdays and Saturdays


function getDays($start,$end)
    $t = new DateTime($start ."12:00"); 
$e = new DateTime($end ." 12:00"); 
if ($e == 'Today'){
    $out = array(); 
    for (; $t<=$e; $t->modify("+1 day")) { 
        $day = $t->format("D"); 
        if (in_array($day, array('Wed','Sat'))) { 
            $out[] = $t->format('d M Y'); 
     return $out; 

//to call function i use the following

$dates = getDays($start_date, 'Today'); 


Thanks in advance

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Will you ever get a $end in the future? If not, something like this will work.



$start = 'July 11th 2012';
$end = 'July 25th 2012';

var_dump(getDays($start, $end));

function getDays($start, $end) {
$t = new DateTime($start . "12:00");
$e = new DateTime($end . " 12:00");
$out = array();
// prevent multiple date calls for speed. get current date and time
list($ymd, $time) = explode(' ', date('Y-m-d G'));
// check if $e is today, or later, and it's before 11PM
if( $e->format('Y-m-d') == $ymd && $time < 23 ) {
	// Set the end date back 1 so script never sees it
	$e->modify('-1 day');
for (; $t <= $e; $t->modify("+1 day")) {

	$day = $t->format("D");
	if (in_array($day, array('Wed', 'Sat'))) {
		$out[] = $t->format('d M Y');
return $out;


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