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"build a product" page 'how-to' suggestions


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A somewhat general question. Being a beginner, I think I painted myself into a corner. Imight not have thought through what/how to do what I'm doing.


What I'm trying to do is build a page of 5 categories of options. These are contingent on the previous choice. You make a choice from category one, and the form auto-reloads the page in order to change what will appear in category 2 - and populate a box next to the choices so they can see what they've chosen so far. Then category 3 shows it's options, based on the restraints from category 2 - and so on.


I got so caught up in trying to get the open/close functionality, and getting the data to simply populate the divs (thanks greatly to some help from ChristianF - I'm starting to learn a little about sprintf and templates.)


But did I paint myself into a corner?


Looking at the code below, is there a way to salvage what I've got to do this? Maybe there is, maybe it just seems daunting. I don't know what to do from here. gah! I'm soooo minor-league!



$query  = "SELECT tbl_component_categories.ID, tbl_component_categories.folder_path, tbl_component_categories.comp_cat_name, tbl_components.component_name, tbl_components.image_filepath, tbl_components.component_category

FROM tbl_components

JOIN tbl_component_categories ON tbl_components.component_category = tbl_component_categories.ID
ORDER BY tbl_components.component_category";
$result = mysql_query($query);

$category = false;

// CF: Using sprintf () and templates makes things a whole lot easier to read.
$ExpandTemplate = <<<OutHTML
<div id="%1\$s" style="width:550px;padding-top:20px;">

<a class='select-toggler' href="javascript:showHide('%2\$s-expander');">
<img style="position:relative;top:-2px;" src="images/structural/red-plus.gif" /> %1\$s </a><br>
<div id="%2\$s-expander" style="float:left;padding-right:25px;display:none;" width="90">

$ExpandImageTemplate = <<<OutHTML
<div style='width:140px;padding:10px;float:left;'> %4\$s <br><img src='%3\$s'></div> 

$ExpandImageTafter = <<<OutHTML

$JSVariables = '';  

// and here's the loop that creates the page
$Output = '
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

<div id="builder-box-entire-code">

<div style="float:left;">



while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result)) {

if ($category != $row['component_category']) {
$category = $row['component_category'];	
if (!$firstime) {

$Output .= '</div><br><br>';

} else {
$firstime = true;

//CF: Changed output to be stored in a temp variable, as well as adding output escaping to prevent XSS etc.
$Output .= sprintf ($ExpandTemplate, htmlspecialchars ($row['comp_cat_name']), htmlspecialchars ($row['folder_path']));

$JSVariables .= "'".htmlspecialchars ($row['folder_path']). "-expander', ";


//CF: Changed output to be stored in a temp variable, as well as adding output escaping to prevent XSS etc.
$Output .= sprintf ($ExpandImageTemplate, htmlspecialchars ($row['comp_cat_name']),htmlspecialchars ($row['folder_path']),htmlspecialchars (rawurlencode ($row['image_filepath'])),htmlspecialchars ($row['component_name']));

$finaljsstring = substr_replace($JSVariables ,"",-2);



echo $Output;


<div id="main-text" style="width:350px;float:left;">


uncomment & change when style sheet is pulled to its own file

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="x.css" />

  <p> <a class="select-toggler" href="#"> <img src="images/structural/view-my-rifle.gif" /></a></p>
  <hr />
  <a class="select-toggler" href="#"> <img src="images/structural/redo-arrow.gif" style="position:relative;top:-2px;"/> START OVER</a>


<!-- end selector divs container div -->


<!-- start 'your selections' div container div -->

<div id="results-box" style="float:right;">
   <div style="background-color:#000; padding:1px 10px 10px 10px ; ">
   <p class="selector-paragraphs-header">YOUR SELECTIONS:</p>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Action: <span id="span-action" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Barrel: <span id="span-barrel" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Length: <span id="span-length" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Trigger: <span id="span-trigger" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Bolt: <span id="span-bolt" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Pistol Grip: <span id="span-pistol-grip" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Magazine: <span id="span-magazine" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Hand Guard: <span id="span-hand-guard" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Suppressor: <span id="span-suppressor" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Muzzle Brake: <span id="span-muzzle-brake" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Accessory Rail Mounts: <span id="span-accessory-rail-mounts" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Finish: <span id="span-finish" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Weight: <span id="span-weight" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p class="selector-paragraphs"> Carry Case: <span id="span-carry-case" class="chosen-data">x</span>

<p id="price"> <span id="total-span">TOTAL:</span> $xxxxxx</p>
<p id="send-specs"> SEND SPECS <img src="images/structural/green-arrow.gif" /></p>

  <!-- end 'your selections' divs container div -->

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">

function showHide(d)
var onediv = document.getElementById(d);
var divs=[<?php echo $finaljsstring; ?>];
for (var i=0;i<divs.length;i++)
  if (onediv != document.getElementById(divs[i]))
onediv.style.display = 'block';





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