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restaurant manager application wrote in php (zip and tar)


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Hi, I written this a long time ago, my intention was for my aunt's restaurant, but I guess it was never used. I dig it up somewhere from my files, I took quite some time to write this (although this is in PHP), ie you must have a apache, or lighttpd (php environment) to run it. But I consulted my aunt for a large part of this. I think many ideas and applications can be a good fundamental to start with. Most of all, I don't want it to be wasted. By any chance if someone is looking for a PHP application that could probably be used online, not restricted to restaurant, a bookstore db, or anything, feel free to edit and change to suit your needs. I have the original mysql version, as well as the sqlite version. I guess it would take some time for the environmental variables to be fixed too.

Thanks for letting me share this.



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