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dynamic drop-down list with unique option selected name


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Hi everyone!


I have a form which sets its values from a $_POST of itself or defaults values which I manually set.

What I'd like is to build the drop-down list dynamically. So for that, I want it to display in the first option

selected either a default value (here large) or the $_POST('fontSize') you'll see in the following code.

And if the $_POST('fontSize') or the defaukt value is selected in the first option tag so this value SHOULD NOT appear

again in the drop-down list. And that's where I block.


<form action="monform.php" method="post">
    <label for="fontSize">Taille :</label>
    <select id="fontSize" name="fontSize">


        $post_size = 25;

        $size_list = array(
                    20 => 'tiny', 
                    25 => 'small', 
                    30 => 'medium', 
                    40 => 'large'

        foreach ($size_list as $size => $name) {
            if(intval($post_size) == $size){
                echo "<option value='".$size."' selected='selected'>".$name."</option>";
                echo "<option value='".$size."'>".$name."</option>";




Thganks a lot in advance for your help!

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you got some code wrong you are putting the $key where $value should be.





        $post_size = 25;

        $size_list = array(
                    20 => 'tiny', 
                    25 => 'small', 
                    30 => 'medium', 
                    40 => 'large'

        foreach ($size_list as $size => $name) {
            if(intval($post_size) === $name){
                echo "<option value='".$name."' selected='selected'>".$name."</option>";
                echo "<option value='".$name."'>".$name."</option>";


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Thanks darkfreaks for you interest.


Though it still doesn't work but check this out, this code is cleaner but I still have the duplicate name in the list that I would like to dynamically get rid!  :)


<form action="test.php" method="post">
    <label for="fontSize">Taille :</label>
    <select id="fontSize" name="fontSize">


        $post_size = intval(isset($_POST['fontSize'])? $_POST['fontSize'] : 25);

        $size_list = array(
                    20 => 'tiny', 
                    25 => 'small', 
                    30 => 'medium', 
                    40 => 'large'

        foreach ($size_list as $size => $name) {
            echo "<option value='".$size."'". ($post_size == $size? " selected='selected'" : "") .">".$name."</option>";


    <input name="submit" type="submit" value="envoyer" />

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oh ok, so I tried with your last code but it doesn't work, what do you think it comes from?


<form action="test.php" method="post">
    <label for="fontSize">Taille :</label>
    <select id="fontSize" name="fontSize">


        $post_size = intval(isset($_POST['fontSize'])? $_POST['fontSize'] : 25);

        $size_list = array(
                    20 => 'tiny', 
                    25 => 'small', 
                    30 => 'medium', 
                    40 => 'large'

	foreach($size_list as $size => $name) {

		$selected = ($type= $post_size==$name) ? "selected='selected'" : "";

		echo "<option value='".$name."' ".$selected.">".$name."</option>";



    <input name="submit" type="submit" value="envoyer" />


Thanks a lot for your help!

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I use the dots and doublequotes only for a clearer view of my code because this list is only a part or my page so if I can have my variables highlighted it makes it easier to see 'em at a glance.


To get back on this code, not only it displays the duplicated selected name in the drop down, but also when I submit the form, the selected element is always large  :confused: I'm confused, this code is supposed to be easy but I'm relly having a big headache here. I might be tired  :-[

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changed your ternary  it was abit off.....




$post_size = isset($_POST['fontSize']) ? intval($_POST['fontSize']) : 25;

        $size_list = array(
                    20 => 'tiny', 
                    25 => 'small', 
                    30 => 'medium', 
                    40 => 'large'
foreach($size_list as $size => $name) {
$selected = ($type= $post_size===$name) ? "selected='selected'" : "";	
echo "<option value='".$name."' ".$selected.">".$name."</option>";





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Thanks now it's working properly when submitted.


However I start to wonder if this is possible to have this for instance:


<selected>  Large








<selected>  Tiny






No more duplicate! But I guess it's not possible, maybe using some js, but in that case I prefer not.



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There aren't necessarily any duplicates. It's the way dropdowns work.


The selected option is displayed in the "box". When you press the mouse button it drops down and displays all the options with the selected one highlighted in the list.


The way round is probably to write your own dropdown component, or modify with JS, so that it exhibits a different behaviour

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<form action="test.php" method="post">
<label for="fontSize">Taille :</label>
<select id="fontSize" name="fontSize">

$post_size = intval(isset($_POST['fontSize'])? $_POST['fontSize'] : 25);

$size_list = array(
20 => 'tiny',
25 => 'small',
30 => 'medium',
40 => 'large'

// output the selected/default option -
echo "<option value='$post_size' selected='selected'>{$size_list[$post_size]}</option>";
foreach($size_list as $size => $name){
// output the remainider of the non-selected options -
if($post_size !=$size){
	echo "<option value='$size'>$name</option>";

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Thanks a lot to all of you for your help.


As I already imagined and as Barand confirms, there is no way around, this is just the way the box is designed.

If I want to make it my way, js is my answer but right now I'm not interested in that solution so I'll keep it like that.


Again thanks to all of you  :D

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