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Error when sorting files in directory


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Hey guys, I'm receiving the following error when trying to sort files in a directory: PHP Warning:  filemtime() [<a href='function.filemtime'>function.filemtime</a>]: stat failed for Late Fee's.pdf in \index.php on line 137


$dirPath = './live'; 
$dirFiles = array();
function mtime_sort($a, $b) {
if (filemtime($a) == filemtime($b))
    return 0;
  return (filemtime($a) > filemtime($b)) ? -1 : 1;
if ($handle = opendir($dirPath)) {
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
	if (eregi("\.pdf",$file) || eregi("\.txt",$file) || eregi("\.jpg",$file)){
                $dirFiles[] = $file;
usort($dirFiles, 'mtime_sort');
foreach($dirFiles as $file)
    echo "<li><a href='".$file."'>".substr($file, 0, -4)."</a></li>\n";


This is line 137

if (filemtime($a) == filemtime($b))

. I've tried numerous things, but I'm still running into this error.


Any suggestions?  :-\



~ SarahB ~

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It could be a permissions issue. Does it work on other files? Do the files have different permissions set?



if (eregi("\.pdf",$file) || eregi("\.txt",$file) || eregi("\.jpg",$file)){
     $dirFiles[] = $file;


This is one of the most ridiculous file-type checks I've ever seen. All you are doing is checking that one of those strings exists anywhere in the filename. So, ANicePicture.jpgJustKiddingImAVirus.exe is perfectly valid and passes your check.


Aside from the fact that your regex doesn't work, checking the filename doesn't do any good, because the filename is not indicative of the filetype. You need to be checking the MIME type, with something like fileinfo.

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All of the files in the directory are giving me this error.


The file-type check is set to only display those file-types in the directory. There are other file-types in the directory, but since it's password protected we shouldn't have a Justkiddingimavirus.exe issue.


It could be a permissions issue. Does it work on other files? Do the files have different permissions set?



if (eregi("\.pdf",$file) || eregi("\.txt",$file) || eregi("\.jpg",$file)){
     $dirFiles[] = $file;


This is one of the most ridiculous file-type checks I've ever seen. All you are doing is checking that one of those strings exists anywhere in the filename. So, ANicePicture.jpgJustKiddingImAVirus.exe is perfectly valid and passes your check.


Aside from the fact that your regex doesn't work, checking the filename doesn't do any good, because the filename is not indicative of the filetype. You need to be checking the MIME type, with something like fileinfo.

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I have updated the code to what you have provided below darkfreaks, but I am receiving the same error.


function filetime_callback($a, $b)
  if (filemtime($a) === filemtime($b)) return 0;// always use identical comparison
  return filemtime($a) < filemtime($b) ? -1 : 1; 

// Then sort with usort()
usort($files, "filetime_callback");

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I did a quick Google search for "filemtime stat failed". The first result was to a post on this forum for the same issue and the second result was to the PHP manual for that function which also has a reference to the error. Both results would give you the reason for the error.


Per the manual for filemtime()





    Path to the file.


Note the text I colored in red. Your function to get the file list readdir() returns the following:

Returns the name of the next entry in the directory. The entries are returned in the order in which they are stored by the filesystem.


You need the complete path and file name for filemtime(). I woud suggest using glob() to get the files because 1) It returns the complete path AND 2) you can set it to only get the .pdf files by default and not need to check the extensions AND 3) It makes the code much more compact.

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$dirPath = './live'; 

function mtime_sort($a, $b)
    if (filemtime($a) == filemtime($b)) { return 0; }
    return (filemtime($a) > filemtime($b)) ? -1 : 1;

//Get PDF files from directory and sort
$dirFiles = glob($dirPath.'/*.pdf');
usort($dirFiles, 'mtime_sort');

foreach($dirFiles as $file)
    echo "<li><a href='".$file."'>".substr($file, 0, -4)."</a></li>\n";

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Thanks for your help Psycho (and everyone else), I really appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me.




I did a quick Google search for "filemtime stat failed". The first result was to a post on this forum for the same issue and the second result was to the PHP manual for that function which also has a reference to the error. Both results would give you the reason for the error.


Per the manual for filemtime()





    Path to the file.


Note the text I colored in red. Your function to get the file list readdir() returns the following:

Returns the name of the next entry in the directory. The entries are returned in the order in which they are stored by the filesystem.


You need the complete path and file name for filemtime(). I woud suggest using glob() to get the files because 1) It returns the complete path AND 2) you can set it to only get the .pdf files by default and not need to check the extensions AND 3) It makes the code much more compact.

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