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PHP Form, XML response


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Hi there. I'm trying to integrate with a payment gateway API, and as I'm fairly new to PHP, I'm having some trouble to proceed.


Basically, I have a form that goes to a specific URL (submitting URL). From the documentation: "Request information is submitted to payment platform with HttpsClient , and submitting mode is POST."


There is the customer-registration.php file, which requires the functions.php file that contains the information to md5-encrypt a string composed of several variables from the form. There is also a notify-url.php file which is the redirection page after registering a user.


Some variables are passed to the submitting URL on the payment server, but the XML response I get from there displays empty nodes for 3 variables that I should read back in order to complete the process (dateRegister, registerId and activationURL)


XML Response from the payment server:


<remark>Invalid MD5Info</remark>


The customer-registration.php file looks like this:


<title>Customer Registration</title>


$dateRequest="20120918073500";//AUTOMATE THIS!

$address="123 North Ave.";

$md5Key="44q9dn7WCUrLHgi8bPsdiBIlLi6WaHI0"; //MD5 key
$crrurl="https://paymentdomain.com/xcp/register.jsp"; //Request submitting URL



<form method="post" action="<?php echo $crrurl; ?>">

<input type=hidden name="merNo" value="<?php echo $merNo; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="dateRequest" value="<?php echo $dateRequest; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="language" value="<?php echo $language; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="notifyURL" value="<?php echo $notifyURL; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="md5Info" value="<?php echo $md5Info; ?>">

<input type=hidden name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="cardNumber" value="<?php echo $cardNumber; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="firstName" value="<?php echo $firstName; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="lastName" value="<?php echo $lastName; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="phone" value="<?php echo $phone; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="zipCode" value="<?php echo $zipCode; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="address" value="<?php echo $address; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="city" value="<?php echo $city; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="state" value="<?php echo $state; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="country" value="<?php echo $country; ?>">

<INPUT TYPE="submit" value="submit">




Right now, I'm passing the pre-declared variables as hidden text inputs (later I'll change that so it's an actual user input form)


The functions.php file looks like this:


$merNo = $_POST["merNo"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$cardNumber = $_POST["cardNumber"];
$dateRequest = $_POST["dateRequest"];
$md5Key="44q9dn7WCUrLHgi8bPsdiBIlLi6WaHI0"; //MD5 key

function MD5Encrypt($merNo,$email,$cardNumber,$dateRequest,$md5Key)
$str = "$merNo|$email|$cardNumber|$dateRequest|$md5Key";
$encryptedMD5 = md5($str);
return $encryptedMD5;

$completeurl = "https://paymentdomain.com/xcp/register.jsp";
$xml = simplexml_load_file($completeurl);

$operation = $xml->operation;
$resultCode = $xml->resultCode;
$merNo = $xml->merNo;
$email = $xml->email;
$cardNumber = $xml->cardNumber;
$dateRegister = $xml->dateRegister;
$registerId = $xml->registerId;
$activationURL = $xml->activationURL;
$remark = $xml->remark;
$md5Info = $xml->md5Info;

function verifyMD5($resultCode,$merNo,$email,$cardNumber,$registerId,$dateRegister,$activationURL,$md5Key, $md5Info)
$str = "$resultCode|$merNo|$email|$cardNumber|$registerId|$dateRegister|$activationURL|$md5Key";
  $encryptedMD5 = md5($str);
//echo $str."<BR>";
//echo "Generated CheckSum: ".$encryptedMD5."<BR>";
//echo "Received Checksum: ".$md5Info."<BR>";
  if($encryptedMD5 == $md5Info)
return "true" ;
return "false" ;


I'm not sure if I'm retrieving the XML response correctly. As per the API docs: "Response information is returned to client?s platform as XML."


And lastly, the notify-url.php file looks like this:


<title>Notify URL</title>


$md5Key = "44q9dn7WCUrLHgi8bPsdiBIlLi6WaHI0" ; //put in the 32 bit alphanumeric key in the quotes provided here

$retval = verifyMD5 ($resultCode,$merNo,$email,$cardNumber,$registerId,$dateRegister,$activationURL,$md5Key);

if($retval == "true" && $resultCode == "1")
echo "Thank you for shopping with us. Your credit card has been charged and your transaction is successful. We will be shipping your order to you soon.";

//Here you need to put in the routines for a successful 
//transaction such as sending an email to customer,
//setting database status, informing logistics etc etc

else if($retval == "true" && $resultCode == "0")
echo "Thank you for shopping with us. However it seems your credit card transaction failed.";

//Here you need to put in the routines for a failed
//transaction such as sending an email to customer
//setting database status etc etc

else if($retval == "true" && $resultCode == "2")
echo "Account was registered before, only Card Information has been added";

//Here you need to put in, the routines for a HIGH RISK 
//transaction such as sending an email to customer and explaining him a procedure,
//setting database status etc etc

echo "Security Error. Illegal access detected";

//Here you need to simply ignore this and dont need
//to perform any operation in this condition



So, basically I would like to see if the logic is right at this point and then figure out why does the response from the payment server is not complete. As stated there: "Invalid MD5Info"


Thank you very much for any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated!

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