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Php Form Help


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Hi all


I have a problem setting up my subscription form. I am unfortunately not that great at php :(


Please take a look at this site:

coomit.com/test/under_construction.html (sorry about the language.. I'm from Denmark)


I need the following to happen:

  1. When a person enters an email address in the subscribe form, and clicks the button, the subscribe form and text just above should disappear, and a 'thank you note' should appear there instead. Can anyone make that happen?


I have attached the following pages (see below):

  • subscribe_under_construction.php
  • under-construction.js

The "thank you message" that should appear when the subscribe button is pressed, works in my php contact form on this page: coomit.com/test/contact.html (when the contact form is filed out and button pressed).

Please be so kind and take a look at how the thank you message there works. I would like it to work the same way on the under construction page.


Can anyone help me with this? It would really make my day! SmileBulb.gif




            $to     = 'info@coomit.com';
            $subject = 'En ny nyhedsbrev-tilmelding fra Coomit!';
            $headers = "From:" . $_POST['email'];

            mail($to, $subject, $headers);
            header ("Location: under_construction.html");





               // Tooltips
/* Adding a colortip to any tag with a title attribute: */                $('[data]').colorTip({color:'yellow'});                
});                /*
               Count down until any date script-
               By Javascript Kit (www.javascriptkit.com)
               Over 200+ free scripts here!
               Modified by Robert M. Kuhnhenn, D.O.
               on 5/30/2006 to count down to a specific date AND time,
               and on 1/10/2010 to include time zone offset.
/* Change the items below to create your countdown target date and announcement once the target date and time are reached. */
               var current="Coomit er nu live! Tryk på logoet i toppen.";     //—>enter what you want the script to display when the target date and time are reached, limit to 20 characters
               var year=2012;     //—>Enter the count down target date YEAR
               var month=10;         //—>Enter the count down target date MONTH
               var day=14;         //—>Enter the count down target date DAY
               var hour=9;         //—>Enter the count down target date HOUR (24 hour clock)
               var minute=00;     //—>Enter the count down target date MINUTE
               var tz=+2;         //—>Offset for your timezone in hours from UTC (see http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/index.htm to find the timezone offset for your location)                //—> DO NOT CHANGE THE CODE BELOW! <—
               var montharray=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec");                
function countdown(yr,m,d,hr,min){
               var today=new Date();
               var todayy=today.getYear();
               if (todayy < 1000) { todayy+=1900; }
               var todaym=today.getMonth();
               var todayd=today.getDate();
               var todayh=today.getHours();
               var todaymin=today.getMinutes();
               var todaysec=today.getSeconds();
               var todaystring1=montharray[todaym]+" "+todayd+", "+todayy+" "+todayh+":"+todaymin+":"+todaysec;
               var todaystring=Date.parse(todaystring1)+(tz*1000*60*60);
               var futurestring1=(montharray[m-1]+" "+d+", "+yr+" "+hr+":"+min);
               var futurestring=Date.parse(futurestring1)-(today.getTimezoneOffset()*(1000*60));
               var dd=futurestring-todaystring;
               var dday=Math.floor(dd/(60*60*1000*24)*1);
               var dhour=Math.floor((dd%(60*60*1000*24))/(60*60*1000)*1);
               var dmin=Math.floor(((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))/(60*1000)*1);
               var dsec=Math.floor((((dd%(60*60*1000*24))%(60*60*1000))%(60*1000))/1000*1);
               else {
               }                countdown(year,month,day,hour,minute);



Thanks very much!

Edited by Pikachu2000
Removed links to another help forum.
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