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Resetting Variable Before Each Listing From Sql


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With limited php/sql skills im trying to change some code so it fits my project.




Of these 3 listings only the 1 with ID 6 got all fields stored with data in SQL. For ID 4 and 5 the table listing for "Third build" is empty in SQL. But when listing the data for "Third build" is kept in memory from ID 6 and repost the information for ID 4 and 5.


I think the problem is within the php code generating the listing and its as this:


// commons

define("IN_PHPRAID", true);



// page authentication





* Setup Record Output Information for Data Table


// Set StartRecord for Page

if(!isset($_GET['Base']) || !is_numeric($_GET['Base']))

$startRecord = 1;


$startRecord = scrub_input($_GET['Base']);


// Set Sort Field for Page








$sortField = scrub_input($_GET['Sort']);




// Set Sort Descending Mark

if(!isset($_GET['SortDescending']) || !is_numeric($_GET['SortDescending']))

$sortDesc = 0;


$sortDesc = scrub_input($_GET['SortDescending']);


$pageURL = 'roster.php?';


* End Record Output Setup for Data Table



// for now, we'll let everyone view the character list

$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $phpraid_config['db_prefix'] . "chars";

$result = $db_raid->sql_query($sql) or print_error($sql, $db_raid->sql_error(), 1);

$chars = array();


// get all the chars and throw them in that nice array for

// output by the report class

while($data = $db_raid->sql_fetchrow($result, true)) {

$sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM " . $phpraid_config['db_prefix'] . "profile WHERE profile_id=%s", quote_smart($data['profile_id']));

$data_result = $db_raid->sql_query($sql) or print_error($sql, $db_raid->sql_error(), 1);

$data_profdetail = $db_raid->sql_fetchrow($data_result);

$data['name'] = utf8_check($data['name']);


// if ($phpraid_config['enable_armory'])

// $charname = get_armorychar($data['name'], $data['guild']);

// else

$charname = $data['name'];


// Get the Internationalized data to display from the database values:

foreach ($wrm_global_races as $global_race)

if ($data['race'] == $global_race['race_id'])

$race = $phprlang[$global_race['lang_index']];


foreach ($wrm_global_classes as $global_class)

if ($data['class'] == $global_class['class_id'])

$class = $phprlang[$global_class['lang_index']];


foreach($wrm_global_specs as $global_spec)


if($data['pri_spec'] == $global_spec['spec']) $pri_spec = $phprlang[$global_spec['lang_index']];

if($data['sec_spec'] == $global_spec['spec']) $sec_spec = $phprlang[$global_spec['lang_index']];

if($data['thi_spec'] == $global_spec['spec']) $thi_spec = $phprlang[$global_spec['lang_index']];



// Get the Guild Name to Display instead of Just the ID

$sql = sprintf("SELECT guild_name FROM " . $phpraid_config['db_prefix'] . "guilds WHERE guild_id=%s",quote_smart($data['guild']));

$guild_result = $db_raid->sql_query($sql) or print_error($sql, $db_raid->sql_error(), 1);

$guild_data = $db_raid->sql_fetchrow($guild_result, true);

$guild_name = $guild_data['guild_name'];





'Name'=> $charname,













'Profile'=>'<a href="admin/admin_usermgt.php?mode=details&user_id=' . $data['profile_id'] . '">' . $data_profdetail['username'] . '</a>'





if(scrub_input($_SESSION['priv_configuration'] != 1))







* Code to setup for a Dynamic Table Create: roster1 View.


$viewName = 'roster1';


//Setup Columns

$roster_headers = array();

$record_count_array = array();

$roster_headers = getVisibleColumns($viewName);


//Get Record Counts

$roster_record_count_array = getRecordCounts($chars, $raid_headers, $startRecord);


//Get the Jump Menu and pass it down

$rosterJumpMenu = getPageNavigation($chars, $startRecord, $pageURL, $sortField, $sortDesc);


//Setup Default Data Sort from Headers Table

if (!$initSort)

foreach ($roster_headers as $column_rec)

if ($column_rec['default_sort'])

$sortField = $column_rec['column_name'];


//Setup Data

$chars = paginateSortAndFormat($chars, $sortField, $sortDesc, $startRecord, $viewName);



* Data Assign for Template.


$wrmsmarty->assign('roster_data', $chars);

$wrmsmarty->assign('roster_jump_menu', $rosterJumpMenu);

$wrmsmarty->assign('column_name', $roster_headers);

$wrmsmarty->assign('roster_record_counts', $roster_record_count_array);




'roster_header' => $phprlang['roster_header'],

'sort_url_base' => $pageURL,

'sort_descending' => $sortDesc,

'sort_text' => $phprlang['sort_text'],





// Start output of page







Edited by Alper
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