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Warning: Mysqli_Query() Expects Parameter 1 To Be Mysqli, Null Given

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Hello —


This is probably one of the most common mysqli errors out there, but it has appeared on my webpage. The problem is on line 10. This file is used as a global functions file - so I can essentially use db_query(INSERT INTO...) in a different page and have the function run.


For security reasons I have removed the actual usernames and such from the code, and it is pasted below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


// Function to connect to the database.
function db_connect() {
$dbc = mysqli_connect('host','user','********','db');

// Function to run database queries.
function db_query($q) {
global $dbc;
$dbq = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); // ERROR OCCURS HERE
if(!$dbq) {
return false;
} else {
$r = mysqli_store_result($link);

The function parameter $q gives it a query. For example, in another file register.php, I have


db_query("INSERT INTO user_accounts (firstname, lastname, email, username, reg_timestamp, verification_code, vcode_expire) VALUES ('$fn', '$ln', '$e1', '$un', $time, $v, $vcexp)");


where $fn, $ln, $e1 and $un are filled in by the user on a form. $time, $v and $vcexp are generated automatically.


The code above is just a function for use in other files.

The 1st parameter is the mysqli link.


The original error is because $dbc is not a global variable and doesn't exist outside of the db_connect(){} function. To get your existing code to 'work', you would need to return the connection resource from the db_connection() function and assign it to a $dbc variable in the main program's scope.

Edited by PFMaBiSmAd

^^^ if by that you mean you are calling mysqli_connect() right before the mysqli_query() statement, don't. Creating a database connection is a fairly long process. You should not be making a database connection before each query. You should make ONE database connection and use it for the duration of the code on any one page.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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