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Unlinking File Problem


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I am using WAMP to run PHP code and MYSQL database


So, I am working on a project that involves setting up a user with a profile picture. I was able to add a profile picture easily, but then as I realized I should implement a way to delete the old profile picture BEFORE changing to a new uploaded image by the user otherwise my directory will fill up with old pictures which is not what I want for a future application online with limited storage.


Anyways, before I post my code, I must state that all of the folders involved have read and write permissions (no .htaccess involved).


Here is the (delete_old_prof_img) function code :

function delete_old_prof_img($user_id)
 $old_path = mysql_query("SELECT `prof_img` FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = " . (int)$user_id); // Find the old profile image
 if($old_path == "") // If it has nothing in the profile iamge column just return true
	 return true;
 else if(unlink($old_path) == true && $old_path !== "") // If it is succesfully removed and the old path doesn't equal an empty string
	 mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `prof_img` = '' WHERE `old_prof_img` = '" . $old_path . "'"); // Reset the profile image column
	 return true;
 else // If image couldn't be removed just return false
	 return false;


When I tried copying the $old_path into the mysql database into a column it returns "Resource id#14."


The weirdest thing that I noticed was that the unlink function works fine if I put in the relative location such as


. Although, when I run the "delete_old_prof_img" function, the image in my directory is not removed, and it returns false.


The database has the correct relative link to the location of the file in the 'prof_img'.


Here is the page code it is used in. Please notice this is an nested conditional within others dealing with the html form.


$allowed = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png'); // Allowed extensions to be uploaded
$file_name = $_FILES['prof_img']['name']; // File name of the image uploaded
$file_extn = strtolower(end(explode('.', $file_name))); // File extension of the image uploaded
$file_temp = $_FILES['prof_img']['tmp_name']; // The temporary file name

 if (in_array($file_extn, $allowed) === true) // If the file uploaded is in the list of those allowed to be uploaded, continue.
		 if(delete_old_prof_img($session_user_id) == true) // If the old image is deleted, continue.
			 change_prof_img($session_user_id, $file_temp, $file_extn); // Change the profile image to the newly uploaded one.
			 header('Location: settings.php?upload_success'); // Return to a success page.
			 exit(); // Exit
		 else if(delete_old_prof_img($session_user_id) == false) // If the old image cannot be deleted, continue.
			   header('Location: settings.php?upload_failure'); // Return to a failure page.
			   exit(); // Exit
	    else // First time uploading
			   change_prof_img($session_user_id, $file_temp, $file_extn); // Change profile image
			   header('Location: settings.php?upload_success'); // Return to success page.
			   exit(); // Exit
	 $errors[] = 'Incorrect file type. Allowed: ' . implode(', ', $allowed); // Put errors in the error array if not allowed file types, to be returned later.


I have turned on error reporting, but nothing has come up. Any redesign is appreciated, if this can be more simplified. Thank you for your time.

Edited by flapjacksmike
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Here is change_prof_img:


function change_prof_img($user_id, $file_temp, $file_extn)
 $file_path = 'images/profile/' . substr(md5(time()),0,10) . '.' . $file_extn; // Assigning the file path for the newly uploaded image
 move_uploaded_file($file_temp, $file_path); // Move the temporary file of the uploaded file to the new file path
 mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET `prof_img` = '" . $file_path . "' WHERE `user_id` = " . (int)$user_id); // Put this new file path into the 'prof_img' column.

Edited by flapjacksmike
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Never mind. I had figured it out, when I checked errors my $session_user_id was an undefined variable so I had to declare it at the top of the page as a global variable, and changed delete_old_prof_img as follows:


$old_path = mysql_query("SELECT `prof_img` FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = " . (int)$user_id);
$old_path = (mysql_num_rows($old_path)==0) ? false : mysql_result($old_path,0);
if($old_path !== false)
return true;
return false;


Then it appears to have worked, I will run some further testing, and the previous image is now being deleted from the directory. Thank you for your help.

Edited by flapjacksmike
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