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Fultext is most likely the most advanced can get with it, with indexing can fetch fairly fast results depending on the amount of data.

Not sure if you looked into all the operators or weighting methods.




Take a look into sphinx, it can provide some advanced and also fast search results.



I wrote a few posts for fulltext search and gave some examples on some advanced search and multiple dynamic queries.


You can use what's called stemming to include the plural words as well within the search results.



And for mysql the Porter stemmer is popular to use



You can use a thesaurus, produce an array of similar definition words and provide all the results.


As for ending in ing, es, ed, etc.. , would need to make word associations, could be time consuming to create, or can try using a wildcard with *


Wordnik has a free thesaurus api you can use, has some limitations, is a pro version too.



Is also wordnet that can do them, is an online version, also can install your own local version.



It would take a real long time to explain how exactly I do my various searches, but I use sphinx to search for links, mysql fulltext in booleon mode for my simple site search, and then if are a member I let them use various advanced searches to narrow down exactly what they need.


Here's a simple search using a combination of wordnick thesaurus with also my own local version of wordnet as suggestions.

Instead of suggestions like I did, you could add the same into a query. I chose not to because some of the meanings are most likely not what they are looking for.



One last item that may be of interest to you is ajax based suggestions, which could also be used as the query.




Personally your best bet may be using sphinx, it's well documented and also articles written to do additional or special searches with it.

someone made a class that has pluralize and singular in it.




Here is a fixed version



/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Akelos PHP Application Framework									 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Akelos Media, S.L.  http://www.akelos.com/  |
// | Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License				 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | You should have received the following files along with this library |
// | - COPYRIGHT (Additional copyright notice)						    |
// | - DISCLAIMER (Disclaimer of warranty)							    |
// | - README (Important information regarding this library)			  |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+

* Inflector for pluralize and singularize English nouns.
* This Inflector is a port of Ruby on Rails Inflector.
* It can be really helpful for developers that want to
* create frameworks based on naming conventions rather than
* configurations.
* It was ported to PHP for the Akelos Framework, a
* multilingual Ruby on Rails like framework for PHP that will
* be launched soon.
* @author Bermi Ferrer Martinez
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2002-2006, Akelos Media, S.L. http://www.akelos.org
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since 0.1
* @version $Revision 0.1 $
class Inflector
   // ------ CLASS METHODS ------ //

   // ---- Public methods ---- //

   // {{{ pluralize()

   * Pluralizes English nouns.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    string    $word    English noun to pluralize
   * @return string Plural noun
   function pluralize($word)
    $plural = array(
    '/(quiz)$/i' => '\1zes',
    '/^(ox)$/i' => '\1en',
    '/([m|l])ouse$/i' => '\1ice',
    '/(matr|vert|ind)ix|ex$/i' => '\1ices',
    '/(x|ch|ss|sh)$/i' => '\1es',
    '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i' => '\1y',
    '/([^aeiouy]|qu)y$/i' => '\1ies',
    '/(hive)$/i' => '1s',
    '/(?[^f])fe|([lr])f)$/i' => '\1\2ves',
    '/sis$/i' => 'ses',
    '/([ti])um$/i' => '\1a',
    '/(buffal|tomat)o$/i' => '\1oes',
    '/(bu)s$/i' => '\1ses',
    '/(alias|status)/i'=> '\1es',
    '/(octop|vir)us$/i'=> '\1i',
    '/(ax|test)is$/i'=> '\1es',
    '/s$/i'=> 's',
    '/$/'=> 's');

    $uncountable = array('equipment', 'information', 'rice', 'money', 'species', 'series', 'fish', 'sheep');

    $irregular = array(
    'person' => 'people',
    'man' => 'men',
    'child' => 'children',
    'sex' => 'sexes',
    'move' => 'moves');

    $lowercased_word = strtolower($word);

    foreach ($uncountable as $_uncountable){
	    if(substr($lowercased_word,(-1*strlen($_uncountable))) == $_uncountable){
		    return $word;

    foreach ($irregular as $_plural=> $_singular){
	    if (preg_match('/('.$_plural.')$/i', $word, $arr)) {
		    return preg_replace('/('.$_plural.')$/i', substr($arr[0],0,1).substr($_singular,1), $word);

    foreach ($plural as $rule => $replacement) {
	    if (preg_match($rule, $word)) {
		    return preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $word);
    return false;


   // }}}
   // {{{ singularize()

   * Singularizes English nouns.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    string    $word    English noun to singularize
   * @return string Singular noun.
   function singularize($word)
    $singular = array (
    '/(quiz)zes$/i' => '\1',
    '/(matr)ices$/i' => '\1ix',
    '/(vert|ind)ices$/i' => '\1ex',
    '/^(ox)en/i' => '\1',
    '/(alias|status)es$/i' => '\1',
    '/([octop|vir])i$/i' => '\1us',
    '/(cris|ax|test)es$/i' => '\1is',
    '/(shoe)s$/i' => '\1',
    '/(o)es$/i' => '\1',
    '/(bus)es$/i' => '\1',
    '/([m|l])ice$/i' => '\1ouse',
    '/(x|ch|ss|sh)es$/i' => '\1',
    '/(m)ovies$/i' => '\1ovie',
    '/(s)eries$/i' => '\1eries',
    '/([^aeiouy]|qu)ies$/i' => '\1y',
    '/([lr])ves$/i' => '\1f',
    '/(tive)s$/i' => '\1',
    '/(hive)s$/i' => '\1',
    '/([^f])ves$/i' => '\1fe',
    '/(^analy)ses$/i' => '\1sis',
    '/((a)naly|(b)a|(d)iagno|(p)arenthe|(p)rogno|(s)ynop|(t)he)ses$/i' => '\1\2sis',
    '/([ti])a$/i' => '\1um',
    '/(n)ews$/i' => '\1ews',
    '/s$/i' => '',

    $uncountable = array('equipment', 'information', 'rice', 'money', 'species', 'series', 'fish', 'sheep');

    $irregular = array(
    'person' => 'people',
    'man' => 'men',
    'child' => 'children',
    'sex' => 'sexes',
    'move' => 'moves');

    $lowercased_word = strtolower($word);
    foreach ($uncountable as $_uncountable){
	    if(substr($lowercased_word,(-1*strlen($_uncountable))) == $_uncountable){
		    return $word;

    foreach ($irregular as $_plural=> $_singular){
	    if (preg_match('/('.$_singular.')$/i', $word, $arr)) {
		    return preg_replace('/('.$_singular.')$/i', substr($arr[0],0,1).substr($_plural,1), $word);

    foreach ($singular as $rule => $replacement) {
	    if (preg_match($rule, $word)) {
		    return preg_replace($rule, $replacement, $word);

    return $word;

   // }}}
   // {{{ titleize()

   * Converts an underscored or CamelCase word into a English
   * sentence.
   * The titleize function converts text like "WelcomePage",
   * "welcome_page" or  "welcome page" to this "Welcome
   * Page".
   * If second parameter is set to 'first' it will only
   * capitalize the first character of the title.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    string    $word    Word to format as tile
   * @param    string    $uppercase    If set to 'first' it will only uppercase the
   * first character. Otherwise it will uppercase all
   * the words in the title.
   * @return string Text formatted as title
   function titleize($word, $uppercase = '')
    $uppercase = $uppercase == 'first' ? 'ucfirst' : 'ucwords';
    return $uppercase(Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($word)));

   // }}}
   // {{{ camelize()

   * Returns given word as CamelCased
   * Converts a word like "send_email" to "SendEmail". It
   * will remove non alphanumeric character from the word, so
   * "who's online" will be converted to "WhoSOnline"
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @see variablize
   * @param    string    $word    Word to convert to camel case
   * @return string UpperCamelCasedWord
   function camelize($word)
    return str_replace(' ','',ucwords(preg_replace('/[^A-Z^a-z^0-9]+/',' ',$word)));

   // }}}
   // {{{ underscore()

   * Converts a word "into_it_s_underscored_version"
   * Convert any "CamelCased" or "ordinary Word" into an
   * "underscored_word".
   * This can be really useful for creating friendly URLs.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    string    $word    Word to underscore
   * @return string Underscored word
   function underscore($word)
    return  strtolower(preg_replace('/[^A-Z^a-z^0-9]+/','_',

   // }}}
   // {{{ humanize()

   * Returns a human-readable string from $word
   * Returns a human-readable string from $word, by replacing
   * underscores with a space, and by upper-casing the initial
   * character by default.
   * If you need to uppercase all the words you just have to
   * pass 'all' as a second parameter.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    string    $word    String to "humanize"
   * @param    string    $uppercase    If set to 'all' it will uppercase all the words
   * instead of just the first one.
   * @return string Human-readable word
   function humanize($word, $uppercase = '')
    $uppercase = $uppercase == 'all' ? 'ucwords' : 'ucfirst';
    return $uppercase(str_replace('_',' ',preg_replace('/_id$/', '',$word)));

   // }}}
   // {{{ variablize()

   * Same as camelize but first char is underscored
   * Converts a word like "send_email" to "sendEmail". It
   * will remove non alphanumeric character from the word, so
   * "who's online" will be converted to "whoSOnline"
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @see camelize
   * @param    string    $word    Word to lowerCamelCase
   * @return string Returns a lowerCamelCasedWord
   function variablize($word)
    $word = Inflector::camelize($word);
    return strtolower($word[0]).substr($word,1);

   // }}}
   // {{{ tableize()

   * Converts a class name to its table name according to rails
   * naming conventions.
   * Converts "Person" to "people"
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @see classify
   * @param    string    $class_name    Class name for getting related table_name.
   * @return string plural_table_name
   function tableize($class_name)
    return Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::underscore($class_name));

   // }}}
   // {{{ classify()

   * Converts a table name to its class name according to rails
   * naming conventions.
   * Converts "people" to "Person"
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @see tableize
   * @param    string    $table_name    Table name for getting related ClassName.
   * @return string SingularClassName
   function classify($table_name)
    return Inflector::camelize(Inflector::singularize($table_name));

   // }}}
   // {{{ ordinalize()

   * Converts number to its ordinal English form.
   * This method converts 13 to 13th, 2 to 2nd ...
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @param    integer    $number    Number to get its ordinal value
   * @return string Ordinal representation of given string.
   function ordinalize($number)
    if (in_array(($number % 100),range(11,13))){
	    return $number.'th';
	    switch (($number % 10)) {
		    case 1:
		    return $number.'st';
		    case 2:
		    return $number.'nd';
		    case 3:
		    return $number.'rd';
		    return $number.'th';

   // }}}



I didn't make that script.


But i may have an answer for moves.


if is a noun, it's move, if is a verb it's moves.


Either way there are many missing from the script, here are over 100 for instances









These remain the same plural and singular













I haven't seen an all working solution that's 100% correct when it comes to making a word plural or singular.

There will even be variations or accepted usages of plural forms depending where it originates.

Edited by QuickOldCar
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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