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header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
<form action="img.php?user=" .$user. "&img=". $img" method="post">
<input name="user" type="text" />
<select name="img">
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="purple">Purple</option>
<option value="pink">Pink</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

$user = $_POST['user'];
$img = $_POST['img'];

//Skill Grabs
$order = array("Overall",

$user = $_GET['user']; //Change this to the variable (Or a string literal) that contains the username
$get = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$user");
$get = explode("\n", $get);
$i = 0;

foreach ($order as $key => $value)
 $value = strtolower($value);
 $temp = explode(",", $get[$i]);
 $temp = array("rank" => $temp[0], "level" => $temp[1], "exp" => $temp[2]);
 $stats[$value] = $temp;
 $eval = "\$$value = array(\$temp[\"rank\"], \$temp[\"level\"], \$temp[\"exp\"]);";

//End Skill Grabs

// specify the file name - you can use a full path, or "../../" type stuff here
// if the image is not in the same directory as this code file
$image = imagecreatefrompng("http://xpcentralrs.co.uk/hiscores/signatures/".$_GET['img'].".png");

// specify the font size

// in this case, the color is white, but you can replace the numbers with the RGB values
// of any color you want
$color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255);

// and now we do the overlay - the layers of text start top to bottom, so
// the drop shadow comes first

// $image - the base image file we specified above
// $font_size - Well duh. Its the size of the font
// 0 - the angle of the text - we don't want an angle, so we leave it at 0
// 55 - pixels to the right from the leftmost part of the image
// 35 - pixels down from the top of the image
// $black - the color we defined above
// "../fonts/ARIALBD.TTF" - the location on the server that the font can be found
// "Test Text" - the text we're overlaying - you can also use a variable here

ImageTTFText ($image, "7", 0, 280, 10, $color, "arial.ttf","XP CENTRAL");

ImageTTFText ($image, "12", 0, 240, 55, $color, "arial.ttf",$user);

if($overall[0]==-1){ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 230, 105, $color, "arial.ttf","NOT RANKED");}else{ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 240, 105, $color, "arial.ttf",$overall[0]);}

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$attack[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$strength[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$defence[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$hitpoints[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$ranged[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$prayer[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$magic[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$cooking[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$woodcutting[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$fletching[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$fishing[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$firemaking[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$crafting[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$smithing[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$mining[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$herblore[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$agility[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$thieving[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$slayer[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$farming[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$runecraft[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$construction[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$hunter[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$summoning[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$dungeoneering[1]);

// Now add the actual white text "on top"

header("Content-type: image/png");


Whats wrong with that





And to get someones stats at











Im confused at this

form action="img.php?user=


shouldnt that be:

form action="signature.php?user=

Edited by jammie6789
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<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />


Also before it becomes an issue, your form action I'm not seeing where you are getting your variables from for it and you are not escaping $img correctly

Edited by SocialCloud

Everything that you post needs a name="" to identify it. by giving your submit button a name, the if(isset($_POST['submit'])) will work correctly.


Also after you solve the submit button crisis, change

<form action="img.php?user=" .$user. "&img=". $img" method="post">


<form action="img.php?user=" .$user. "&img=" .$img. "" method="post">

Edited by SocialCloud

header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
<form action="img.php?user=" .$user. "&img=". $img" method="post">
<input name="user" type="text" />
<select name="img">
<option value="blue" name="blue" >Blue</option>
<option value="red" name="red" >Red</option>
<option value="purple" name="purple ">Purple</option>
<option value="pink" name="pink" >Pink</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" />

$user = $_POST['user'];
$img = $_POST['img'];

//Skill Grabs
$order = array("Overall",

$user = $_GET['user']; //Change this to the variable (Or a string literal) that contains the username
$get = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$user");
$get = explode("\n", $get);
$i = 0;

foreach ($order as $key => $value)
	 $value = strtolower($value);
	 $temp = explode(",", $get[$i]);
	 $temp = array("rank" => $temp[0], "level" => $temp[1], "exp" => $temp[2]);
	 $stats[$value] = $temp;
	 $eval = "\$$value = array(\$temp[\"rank\"], \$temp[\"level\"], \$temp[\"exp\"]);";

//End Skill Grabs

// specify the file name - you can use a full path, or "../../" type stuff here
// if the image is not in the same directory as this code file
$image = imagecreatefrompng("http://xpcentralrs.co.uk/hiscores/signatures/".$_GET['img'].".png");

// specify the font size

// in this case, the color is white, but you can replace the numbers with the RGB values
// of any color you want
$color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255);

// and now we do the overlay - the layers of text start top to bottom, so
// the drop shadow comes first

// $image - the base image file we specified above
// $font_size - Well duh. Its the size of the font
// 0 - the angle of the text - we don't want an angle, so we leave it at 0
// 55 - pixels to the right from the leftmost part of the image
// 35 - pixels down from the top of the image
// $black - the color we defined above
// "../fonts/ARIALBD.TTF" - the location on the server that the font can be found
// "Test Text" - the text we're overlaying - you can also use a variable here

ImageTTFText ($image, "7", 0, 280, 10, $color, "arial.ttf","XP CENTRAL");

ImageTTFText ($image, "12", 0, 240, 55, $color, "arial.ttf",$user);

if($overall[0]==-1){ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 230, 105, $color, "arial.ttf","NOT RANKED");}else{ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 240, 105, $color, "arial.ttf",$overall[0]);}

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$attack[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$strength[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$defence[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$hitpoints[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$ranged[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$prayer[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$magic[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$cooking[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$woodcutting[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$fletching[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$fishing[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$firemaking[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$crafting[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$smithing[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$mining[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$herblore[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$agility[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$thieving[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$slayer[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$farming[1]);

ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$runecraft[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$construction[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$hunter[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$summoning[1]);
ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$dungeoneering[1]);

// Now add the actual white text "on top"

header("Content-type: image/png");


I have that now ^^


What should go on img.php :o:confused:

$_POST['username'] = 'zezima';
$username = $_GET['username'];
    $username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));
$website = file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);
$stats = explode("\n", $website);
$overall = explode(",", $stats[0]);
$stat['att'] = explode(",", $stats[1]);
$stat['def'] = explode(",", $stats[2]);
$stat['str'] = explode(",", $stats[3]);
$stat['hp'] = explode(",", $stats[4]);
$stat['rng'] = explode(",", $stats[5]);
$stat['pry'] = explode(",", $stats[6]);
$stat['mag'] = explode(",", $stats[7]);
$stat['ck'] = explode(",", $stats[8]);
$stat['wc'] = explode(",", $stats[9]);
$stat['flt'] = explode(",", $stats[10]);
$stat['fsh'] = explode(",", $stats[11]);
$stat['fm'] = explode(",", $stats[12]);
$stat['cra'] = explode(",", $stats[13]);
$stat['smi'] = explode(",", $stats[14]);
$stat['min'] = explode(",", $stats[15]);
$stat['her'] = explode(",", $stats[16]);
$stat['ag'] = explode(",", $stats[17]);
$stat['th'] = explode(",", $stats[18]);
$stat['sl'] = explode(",", $stats[19]);
$stat['frm'] = explode(",", $stats[20]);
$stat['rc'] = explode(",", $stats[21]);
$stat['hun'] = explode(",", $stats[22]);
$stat['cs'] = explode(",", $stats[23]);

$image_link = 'http://xpcentralrs.co.uk/stats.png';
$image = imagecreatefrompng($image_link);
//this is the font. You must include the filetype
$font = 'arial.ttf';
$font_colour = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
$font_size = 10;
// x axis
//first number is x position for column 1
//second number is x position for cloumn 2
//third number is x position for column 3
//fourth number is x position for column 4
//fifth number is x position for column 5
$x = array('28', '80', '135', '188', '240');
// y axis
//first number is y position for row 1
//second number is y position for row 2
//third number is y position for row 3
//fourth number is y position for row 4
//fifth number is y position for row 5
$y = array('20', '45', '66', '90', '115');
$i = '0';
$a = '0';
foreach($stat as $s_key => $value){
    imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x[$a], $y[$i], $font_colour, $font , $value[1]);
    if($i == '5'){
		    $i = '0';
imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, '230', '100', $font_colour, $font , 'overall:' . $overall[1]);
imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, '250', '120', $font_colour, $font , $username);
header('Content-type: image/png');


whats wrong with that

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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