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Heya guys,


We're soon officially releasing our new project but I am unsure about how vulnerable it is, so I'm hoping you can help me out?



The site is not in English, so I figured if you want to help me I must explain to you what it actually is. So the site basically is a catalog type of thing where people upload their unneeded old stuff in order to sell it. And we have narrowed it down to a very few categories, based on most common needs.




On the index page you have the logo, which is still not added ( waiting for our photoshop guru to show up ) and just below it you can find the "add advertisement" button. ( I'm not sure if advertisement is the correct word but well .. ). Below that is the menu with the categories and at the bottom are the most recent advertisements


You can get to the search page by clicking on an item from the categories menu, then a new menu with subcategories will show up and you just pick one. The search page is where the most url variables are passed and I think where the most vulnerable part is supposed to be. Although if you use google chrome to translate the index page you're gonna have a bad time, getting <fonts> all over the url.


Anyway, here's the website URL, I have everything backed up so don't worry to mash things up, and I would really appreciate your help!


[text file received via PM]

Edited by Pikachu2000
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It's Bulgarian, but having google translate the index page you can't get a correct search query, and I have used an error handler that just says "An error occured, refresh or contact us" precisely for security purposes

Edited by Manixat
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