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Online Survey With Random Questions Group Variables


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Hi to all


i am trying to create a right variable so can display random questions. Let me explain feather


My first question is a checkbox questions with 5 answers.


every answer have a 5 more group questions.


I need a variables code to do this:


Every time the user checks (in first checkbox) the answer 1 and 3 the code automatically selected to display the group of 1 or 3 (not the 2 together)


The same philosophy must have and the outher questions, if the answer (on first) is 2, 4 and 5 must display the group of question 2 or 4 or 5.


Thanks a lot!

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actialy my site is build in joomla 2.5.8 and the program i use the RSForm Pro component.


All the variables is display in one php file:




* @version 1.4.0

* @package RSform!Pro 1.4.0

* @copyright © 2007-2011 www.rsjoomla.com

* @license GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html



// no direct access

defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );


class RSFormProValidations


function none($value,$extra=null,$data=null)


return true;



function alpha($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


if(strpos($param,"\n") !== false)

$param = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),'',$param);



if(strpos($extra,$param[$i]) === false && preg_match('#([^a-zA-Z ])#', $param[$i]))

return false;


return true;



function numeric($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


if(strpos($param,"\n") !== false)

$param = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),'',$param);



if (strpos($extra,$param[$i]) === false && !is_numeric($param[$i]))

return false;


return true;



function alphanumeric($param,$extra = null,$data=null)


if(strpos($param,"\n") !== false)

$param = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),'',$param);



if(strpos($extra,$param[$i]) === false && preg_match('#([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])#', $param[$i]))

return false;


return true;



function alphaaccented($value, $extra=null, $data=null) {

if (preg_match('#[^[:alpha:] ]#u', $value)) {

return false;


return true;



function alphanumericaccented($value, $extra=null, $data=null) {

if (preg_match('#[^[:alpha:]0-9 ]#u', $value)) {

return false;


return true;



function email($email,$extra=null,$data=null)




$email = trim($email);

return JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($email);



function emaildns($email,$extra=null,$data=null)


// Check if it's an email address format

if (!RSFormProValidations::email($email,$extra,$data))

return false;


$email = trim($email);

list($user, $domain) = explode('@', $email, 2);


// checkdnsrr for PHP < 5.3.0

if (!function_exists('checkdnsrr') && function_exists('exec') && is_callable('exec'))


@exec('nslookup -type=MX '.escapeshellcmd($domain), $output);

foreach($output as $line)

if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($domain).'/',$line))

return true;


return false;



// fallback method...

if (!function_exists('checkdnsrr') || !is_callable('checkdnsrr'))

return true;


return checkdnsrr($domain, substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' ? 'A' : 'MX');



function uniquefield($value, $extra=null,$data=null)


$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

$form = JRequest::getVar('form');

$formId = (int) @$form['formId'];


$db->setQuery("SELECT `SubmissionValueId` FROM #__rsform_submission_values WHERE FormId='".$formId."' AND `FieldName`='".$db->getEscaped($data['NAME'])."' AND `FieldValue`='".$db->getEscaped($value)."'");

return $db->loadResult() ? false : true;



function uniquefielduser($value, $extra=null,$data=null)


$db =& JFactory::getDBO();

$form = JRequest::getVar('form');

$formId = (int) @$form['formId'];

$user =& JFactory::getUser();


$db->setQuery("SELECT sv.`SubmissionValueId` FROM #__rsform_submission_values sv LEFT JOIN #__rsform_submissions s ON (sv.SubmissionId=s.SubmissionId) WHERE sv.FormId='".$formId."' AND sv.`FieldName`='".$db->getEscaped($data['NAME'])."' AND sv.`FieldValue`='".$db->getEscaped($value)."' AND (".($user->get('guest') ? "s.`UserIp`='".$db->getEscaped($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])."'" : "s.`UserId`='".(int) $user->get('id')."'").")");

return $db->loadResult() ? false : true;



function uszipcode($value)


return preg_match("/^([0-9]{5})(-[0-9]{4})?$/i",$value);



function phonenumber($value)


return preg_match("/\(?\b[0-9]{3}\)?[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}\b/i", $value);



function creditcard($value,$extra=null,$data=null)


$value = preg_replace ('/[^0-9]+/', '', $value);

if (!$value)

return false;


if (preg_match("/^([34|37]{2})([0-9]{13})$/", $value)) // Amex

return true;


if (preg_match("/^([30|36|38]{2})([0-9]{12})$/", $value)) // Diners

return true;


if (preg_match("/^([6011]{4})([0-9]{12})$/", $value)) // Discover

return true;


if (preg_match("/^([51|52|53|54|55]{2})([0-9]{14})$/", $value)) // Master

return true;


if (preg_match("/^([4]{1})([0-9]{12,15})$/", $value)) // Visa

return true;


return false;



function custom($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


if(strpos($param,"\n") !== FALSE)

$param = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),'',$param);



if(strpos($extra,$param[$i]) === false)

return false;


return true;



function password($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


if ($data['DEFAULTVALUE'] == $param)

return true;


return false;



function ipaddress($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


return preg_match('#\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b#', $param, $match);



function validurl($param,$extra=null,$data=null)


$format =

'/^(https?):\/\/'. // protocol

'(([a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\'\(\),;\?&=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+'. // username

'(:([a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\'\(\),;\?&=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})+)?'. // password

'@)?(?#'. // auth requires @

')((([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]\.)*'. // domain segments AND

'[a-z][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]'. // top level domain OR


'(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'. // IP address

')(:\d+)?'. // port

')(((\/+([a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\'\(\),;:@&=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*)*'. // path

'(\?([a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\'\(\),;:@&=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*)'. // query string

'?)?)?'. // path and query string optional

'(#([a-z0-9$_\.\+!\*\'\(\),;:@&=-]|%[0-9a-f]{2})*)?'. // fragment



return preg_match($format, $param, $match);



function regex($value,$pattern=null,$data=null)


return preg_match($pattern, $value);


function registrationCode($param,$extra=null)


$validCodes = array('AAAA','BBBB','CCCC','DDDD');

$bul = true;

foreach($validCodes as $validCode)

if(strtolower($validCode) == strtolower($param))


$bul = true;

//verify if this was used before

$db = &JFactory::getDBO();

$db->setQuery("SELECT `SubmissionId` FROM #__rsform_submission_values WHERE `FieldValue` = '".$param."' AND `FormId` = '".intval($_POST['form']['formId'])."' LIMIT 1");

$tmp = $db->loadResult();


$bul = false;




$bul = false;

return $bul;




Can you help me from here?

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My first question is about departments:

  1. butcher shop
  2. Fruit
  3. Department sausage / cheese cutter (Delicatessen)
  4. fish market
  5. Packaged food and cleaning


Then i have 5 questions for each departments:


For the butcher shop i have the folow questions

  1. The meat was fresh - i name it meet1
  2. The meat quality was - i name it meet2
  3. The butcher serve you well on that you needed - i name it meet3
  4. The butcher gave you advice about baking - i name it meet4
  5. There was good variety in terms of types of butcher - i name it meet5



What to i do to make each departments questions a group &


My first questions


i am trying to create a right variable so can display random questions. Let me explain feather

My first question is a checkbox questions with 5 answers.

every answer have a 5 more group questions.

I need a variables code to do this:

Every time the user checks (in first checkbox) the answer 1 and 3 the code automatically selected to display the group of 1 or 3 (not the 2 together)

The same philosophy must have and the outher questions, if the answer (on first) is 2, 4 and 5 must display the group of question 2 or 4 or 5.


I hope to understand

Thanks a lot!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I already do this but I don’t know if is correct…

$meetgroup[ ] = "meet1";
$meetgroup[ ] = "meet2";
$meetgroup[ ] = "meet3";
$meetgroup[ ] = "meet4";
$meetgroup[ ] = "meet5";
$fruitgroup[ ] = "fruit1";
$fruitgroup[ ] = "fruit2";
$fruitgroup[ ] = "fruit3";
$fruitgroup[ ] = "fruit4";
$fruitgroup[ ] = "fruit5";
$delicatgroup[ ] = "delicat1";
$delicatgroup[ ] = "delicat2";
$delicatgroup[ ] = "delicat3";
$delicatgroup[ ] = "delicat4";
$delicatgroup[ ] = "delicat5";
$fishgroup[ ] = "fish1";
$fishgroup[ ] = "fish2";
$fishgroup[ ] = "fish3";
$fishgroup[ ] = "fish4";
$fishgroup[ ] = "fish5";
$pfcgroup[ ] = "pfc1";
$pfcgroup[ ] = "pfc2";
$pfcgroup[ ] = "pfc3";
$pfcgroup[ ] = "pfc4";
$pfcgroup[ ] = "pfc5";

    $answers = a1(a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) ;	 // could be $_POST['answers']
    $random_group = $answers[array_rand($meetgroup, $fruitgroup, $delicatgroup, $fishgroup, $pfcgroup)];
    echo $random_group;

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I have zero experience of Joomla so I couldn't be of much help there. Here's a solution using an ini-type file, but you could substitute a db solution. The main thing is the method.


The questions file

meat="Butcher shop"
delicat="Department sausage / cheese cutter (Delicatessen)"
fish="Fish market"
pfc="Packaged food and cleaning"

1="The meat was fresh"
2="The meat quality was good"
3="The butcher serve you well on that you needed"
4="The butcher gave you advice about baking"
5="There was good variety in terms of types of meat"

1="The fruit was fresh"
2="The fruit quality was good"
3="The grocer serve you well on that you needed"
4="The grocer gave you advice about baking"
5="There was good variety in terms of types of fruit"

1="Deli question 1"
2="Deli question 2"
3="Deli question 3"
4="Deli question 4"
5="Deli question 5"

1="Fish question 1"
2="Fish question 2"
3="Fish question 3"
4="Fish question 4"
5="Fish question 5"

1="PFC question 1"
2="PFC question 2"
3="PFC question 3"
4="PFC question 4"
5="PFC question 5"


the code

if (isset($_POST['group'])) {
   if ($_POST['group']=='0') {
    // initial questions so get one group at random
    // from the answers
    $group = $_POST['answers'][array_rand($_POST['answers'])];
   else {
    $group = $_POST['group'];
    // save group and answers to DB here
    exit ("Thank you for your response");
else {
   // nothing posted yet so display initial questions
   $group = '0';

$questionsArray = parse_ini_file('questions.txt',1);

$questions = '<h3>' . $questionsArray['0'][$group] . '</h3>';
foreach ($questionsArray[$group] as $k => $q) {
   $questions .= "<input type='checkbox' name='answers[]' value='$k'> $q<br />\n";
<form method="post">
<input type='hidden' name='group' value="<?php echo $group?>" />
<?php echo $questions?>
<br />
<input type='submit' name='btnSubmit' value='Submit' />

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