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How To Make The Graph Value Based On Total Sales For Each Month


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im using this code to show total sales based on each month



$sql="SELECT * FROM `boooking`";
$result=mysql_query($sql) or die("Cannot execute sql.");

$query = "SELECT month, SUM(admission_price) FROM boooking GROUP BY month"; 

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

// Print out result
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo "Total  ". $row['month']. " = RM ". $row['SUM(admission_price)'];
echo "<br />";


and i have found a coding to build a graph. here is it


# ------- The graph values in the form of associative array
 "Jan" => 120,
 "Feb" => 130,
 "Mar" => 215,
 "Apr" => 81,
 "May" => 310,
 "Jun" => 110,
 "Jul" => 190,
 "Aug" => 175,
 "Sep" => 390,
 "Oct" => 286,
 "Nov" => 150,
 "Dec" => 196


# ---- Find the size of graph by substracting the size of borders
$graph_width=$img_width - $margins * 2;
$graph_height=$img_height - $margins * 2; 

$gap= ($graph_width- $total_bars * $bar_width ) / ($total_bars +1);

# -------  Define Colors ----------------

# ------ Create the border around the graph ------


# ------- Max value is required to adjust the scale -------
$ratio= $graph_height/$max_value;

# -------- Create scale and draw horizontal lines  --------

 $y=$img_height - $margins - $horizontal_gap * $i ;
 $v=intval($horizontal_gap * $i /$ratio);


# ----------- Draw the bars here ------
for($i=0;$i< $total_bars; $i++){ 
 # ------ Extract key and value pair from the current pointer position
 $x1= $margins + $gap + $i * ($gap+$bar_width) ;
 $x2= $x1 + $bar_width; 
 $y1=$margins +$graph_height- intval($value * $ratio) ;




can anyone help me, how to make the graph value based on the total sales for each month ?

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I've prepared an example using my table of daily rainfall amounts as I had no idea of how you are storing your dates.


In the HTML I created an IMG tag where the SRC is the php file creating the dynamic graph image and pass the year in the querystring.



<title>Sample Graph</title>
<h3>Rainfall 2011</h3>

<img src='graph1.php?year=2011' alt="Rainfall chart" />



In graph1.php I get the year and query the rainfall table to get monthly totals for that year and store the values in the $values array with the month names as the keys and the totals as the values.




$year = intval($_GET['year']);

$sql = "SELECT
   DATE_FORMAT(raindate, '%b') as mname,
   MONTH(raindate) as mth,
   SUM(rain) as totrain
FROM rainfall
WHERE YEAR(raindate) = $year
GROUP BY mth";

$values = array();

* create $values array
* from the query
$res = $mysqli->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error ($mysqli));

while ($row = $res->fetch_assoc()) {
   $values[$row['mname']] = $row['totrain'];


# ---- Find the size of graph by substracting the size of borders
$graph_width=$img_width - $margins * 2;
$graph_height=$img_height - $margins * 2;

$gap= ($graph_width- $total_bars * $bar_width ) / ($total_bars +1);

# -------  Define Colors ----------------

# ------ Create the border around the graph ------


# ------- Max value is required to adjust the scale -------
$ratio= $graph_height/$max_value;

# -------- Create scale and draw horizontal lines  --------

 $y=$img_height - $margins - $horizontal_gap * $i ;
 $v=intval($horizontal_gap * $i /$ratio);


# ----------- Draw the bars here ------
for($i=0;$i< $total_bars; $i++){
 # ------ Extract key and value pair from the current pointer position
 $x1= $margins + $gap + $i * ($gap+$bar_width) ;
 $x2= $x1 + $bar_width;
 $y1=$margins +$graph_height- intval($value * $ratio) ;



Do not forget to destroy the image (imagedestroy()) after outputting.

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here is my table structure.

CREATE TABLE `boooking` (
`name` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
`address` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`phone` int(20) NOT NULL,
`ic` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`plate` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`day` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`month` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`years` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`washtime` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`wash` int(20) NOT NULL,
`normalpolish` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`specialpolish` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`wax` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`vacuum` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`admission_price` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`referenceno` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`time` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`date` varchar(20) NOT NULL,

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That's a mess!. You seem over-fond of varchar, yet "phone" which should be a varchar, you have as integer!


price should be DECIMAL. Dates and times should be DATE/TIME/DATETIME.


Not sure about your month field - is it a month number or month name? If it's name, how do you sort them.


Are the day, month and years fields the same as in your date field?. If so,why hold both?


Can you list a couple of sample records?

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sorry.im still noob. the day month year table is a date for appointment date because i'm using list view form for it. the month value in list form is january, february and so on. year is 2000,2001,2003 and so on and day is 1,2,3,4 and so on. admission_price is the total price of the services. i want to to build the graph based on month and admission_price



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It doesn't get any better. The date column has no relation to the day/month/years columns.


If you group by your month column then you will get the months in this order


| mname |
| Apr |
| Aug |
| Dec |
| Feb |
| Jan |
| Jul |
| Jun |
| Mar |
| May |
| Nov |
| Oct |
| Sep |


I think you have a bit of table redesign to do before you can do much useful with that data.

Edited by Barand
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