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Aliasing Shared Folder on Remote Server


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I am experiencing a problem with alaised network shared folder with Apache 2.2.3.  My Apache is able to serve all pages that reside on the same server.  User sees error "404 - File Not Found" when user clicks on links that point to files that are in the remote shared folder.

In the Apache error.log, it shows

  [Tue Nov 14 09:44:45 2006] [error] [client 1xx.1xx.2xx.xxx] File does not exist: C:/Pk7/FD, referer: ...

If I read this correctly, Apache is ignoring the alias and treating FD as a subfolder under its Document Root.

Have I missed configuring any other Apache configuration files?

I logon to the Windows 2003 sever that has Apache running with the domain account, WebSvc.  I can see the network drive, K:/FD, that I have mapped to the shared folder FD in My Computer.  I am also able to navigate down the FD folder.

Any pointers and suggestions are greately appreciated.  TIA.


Following are my setup.

I have two Windows 2003 Server 2003 R2 with SP1 under the corp domain.  I have insalled Apache 2.2.3 with SSL on one of these two servers.  The other Windows 2003 server is a Resource Server.

On the Resource Server,

  1) created a shared folder with shared name FD.
  2) Added the domain account, WebSvc, in the FD properties under Security tab with Full Control.
  3) Added the domain account, WebSvc, to the Share Permission in the FD properties under Sharing tab with Full Control.

On Apache Sever 2.2.3 with SSL,

  1) Added the domain account, WebSvc, to the Administrators group.
  2) In the Apache2 Service properties, added WebSvc to the "Log on as: This account" and typed in its password.

Following is my partial entries in the conf\httpd.conf.

  DocumentRoot "C:/PK7"

  <Directory "C:/PK7">
      Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride None
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all

  <IfModule alias_module>

      # Alias: Maps web paths into filesystem paths and is used to
      # access content that does not live under the DocumentRoot.
      # Example:
      # Alias /webpath /full/filesystem/path
      # If you include a trailing / on /webpath then the server will
      # require it to be present in the URL.  You will also likely
      # need to provide a <Directory> section to allow access to
      # the filesystem path.
      Alias /icons/ "C:/Apache/Apache2.2.3/icons/"

      <Directory "C:/Apache/Apache2.2.3/icons">
          Options Indexes MultiViews
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all

      Alias /FD/ "K:/FD/Home/"

      Alias /cf/ "C:/CFusionMX7/TEMPLATE/"

      <Directory "C:/CFusionMX7/TEMPLATE/">
          Options Indexes MultiViews
          AllowOverride None
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all

      Alias /MA/ "C:/PK7/Misc/MA/"



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I edited the conf\httpsdconf for Alias FD to the following.

Alias /FD/ "K:/FD/Home"

<Directory "K:/FD/Home">
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Apache server service failed to restart.  The event log shows.

      "K:/FD/Home" path is invalid.

I logon to the Windows 2003 server with Apache as WebSvc to trouble shoot.

1) I was able to see the network drivs K: in My Computer, and I could navigate down the folder.
2) I typed in the Command Prompt:

C:> net use
Status shows OK.    Local shows K:, and Remote shows \\ResourceServer\FileDir

3) To access the subfolders under FileDir, I typed

C:> cd K:\Task1\Memos\Std

it came back with

C:>.  No error or any other message. 

At the C:>, I typed

C:> K:

it displayed


  I am puzzled at the 3) above.  Do you have any suggestions?
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I have resolved this problem.  I am here posting my solution for those who may run into this same issue in Windows Server 2003.

I changed

      Alias /FD/ "K:/FD/Home/"


      Alias /FD/ "//ResourceServer/MyShareFolder/FD/Home/"


  1. The same network drive mapping alias runs fine on my Windows 2000 servers. 

  2. I would be very interested to know if this network drive mapping issue is the result of beefed up securities in MS Windows server 2003 R2 SP1.
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