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So to get started somewhere i decided to build auth class. How good is this? how secure? What would you do to improve it? Thx


Some info:

  • phpass is used from password hashing
  • many things/features aren't finished


class UserAuth{

   * User name
   * @var mixed
   private $userName;

   * User email
   * @var mixed
   private $userEmail;

   * User password
   * @var mixed
   private $userPassword;

   * Database handler
   * @var PDO 
   private $dbh;

   * Hashed password
   * @var PasswordHash
   private $hasher=null;

   * Holds session object
   * @var Session
   private $session;

   public function __construct()
       $this->hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false); 
       $this->dbh=new PDO('mysql:dbname=auth;host=localhost','root','ssdksdskdj'); 
       $this->session=new Session();

    * Set user input data
    * @param string $userName
    * @param string $userEmail
    * @param string $userPassword
   public function setData($userName=null, $userEmail=null, $userPassword=null)

    * Check  is user logged in or not
    * @return boolean
   public function isLoggedIn()
           return true;
           return false;

   * Insert new user in db
   * @return bool If user is inserted returns true
   public function register()
       //get hashed password using phpass library


          //hash fail if its below 20 chars
          if(strlen($hash) > 20){

              //user data

               $sth = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO users (userName, userPassword, userEmail) value (?, ?, ?)");

                   return true;
                   throw new Exception('Faild to insert user!');
               throw new Exception('Hash faild');

       catch(Exception $e){
           echo '<p>Something bad happend!</p>'; 
           //todo: after this save error 


   * Login user into system
   * @return boolen Returns true if user was succesufully logged in 

   public function login()
       //grabb user data
       $sth=$this->dbh->prepare("SELECT userId,userName,userEmail,userPassword FROM users WHERE userName=?");


           //if we've got something go

               //compare passwords           
               $result=$this->hasher->CheckPassword($this->userPassword, $userData['userPassword']);

               //if fine store user id in session

                   //if user is not already logged in then proceed


                       //insert user data into loggedin table

                       $sth = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO loggedinusers (loggedInUser, loggedInSession, loggedInToken) value (?, ?, ?)");
                           return true;
               throw new Exception('Faild to retrive data from db!');
       catch(Exception $e){
           echo '<p>Something bad happend!</p>'; 
           //todo: after this save error

   * Logout user

   public function logout()
           //check is user logged in

               //delete session data
               $sth=$this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM loggedinusers WHERE loggedInUser=?");


                   //unset session
                   return true;
                   throw new Exception('Session data was not deleted!');
       catch(Exception $e){
           echo '<p>Something bad happend!</p>'; 
           //todo: after this save error

    * Check that a users session is legitimate
    * @return boolean

   public function checkSession()
           //grabb session data
           $sth=$this->dbh->prepare("SELECT loggedInSession,loggedInToken FROM loggedinusers WHERE loggedInUser=?");




                   //get current session ID
                   if($session_id == $sessionData['loggedInSession']) {
                           //Id and token match, refresh the session for the next request
                           return true;
                   throw new Exception('Faild to retrive data from db!');
           catch(Exception $e){
               echo '<p>Something bad happend!</p>';

    * Refresh current session id and update databse with new session data
   private function refreshSession()
           //Regenerate id
           //Regenerate token
           $random = $this->randomString();
           //Build the token
           $token = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $random;
           $token = $this->hashToken($token); 

           //Store in session
           $this->session->currentToken = $token;

           //delete previous data
           //delete session data
           $sth=$this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM loggedinusers WHERE loggedInUser=?");


                //insert new info
                $sessionDataInsert = $this->dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO loggedinusers (loggedInUser, loggedInSession, loggedInToken) value (?, ?, ?)");

                   return true;

   * Return hashed string
   * @return string
   private function hashToken()
       $token = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $this->randomString();
       $result = hash_hmac('sha512', $token, 'opjsd4ersdfsadfasdfasdfasdfdfgziqwopjasodjjsdgfw7ezr6342wezrw734');
       return $result;    

   * Return random string with max lenght of 50 chars (default)
   * @param int $length
   * @return string $string
   private function randomString($length = 50)
       $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
       $string = '';    

       for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
           $string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)];

       return $string;

class Session {

   const SECRET='sodifpsodfuspiodf748p5ćoićt3495349eort';
   private $hash;
   private $key;
   private $test;

   public function __construct()
       $this->hash=md5(dirname(__FILE__) . self::SECRET);
       $this->key='sess_' . $this->hash;

   * Creat new session and set value 
   * @param mixed $name
   * @param mixed $value
   public function __set($name,$value) 
       $_SESSION[$this->key][$name] = $value;

   public function & __get($name) 
       return $_SESSION[$this->key][$name];

   public function __isset($name) 
       return isset($_SESSION[$this->key][$name]);

   public function __unset($name) 

   public function unsetAll() 

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