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comparing to table problem


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Good evening. Sorry for the poor title but i have no idea really what i should call it.


I have a script that simply extracts the results from a table that match the day of the week. So today would be 6 so if any items match 6 then they will be echoed out.


However there is a option when adding items to select witch days you wish to item to be included so if you select more than 1 then the value in the table is not 6 it could be 16 or 36 so when i use the WHERE to look for items that match the day it see's 36 or 16 and does not return anything.


My question is, is there a way to WHERE for items that include a 6? so even if the result returned is 36 or 1236 it would recognize there is a 6 in the string.


I hope the above make sense. I know what i mean in my head, just having a hard time explaining it.


Thanks in advance.


Aka Lister471

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